Dear Readers,
As Haryana SSC Exam dates have been declared on its official website thus acing the competition to the gunwales, aspirants are in dire need to prepare for the exam right away from this moment if not earlier. With having almost a month to prepare and revise for the exam, SSCADDA is all set to utilize this platform to ease the competition for you by providing HSSC Exam Study Material. 10th November is the starting date of the HSSC 2018 exam, so visit SSCADDA Daily to attain the quizzes based on Exam Subjects.
To make you aware of the state's biography that sums up its history, geography, cultural activity and lots more as GK is a quintessential section which will be asked in the exam conducted by Haryana state authority, this post provides you a with 10 question which are based on histroy geography cultural activity and current affairs of Haryana state thus adding up to your knowledge in one shot.
Q1. Bhakt and musician , Surdas was contemporary of भक्त और संगीतकार, सूरदास _________ के समकालीन थे?
Q2. Most ancient 'Vat-Vriksha'(Banyan tree), which is considered to be associated with 'Geeta-gyan', is located at सबसे प्राचीन 'वट-वृक्ष' (बरगद का पेड़), जिसे 'गीता-ज्ञान' से जोड़ा जाता है, कहाँ पर स्थित है?
Pehowa/ पेहोवा
Jyotisar/ ज्योतिसर
Manesar/ मानेसर
Amin/ अमीन
Q3. Which of the following cities is not included in National Capital Region? निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा शहर राष्ट्रीय राजधानी क्षेत्र में शामिल नहीं है?
Q4. The number of lok-sabha seats of Haryana is? हरियाणा की लोकसभा सीटों की संख्या क्या है?
Q5. Which Pilgrimage is located at the Kheri Gujjar Village of Sonipat District? सोनीपत जिले के खेरी गुज्जर गांव में कौन सा तीर्थस्थल है?
Ramdev Pilgrimage/ रामदेव तीर्थस्थल
Shitla Pilgrimage/ शीतला तीर्थस्थल
Satkumbha Pilgrimage/ सतकुंभ तीर्थस्थल
Dhamtan Pilgrimage/ धमतान तीर्थस्थल
Q6. What is name of garden situated at Pinjore? पिंजौर में स्थित बगीचे का नाम क्या है?
Rose Garden/रोज गार्डन
Yadavindra Garden/यादविंद्र गार्डन
Sultanpur Garden/सुल्तानपुर गार्डन
Karna Lake Garden/ कर्ण झील गार्डन
Q7. On which National Highway Dharuhera Industrial Region is Located? किस राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग पर धारुहेरा औद्योगिक क्षेत्र स्थित है?
Delhi – Jaipur/दिल्ली-जयपुर
Delhi – Rohtak/दिल्ली-रोहतक
Delhi – Ambala/दिल्ली-अम्बाला
Delhi – Agra/दिल्ली-आगरा
Q8. Kala Teetar Tourist Place in which District of Haryana? काला टीटर पर्यटक स्थल किस हरियाणा जिले में है?
Q9. Teej festival falls in which month? तीज त्योहार किस महीने में आता है?
Q10.All craftsman and artist of India participate in which fair of Haryana? भारत के सभी शिल्पकार और कलाकार हरियाणा के किस मेले में भाग लेते हैं?
Ballabhgarh Kartik Mela/ बल्लभगढ़ कार्तिक मेला
Surajkund Crafts Mela/ सूरजकुंड शिल्प मेला
Kalesar Mela/कलेसर मेला
Kurukshetra Suryagrahan Mela/कुरुक्षेत्र सूर्यग्रहण मेला
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