NIACL Assistant Mains, Indian Bank PO Prelims & LIC Housing Finance Exam are scheduled to be held on 6th and 7th of October 2018. As getting through these examinations gets you a step ahead towards your dream job, it must be getting on your nerves for sure. Well, the fact cannot be denied that a banking examination does take one through such an emotional turmoil a few days before it is conducted. At this point in time, one's best bet would be to revise everything she has prepared so far. Also, you have to make sure that you are unladen so that exam stress doesn't take a toll on you at the eleventh hour. Here are the last minute tips that will help you perform to the best of your ability in this examination:
General Tips:
- To make the best use of your knowledge, you should try to get at least 8 hours of sleep during these last days of your preparations.
- Try not to pull an all-nighter a day before the examination, it may affect your ability to concentrate and can also make you unable to recall what you studied for the exam.
- If possible, try exercising for 15 minutes every day because it gets the blood flowing. It resets your brain, increases blood flow to the brain and prepares you for critical thinking and retention.
- Eat healthily as healthy pre-exam nutrition gives you an added edge during exam time.
- Avoid brain blocking foods such as foods made of white flour or those that are high in refined sugar: cookies, cakes, and muffins, chocolates, desserts or candies.
Revision Tips:
- Sort the important topics into a checklist and settle on how each and every point is to be revised before appearing for the examination.
- Do not pick up an entirely new topic during the time of revision, you will only make a botch of what you have done so far.
- Make sure that the revision is followed by practice so that it doesn't go waste. Full-length mocks are the best to practice with during these days so, make sure that you take one every day.
How To Attempt The Exam:
- Go for the examination with a proper plan so that you aren’t barking the wrong trees while attempting the examination.
- In NIACL Assistant Mains Exam, attempt General Awareness and Computer Knowledge Sections followed by English Language Section. After you are done with the three sections, attempt Numerical Ability and Reasoning Section in an order which is convenient to you.
- In Indian Bank PO Prelims Exam, attempt English Section first followed by Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Section.
- There is a provision of sectional timing in LIC Housing Finance Exam, try attempting the questions with a high accuracy in the minimum time possible.
- Attempting the tests in the right order ensures that you don’t fail to attempt the questions that could get you a higher overall score.
- Do not stick to a single question that you are not able to solve. Without wasting any time, move forward with the next question.

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