Reasoning Questions for Indian Bank PO Mains
Directions (1-5): Study the information and queue the given questions:
There are eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H who all are sitting around a square table facing towards the center. They get off on different festivals i.e. Diwali, Holi, republic day, Christmas, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Dussehra & Onam but not necessarily in the same order. Four of them are sitting at the corners and rest in the middle of the sides.
C is not sitting at any corner. The one who gets off on Dussehra sits immediate left to the one who gets off on Holi. Three people sit between the one who gets off on Diwali and D, who gets off on independence day. B does not gets off on republic day. H sits immediate left of D. E, sits diagonally opposite to G. The one who gets off on republic day sits diagonally opposite to the one who gets off on Christmas. H does not gets off on republic day.. G does not gets off on Onam or republic day and he does not sit next to A. C, who gets off on Holi sits 2nd to left of the one who gets off on Diwali . A does not sit next to C and he does not gets off on Diwali. The one who gets off on Gandhi Jayanti sits 2nd to the left of D.
Q1. Who among the following sits diagonally opposite to the one who gets off on Dussehra.?
Q2. If Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and thus form a group. Who is the one that does not belong to that group?
Q3.Which among the following festivals does A gets off on?
Q4. Which among the following pair represents those who are the immediate neighbors of B?
Q5.If all of them are made to sit in an alphabetical order starting from A in clockwise direction , then how many persons remain at their original positions (excluding A)?
Directions (6-10): Study the following information to queue the given questions: A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input: 87 power 13 tide park 25 around 36 58 union 79 parle
Step I: 131 87 power tide park around 36 58 union 79 parle 252
Step II: around 131 87 power tide 36 58 union 79 parle 252 park
Step III: 363 around 131 87 power tide union 79 parle 252 park 584
Step IV: parle 363 around 131 87 tide union 79 252 park 584 power
Step V: 795 parle 363 around 131 tide union 252 park 584 power 876
Step VI: tide 795 parle 363 around 131 252 park 584 power 876 union
Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input for the questions.
Input: quiz 9 rough 71 guest 19 deep 43 57 sanctity 94 light
Q6. How many steps would be needed to complete the arrangement?
Input: quiz 9 rough 71 guest 19 deep 43 57 sanctity 94 light
Step I: 91 quiz rough 71 guest deep 43 57 sanctity 94 light 192
Step II: deep 91 quiz rough 71 43 57 sanctity 94 light 192 guest
Step III: 433 deep 91 quiz rough 71 sanctity 94 light 192 guest 574
Step IV: light 433 deep 91 rough 71 sanctity 94 192 guest 574 quiz
Step V: 715 light 433 deep 91 rough sanctity 192 guest 574 quiz 946
Step VI: rough 715 light 433 deep 91 192 guest 574 quiz 946 sanctity
Q7. What will the addition of the numbers which is first when considered from the left end in step II and 3rd when considered from the right end in step IV?
Input: quiz 9 rough 71 guest 19 deep 43 57 sanctity 94 light
Step I: 91 quiz rough 71 guest deep 43 57 sanctity 94 light 192
Step II: deep 91 quiz rough 71 43 57 sanctity 94 light 192 guest
Step III: 433 deep 91 quiz rough 71 sanctity 94 light 192 guest 574
Step IV: light 433 deep 91 rough 71 sanctity 94 192 guest 574 quiz
Step V: 715 light 433 deep 91 rough sanctity 192 guest 574 quiz 946
Step VI: rough 715 light 433 deep 91 192 guest 574 quiz 946 sanctity
Q8. Which of the following would be the difference of the numbers which is 1st when considered from left end in step IV and 1st when considered from right end in Step II?
Input: quiz 9 rough 71 guest 19 deep 43 57 sanctity 94 light
Step I: 91 quiz rough 71 guest deep 43 57 sanctity 94 light 192
Step II: deep 91 quiz rough 71 43 57 sanctity 94 light 192 guest
Step III: 433 deep 91 quiz rough 71 sanctity 94 light 192 guest 574
Step IV: light 433 deep 91 rough 71 sanctity 94 192 guest 574 quiz
Step V: 715 light 433 deep 91 rough sanctity 192 guest 574 quiz 946
Step VI: rough 715 light 433 deep 91 192 guest 574 quiz 946 sanctity
Q9. Which of the following element will be 6th from the left of 3rd from the right end in step V?
Input: quiz 9 rough 71 guest 19 deep 43 57 sanctity 94 light
Step I: 91 quiz rough 71 guest deep 43 57 sanctity 94 light 192
Step II: deep 91 quiz rough 71 43 57 sanctity 94 light 192 guest
Step III: 433 deep 91 quiz rough 71 sanctity 94 light 192 guest 574
Step IV: light 433 deep 91 rough 71 sanctity 94 192 guest 574 quiz
Step V: 715 light 433 deep 91 rough sanctity 192 guest 574 quiz 946
Step VI: rough 715 light 433 deep 91 192 guest 574 quiz 946 sanctity
Q10. In Step IV, which of the following word/number would be on 4th position (from the left)?
Input: quiz 9 rough 71 guest 19 deep 43 57 sanctity 94 light
Step I: 91 quiz rough 71 guest deep 43 57 sanctity 94 light 192
Step II: deep 91 quiz rough 71 43 57 sanctity 94 light 192 guest
Step III: 433 deep 91 quiz rough 71 sanctity 94 light 192 guest 574
Step IV: light 433 deep 91 rough 71 sanctity 94 192 guest 574 quiz
Step V: 715 light 433 deep 91 rough sanctity 192 guest 574 quiz 946
Step VI: rough 715 light 433 deep 91 192 guest 574 quiz 946 sanctity
Directions (11-15): In each of the questions below, some statements are given followed by conclusions/group of conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume all the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from the commonly known facts and then decide which of the given two conclusions logically follows from the information given in the statements.
Q11. Statements:
Some Park are Egg.
All Park are Queue.
All Egg are Stand.
No Stand is Road.
(a) Some Queue are road
(b) No Queue is Road
No Park is Queue.
Some Queue are Stand.
Some Stand are Road.
All Road are Data
(a) Some Stand are not Park
(b) Some Road are not Park
Some Park are Queue .
Some Stand are Park.
All Park are Road.
No Stand is desk.
(a) Some Road being Park is a possibility.
(b) Some Stand are not Park
Some Park are Queue.
Some Park are Stand.
No Stand is Road.
All Queue is Road.
(a) Some Queue are not Stand
(b) Some Park are Road
All park are queue.
All Stand are park.
Some park are road
(a) Some queue being Stand is a possibility
(b) Some road being park is a possibility.

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