Dear aspirants,
With the passing months, exam preparation for govt. exams viz. SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SSC JE, SSC MTS and other prominent competitive exams is required to ace your performance in these sought after govt job. based exams. And to facilitate you with an extraordinary experience of learning via the best study content of ADDA247 Publication Books, we will be providing daily quizzes of all the four mandatory subjects let it be Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, Reasoning and General Awareness right away from ADDA247 Publication Best Books For all SSC Exams to facilitate you with our Publication Books' efficiency encompassed with comprehensive study material subsumed with holistic notes, Practice Sets and Exercises.
Starting from today, the quizzes on SSCADDA for all SSC Exams will be based on ADDA247 Publication Books to make you experience a beneficial journey which drum up your efforts, preparation strategy and time managing skills. GA holds its own importance in all SSC Exams considering the same, today's GA Quiz is all set to catalyze your preparation.
Q1. What is the minimum age required to become vice-president of India?
भारत के उपराष्ट्रपति बनने के लिए न्यूनतम आयु क्या है?
(a) 30 years / वर्ष
(b) 35 years/ वर्ष
(c) 40 years / वर्ष
(d) 37 years/वर्ष
Q2. NITI Aayog has been formed to replace which of the following institution?
निम्नलिखित संस्थानों को प्रतिस्थापित करने के लिए NITI आयोग का गठन किया गया है?
(a) Planning Commission / योजना आयोग
(b) IRDA
(c) Department of Telecommunications (DoT)/ दूरसंचार विभाग
(d) Department of Information Technology/ सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी विभाग
Q3. Which of the following Article/Articles cannot be suspended even during emergency?
आपातकाल के दौरान भी निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा अनुच्छेद निलंबित नहीं किया जा सकता है?
(a) Article 19/ अनुच्छेद 19
(b) Article 20 and 21/ अनुच्छेद 20 और 21
(c) Article 22 and 23/ अनुच्छेद 22 और 23
(d) Article 24 and 25/ अनुच्छेद 24 और 25
Q4. Which Fundamental Right in the Indian Constitution prohibits trafficking, forced labour, and children working under 14 years of age?
भारतीय संविधान में कौन सा मौलिक अधिकार तस्करी, मजबूर श्रम और 14 वर्ष से कम आयु के बच्चों को प्रतिबंधित करता है?
(a) Right to Equality / समानता का अधिकार
(b) Right to Freedom/ स्वतंत्रता का अधिकार
(c) Right against Exploitation / शोषण के विरुद्ध अधिकार
(d) Right to Freedom of Religion/ धर्म की स्वतंत्रता का अधिकार
Q5. Which Fundamental Right in the Indian Constitution states that every person has the right to practice, profess and propagate the religion of their choice.
भारतीय संविधान में कौन सा मौलिक अधिकार बताता है कि प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को अपनी पसंद के धर्म का अभ्यास, प्रचार और प्रसार करने का अधिकार है।
(a) Right to Equality / समानता का अधिकार
(b) Right to Freedom/ स्वतंत्रता का अधिकार
(c) Right against Exploitation / शोषण के विरुद्ध अधिकार
(d) Right to Freedom of Religion/ धर्म की स्वतंत्रता का अधिकार
Q6. How many types of writ are there in the Indian Constitution?
भारतीय संविधान में कितने प्रकार के रिट होते हैं?
(c) 3
(d) 2
With the passing months, exam preparation for govt. exams viz. SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SSC JE, SSC MTS and other prominent competitive exams is required to ace your performance in these sought after govt job. based exams. And to facilitate you with an extraordinary experience of learning via the best study content of ADDA247 Publication Books, we will be providing daily quizzes of all the four mandatory subjects let it be Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, Reasoning and General Awareness right away from ADDA247 Publication Best Books For all SSC Exams to facilitate you with our Publication Books' efficiency encompassed with comprehensive study material subsumed with holistic notes, Practice Sets and Exercises.
Starting from today, the quizzes on SSCADDA for all SSC Exams will be based on ADDA247 Publication Books to make you experience a beneficial journey which drum up your efforts, preparation strategy and time managing skills. GA holds its own importance in all SSC Exams considering the same, today's GA Quiz is all set to catalyze your preparation.
