As IBPS RRB Officer Scale-I Mains 2018 exam is over, you all must be enthusiastically waiting for the Memory Based Question Papers. So students here is the test series package including questions asked in the Mains Examination of IBPS RRB PO that was held yesterday. The test series package is available on Adda247 online store for Rs. 99 and it includes 2 mocks with memory based questions asked in the exam. Attempting the test series with questions asked in this exam will help you analyze your mistakes and rectify them in the upcoming IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam that is scheduled to be held on 7th of October. So, practice with the Memory-based test series of IBPS RRB PO and attempt IBPS Clerk Mains Examination with the best strategy possible.
Practicing with the memory based test series will familiarise you with the pattern of questions asked in the exam. It will also help you ascertain how much time they spend on an average in solving a particular question. This way you will be able to avoid situations when you are stuck pondering over a single low-scoring question for too long and thereby overlooking other high-scoring questions. In a nutshell, this will help you enhance your time-management skills. As attempting this mock gets you acquainted with your strengths and weaknesses, you can also work on them to come up with a better strategy for IBPS Clerk Exam. And when you have a fair idea of all your strengths & weaknesses and you have already worked on them, you will get to the crest of the wave for sure.
IBPS RRB PO Mains Memory Based Test Series4.55Yateendra sahuOctober 3, 2018 As IBPS RRB Officer Scale-I Mains 2018 exam is over, you all must be enthusiastically waiting for the Memory Based Question Papers. S...
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