Reasoning Questions for IBPS Clerk
Directions (1-5): Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Six students A, B, C, D, E and F study in different universities i.e. amity, DU, BHU, AMU, IP and Sharda but not necessarily in the same order. Three of them belong to Mumbai and three of them belong to Delhi. The one who belongs to Mumbai does not study in amity and IP. The one who belongs to Delhi does not studies in AMU and Sharda. F belongs to Delhi. B does not belong to the same city as A and does not study in Sharda. C studies in DU. D and E belongs to same city. A and D do not belong to same city. D does not study in Sharda and BHU. A study in Amity.
Q1. A study in which of the following universities?
Q2. Which of the following group of persons represents the one who belong to Mumbai?
Q3. C belongs to which city?
Q4. Which of the following represents the one who studies in BHU?
Q5. Which of the following statement is not true regrading F?
Directions (6-10): Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the following questions given below:
Q6. Which letter is 11th to the right of 9th letter from the left end?
Q7. Which letter is 3rd to the left of 15th letter from the right end?
Q8. Which letter is 9th to the right of 10th letter from the right?
Q9. How many letters are in between the one which is 10th from left end and 15th from right end in the given series?
Q10. Which letter is exactly in the middle between the eighteenth letter from the right end and eighteenth letter from the left end in the given alphabet series?
Direction (11-15): A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearrange them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input: University 23 Alpha 56 Beta 09 Gamma 10 Program 74 Content 81
Step I Beta 09 University 23 Alpha 56 Gamma 10 Program 74 Content 81
Step II Alpha 10 Beta 09 University 23 56 Gamma Program 74 Content 81
Step III Gamma 23 Alpha 10 Beta 09 University 56 Program 74 Content 81
Step IV Content 56 Gamma 23 Alpha 10 Beta 09 University Program 74 81
Step V Program 81 Content 56 Gamma 23 Alpha 10 Beta 09 University 74
Step VI University 74 Program 81 Content 56 Gamma 23 Alpha 10 Beta 09 and step VI is the last step of the arrangement of above input as the intended arrangement is obtained. As per rules followed in the above steps.
Find out in each of following questions the appropriate steps for the given input
Input: Agra 90 Mathura 13 Delhi 28 Mumbai 47 Kanpur 69 Chennai 52
Q11. How many steps would be needed to complete the arrangement?
For words- Words are arranged at left end in increasing order of the number of letters in them and if the number of letters in the word are same then they are arrange according to alphabetical order. The word having least letters is arranged first from left end.
For Numbers- The numbers are placed 2nd from the left end in increasing order in each step. Odd numbers are arranged in odd numbered step and even numbers are arranged in even numbered step.
Input: Agra 90 Mathura 13 Delhi 28 Mumbai 47 Kanpur 69 Chennai 52
Step I Agra 13 90 Mathura Delhi 28 Mumbai 47 Kanpur 69 Chennai 52
Step II Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura Mumbai 47 Kanpur 69 Chennai 52
Step III Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura Mumbai 69 Chennai 52
Step IV Mumbai 52 Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura 69 Chennai
Step V Chennai 69 Mumbai 52 Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura
Step VI Mathura 90 Chennai 69 Mumbai 52 Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13
Q12. What will be the last step of given input?
For words- Words are arranged at left end in increasing order of the number of letters in them and if the number of letters in the word are same then they are arrange according to alphabetical order. The word having least letters is arranged first from left end.
For Numbers- The numbers are placed 2nd from the left end in increasing order in each step. Odd numbers are arranged in odd numbered step and even numbers are arranged in even numbered step.
Input: Agra 90 Mathura 13 Delhi 28 Mumbai 47 Kanpur 69 Chennai 52
Step I Agra 13 90 Mathura Delhi 28 Mumbai 47 Kanpur 69 Chennai 52
Step II Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura Mumbai 47 Kanpur 69 Chennai 52
Step III Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura Mumbai 69 Chennai 52
Step IV Mumbai 52 Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura 69 Chennai
Step V Chennai 69 Mumbai 52 Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura
Step VI Mathura 90 Chennai 69 Mumbai 52 Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13
Q13. In which step will “ 69 Mumbai 52” will appear in the exact sequence?
For words- Words are arranged at left end in increasing order of the number of letters in them and if the number of letters in the word are same then they are arrange according to alphabetical order. The word having least letters is arranged first from left end.
For Numbers- The numbers are placed 2nd from the left end in increasing order in each step. Odd numbers are arranged in odd numbered step and even numbers are arranged in even numbered step.
Input: Agra 90 Mathura 13 Delhi 28 Mumbai 47 Kanpur 69 Chennai 52
Step I Agra 13 90 Mathura Delhi 28 Mumbai 47 Kanpur 69 Chennai 52
Step II Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura Mumbai 47 Kanpur 69 Chennai 52
Step III Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura Mumbai 69 Chennai 52
Step IV Mumbai 52 Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura 69 Chennai
Step V Chennai 69 Mumbai 52 Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura
Step VI Mathura 90 Chennai 69 Mumbai 52 Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13
Q14. In step III what number or word will be at the 6th position from left end?
For words- Words are arranged at left end in increasing order of the number of letters in them and if the number of letters in the word are same then they are arrange according to alphabetical order. The word having least letters is arranged first from left end.
For Numbers- The numbers are placed 2nd from the left end in increasing order in each step. Odd numbers are arranged in odd numbered step and even numbers are arranged in even numbered step.
Input: Agra 90 Mathura 13 Delhi 28 Mumbai 47 Kanpur 69 Chennai 52
Step I Agra 13 90 Mathura Delhi 28 Mumbai 47 Kanpur 69 Chennai 52
Step II Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura Mumbai 47 Kanpur 69 Chennai 52
Step III Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura Mumbai 69 Chennai 52
Step IV Mumbai 52 Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura 69 Chennai
Step V Chennai 69 Mumbai 52 Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura
Step VI Mathura 90 Chennai 69 Mumbai 52 Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13
Q15. What word or number will be 8th position from the right end in step IV?
For words- Words are arranged at left end in increasing order of the number of letters in them and if the number of letters in the word are same then they are arrange according to alphabetical order. The word having least letters is arranged first from left end.
For Numbers- The numbers are placed 2nd from the left end in increasing order in each step. Odd numbers are arranged in odd numbered step and even numbers are arranged in even numbered step.
Input: Agra 90 Mathura 13 Delhi 28 Mumbai 47 Kanpur 69 Chennai 52
Step I Agra 13 90 Mathura Delhi 28 Mumbai 47 Kanpur 69 Chennai 52
Step II Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura Mumbai 47 Kanpur 69 Chennai 52
Step III Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura Mumbai 69 Chennai 52
Step IV Mumbai 52 Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura 69 Chennai
Step V Chennai 69 Mumbai 52 Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13 90 Mathura
Step VI Mathura 90 Chennai 69 Mumbai 52 Kanpur 47 Delhi 28 Agra 13
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