Q1. What is the minimum age required to become vice-president of India?
भारत के उपराष्ट्रपति बनने के लिए न्यूनतम आयु क्या है?
(a) 30 years / वर्ष
(b) 35 years/ वर्ष
(c) 40 years / वर्ष
(d) 37 years/वर्ष
Show Answer
Sol. The minimum age required to become Vice-President is 35 years according to Article 66(3)(b) of Indian Constitution.
Sol. The minimum age required to become Vice-President is 35 years according to Article 66(3)(b) of Indian Constitution.
Q2. NITI Aayog has been formed to replace which of the following institution?
निम्नलिखित संस्थानों को प्रतिस्थापित करने के लिए NITI आयोग का गठन किया गया है?
(a) Planning Commission / योजना आयोग
(b) IRDA
(c) Department of Telecommunications (DoT)/ दूरसंचार विभाग
(d) Department of Information Technology/ सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी विभाग
Show Answer
Sol. NITI (NATIONAL INSTITUTION OF TRANSFORMING INSTITUTION) is a government policy think tank replacing Planning Commission by Cabinet Resolution from 1st January 2012.The Prime Minister is chairperson of Niti Aayog.
Sol. NITI (NATIONAL INSTITUTION OF TRANSFORMING INSTITUTION) is a government policy think tank replacing Planning Commission by Cabinet Resolution from 1st January 2012.The Prime Minister is chairperson of Niti Aayog.
Q3. Which of the following Article/Articles cannot be suspended even during emergency?
आपातकाल के दौरान भी निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा अनुच्छेद निलंबित नहीं किया जा सकता है?
(a) Article 19/ अनुच्छेद 19
(b) Article 20 and 21/ अनुच्छेद 20 और 21
(c) Article 22 and 23/ अनुच्छेद 22 और 23
(d) Article 24 and 25/ अनुच्छेद 24 और 25
Show Answer
Sol. The 44th amendment of the constitution took place in 1978 and article 359 was amended and it provided that article 20&21 could not be suspended even during declaration of emergency.
Sol. The 44th amendment of the constitution took place in 1978 and article 359 was amended and it provided that article 20&21 could not be suspended even during declaration of emergency.
Q4. Which Fundamental Right in the Indian Constitution prohibits trafficking, forced labour, and children working under 14 years of age?
भारतीय संविधान में कौन सा मौलिक अधिकार तस्करी, मजबूर श्रम और 14 वर्ष से कम आयु के बच्चों को प्रतिबंधित करता है?
(a) Right to Equality / समानता का अधिकार
(b) Right to Freedom/ स्वतंत्रता का अधिकार
(c) Right against Exploitation / शोषण के विरुद्ध अधिकार
(d) Right to Freedom of Religion/ धर्म की स्वतंत्रता का अधिकार
Show Answer
Sol. Articles 23 and 24 under Right Against Exploitation of the Indian Constitution safeguard women and children and others against exploitation of various forms. Right against Exploitation is the Fundamental Right which prohibits trafficking, forced labour (begar) and child employment under 14 years of age.
Sol. Articles 23 and 24 under Right Against Exploitation of the Indian Constitution safeguard women and children and others against exploitation of various forms. Right against Exploitation is the Fundamental Right which prohibits trafficking, forced labour (begar) and child employment under 14 years of age.
Q5. Which Fundamental Right in the Indian Constitution states that every person has the right to practice, profess and propagate the religion of their choice.
भारतीय संविधान में कौन सा मौलिक अधिकार बताता है कि प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को अपनी पसंद के धर्म का अभ्यास, प्रचार और प्रसार करने का अधिकार है।
(a) Right to Equality / समानता का अधिकार
(b) Right to Freedom/ स्वतंत्रता का अधिकार
(c) Right against Exploitation / शोषण के विरुद्ध अधिकार
(d) Right to Freedom of Religion/ धर्म की स्वतंत्रता का अधिकार
Show Answer
Sol. Article 25 guarantees Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion according to their choice.
Sol. Article 25 guarantees Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion according to their choice.
Q6. How many types of writ are there in the Indian Constitution?
भारतीय संविधान में कितने प्रकार के रिट होते हैं?
(c) 3
(d) 2
Show Answer
Sol. There are five types of Writs - Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Prohibition, Certiorari and Quo warranto
Sol. There are five types of Writs - Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Prohibition, Certiorari and Quo warranto
Q7. How many Fundamental Duties are mentioned in Indian constitution?
भारतीय संविधान में कितने मौलिक कर्तव्यों का उल्लेख किया गया है?
(a) Five /पांच
(b) Seven/सात
(c) Nine/नौ
(d) Eleven/ग्यारह
भारतीय संविधान में कितने मौलिक कर्तव्यों का उल्लेख किया गया है?
(a) Five /पांच
(b) Seven/सात
(c) Nine/नौ
(d) Eleven/ग्यारह
Show Answer
Sol. The Fundamental Duties of citizens were added to the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment in 1976, upon the recommendations of the Swaran Singh Committee that was constituted by the government earlier that year. Originally ten in number, the Fundamental Duties were increased to eleven by the 86th Amendment in 2002.
Sol. The Fundamental Duties of citizens were added to the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment in 1976, upon the recommendations of the Swaran Singh Committee that was constituted by the government earlier that year. Originally ten in number, the Fundamental Duties were increased to eleven by the 86th Amendment in 2002.
Q8. In Indian constitution, the method of election of President has been taken from which country?
भारतीय संविधान में राष्ट्रपति के चुनाव की विधि किस देश से ली गई है?
(a) Britain/ब्रिटेन
(b) USA/अमेरिका
(c) Ireland /आयरलैंड
(d) Australia/ऑस्ट्रेलिया
भारतीय संविधान में राष्ट्रपति के चुनाव की विधि किस देश से ली गई है?
(a) Britain/ब्रिटेन
(b) USA/अमेरिका
(c) Ireland /आयरलैंड
(d) Australia/ऑस्ट्रेलिया
Show Answer
Sol. The method of election of President has been taken from Irish Constitution.
Sol. The method of election of President has been taken from Irish Constitution.
Q9. Who administers the oath of the President of India?
भारत के राष्ट्रपति की शपथ कौन प्रशासित करता है?
(a) Governor General of India / भारत के गवर्नर जनरल
(b) Chief Justice of India/ भारत के मुख्य न्यायाधीश
(c) Prime Minister of India/ भारत के प्रधान मंत्री
(d) Vice President of India/ भारत के उपराष्ट्रपति
Show Answer
Sol. According to Article 60(Oath or affeirmation by President), Chief Justice of India administers the oath of the President of India.
Sol. According to Article 60(Oath or affeirmation by President), Chief Justice of India administers the oath of the President of India.
Q10. Which of the following are constituents of Indian Parliament?
इनमें से कौन सा भारतीय संसद के घटक हैं?
(i) The President/राष्ट्रपति
(ii) The Council of States (RajyaSabha)/ राज्य परिषद (राज्यसभा)
(iii) The House of the People (LokSabha)/ लोक सभा (लोकसभा)
(a) (ii) and (iii)/ (ii) और (iii)
(b) (i) and (ii)/ (i) और (ii)
(c) (i) and (iii)/ (i) और (iii)
(d) (i), (ii) and (iii) /(i), (ii) और (iii)
Show Answer
Sol. The Parliament of India is the supreme legislative body of the Republic of India. The Parliament is composed of the President of India and the houses. It is bicameral with two houses: the RajyaSabha (Council of States) and the LokSabha (House of the People).
Sol. The Parliament of India is the supreme legislative body of the Republic of India. The Parliament is composed of the President of India and the houses. It is bicameral with two houses: the RajyaSabha (Council of States) and the LokSabha (House of the People).
Q11. Which of the following has the supreme command of the Indian Defence Forces?
इनमें से कौन सा भारतीय रक्षा बलों का सर्वोच्च आदेश है?
(a) Prime Minister of India /भारत के प्रधान मंत्री
(b) Defence Minister of India/ भारत के रक्षा मंत्री
(c) Council of Ministers of India / भारत का मंत्रिमंडल
(d) President of India / भारत का राष्ट्रपति
इनमें से कौन सा भारतीय रक्षा बलों का सर्वोच्च आदेश है?
(a) Prime Minister of India /भारत के प्रधान मंत्री
(b) Defence Minister of India/ भारत के रक्षा मंत्री
(c) Council of Ministers of India / भारत का मंत्रिमंडल
(d) President of India / भारत का राष्ट्रपति
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Sol. The President of India is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces.
Sol. The President of India is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces.
Q12. The function of the judiciary is:
न्यायपालिका का कार्य क्या है
(a) To enforce laws/ कानूनों को लागू करना
(b) To interpret laws/ कानून का विवेचन करना
(c) Both A and B/दोनों A और B
(d) None of the above/इनमें से कोई नहीं
न्यायपालिका का कार्य क्या है
(a) To enforce laws/ कानूनों को लागू करना
(b) To interpret laws/ कानून का विवेचन करना
(c) Both A and B/दोनों A और B
(d) None of the above/इनमें से कोई नहीं
Show Answer
Sol. Function of judiciary is to enforce and interpret laws.
Sol. Function of judiciary is to enforce and interpret laws.
Q13. What is the literal meaning of ‘Certiorari’?
'Certiorari' का शाब्दिक अर्थ क्या है?
(a) We command
(b) To have the body of
(c) To forbid
(d) To be certified (or) to be informed
'Certiorari' का शाब्दिक अर्थ क्या है?
(a) We command
(b) To have the body of
(c) To forbid
(d) To be certified (or) to be informed
Show Answer
Sol. Literally, ‘Certiorari’ means-To be certified (or) to be informed. It can be issued by Supreme Court or any High Court for quashing the order already passed by an inferior court, quasi-judicial body or or judicial tribunal.
Sol. Literally, ‘Certiorari’ means-To be certified (or) to be informed. It can be issued by Supreme Court or any High Court for quashing the order already passed by an inferior court, quasi-judicial body or or judicial tribunal.
Q14. Which article of Indian constitution has the provision for National Emergency?
भारतीय संविधान के किस अनुच्छेद में राष्ट्रीय आपातकाल का प्रावधान है?
(a) Article 350/ अनुच्छेद 350
(b) Article 352/ अनुच्छेद 352
(c) Article 312/ अनुच्छेद 312
(d) Article 280/ अनुच्छेद 280
भारतीय संविधान के किस अनुच्छेद में राष्ट्रीय आपातकाल का प्रावधान है?
(a) Article 350/ अनुच्छेद 350
(b) Article 352/ अनुच्छेद 352
(c) Article 312/ अनुच्छेद 312
(d) Article 280/ अनुच्छेद 280
Show Answer
Sol. Article 352 of Indian Constitution has provisions for National Emergency. According to it, if President is satisfied that there exist a grave emergency whether due to war or external aggression or armed rebellion, then President can proclaim emergency to that effect.
Sol. Article 352 of Indian Constitution has provisions for National Emergency. According to it, if President is satisfied that there exist a grave emergency whether due to war or external aggression or armed rebellion, then President can proclaim emergency to that effect.
Q15. What is the minimum age for becoming a Governor of state in India?
भारत में राज्यपाल बनने के लिए न्यूनतम आयु क्या है?
(a) 30 years/वर्ष
(b) 25 years/वर्ष
(c) 35 years/वर्ष
(d) 45 years/वर्ष
भारत में राज्यपाल बनने के लिए न्यूनतम आयु क्या है?
(a) 30 years/वर्ष
(b) 25 years/वर्ष
(c) 35 years/वर्ष
(d) 45 years/वर्ष
Show Answer
Sol. According to Article 58(1)(b) the minimum age for becoming Governor of State in India is 35 years.
Sol. According to Article 58(1)(b) the minimum age for becoming Governor of State in India is 35 years.
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