General Awareness Quiz Based on Adda247 Book : 5th October 2018

October 5, 2018    

Dear aspirants,

With the passing months, exam preparation for govt. exams viz. SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SSC JE, SSC MTS and other prominent competitive exams is required to ace your performance in these sought after govt job. based exams. And to facilitate you with an extraordinary experience of learning via the best study content of ADDA247 Publication Books, we will be providing daily quizzes of all the four mandatory subjects let it be Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, Reasoning and General Awareness right away from ADDA247 Publication Best Books For all SSC Exams to facilitate you with our Publication Books' efficiency encompassed with comprehensive study material subsumed with holistic notes, Practice Sets and Exercises. 

Starting from today, the quizzes on SSCADDA for all SSC Exams will be based on ADDA247 Publication Books to make you experience a beneficial journey which drum up your efforts, preparation strategy and time managing skills. GA holds its own importance in all SSC Exams considering the same, today's GA Quiz is all set to catalyze your preparation.

Q1. Which of the following is not an example of Point Source of pollution?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा प्रदूषण के प्वाइंट स्रोत का उदाहरण नहीं है?
(a) Oil refinery wastewater / तेल रिफाइनरी अपशिष्ट जल
(b) Noise from Jet engine/ जेट इंजन से शोर
(c) Air pollution from forest fire/ वन आग से वायु प्रदूषण
(d) Pollutants mixed in rainwater runoff/ वर्षा जल संचयन में मिश्रित प्रदूषक
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Sol. A point source of pollution is a single identifiable source of air, water, thermal, noise or light pollution. Oil refinery waste water, noise from Jet engine and Air pollution from forest fire are examples of point source of pollution.

Q2. The dispute over Siachen Glacier is between -/ सियाचिन ग्लेशियर पर विवाद किसके बीच है?
(a) India and China/ भारत और चीन
(b) India and Afghanistan/ भारत और अफगानिस्तान
(c) India and Pakistan/ भारत और पाकिस्तान
(d) India and Nepal/ भारत और नेपाल
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Sol. The Siachen conflict, sometimes referred to as the Siachen War, is a military conflict between India and Pakistan over the disputed Siachen Glacier region in Kashmir.

Q3. A wide inlet of the sea usually concave in shape, is termed as a:
समुद्र का एक विस्तृत इनलेट जो सामान्य तौर पर आकार में अवतल होता है, जिसे एक के रूप में जाना जाता है:
(a) Strait /जल डमरूमध्य
(b) Sound / ध्वनि
(c) Bay/ खाड़ी
(d)Fjord /फियोर्ड
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Sol. A wide inlet of the sea usually concave in shape, is termed as a Bay.

Q4. Sullage water is ______
सलेज वाटर ______ है
(a) Waste water released from kitchen / रसोई से नि:सृत अपशिष्ट जल
(b) Waste water released from toilets / शौचालय से नि:सृत अपशिष्ट जल
(c) Waste water released from factories/ कारखानों से नि:सृत अपशिष्ट जल
(d) Waste water released from hospitals/ अस्पतालों से नि:सृत अपशिष्ट जल
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Sol. Sullage is all wastewater generated in kitchen households or office buildings from streams without fecal contamination, i.e. all streams except for the waste water from toilets.

Q5. The biggest reserves of Thorium are in ____.
थोरियम का सबसे बड़ा भंडार ____ में है।
(a) China/ चीन
(b) USA/ यूएसए
(c) India/ भारत
(d) France/ फ्रांस
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Sol. The biggest estimated reserve of Thorium are in India.

Q6. A level of atmosphere which is composed partly of electrons and positive ions is called-
वायुमंडल का एक परत जो आंशिक रूप से इलेक्ट्रॉनों और धनात्मक आयनों से बना होता है, उसे कहा जाता है?
(a) Troposphere/ उष्णकटिबंधीय
(b) Ionosphere/ आयनमंडल
(c) Stratosphere/ स्ट्रेटोस्फीयर
(d) Mesosphere/ मेसोस्फीयर
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Sol. Ionosphere is the layer of atmosphere which is composed partly of electrons and positive ions. 

Q7. What is Damodar Valley Corporation?
दामोदर घाटी निगम क्या है?
(a) Statutory body/ वैधानिक निकाय
(b) Municipal Corporation looking after Damodar Valley/ दामोदर घाटी की देखभाल करने वाला नगर निगम
(c) A private enterprise located in Bihar/ बिहार में स्थित एक निजी उद्यम
(d) A non government organisation/ एक गैर सरकारी संगठन
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Sol. Damodar Valley Corporation is a statutory body. The corporation came into being on July 7, 1948 by an Act of the Constituent Assembly of India.

Q8. Why is Rann of Kutch of India famous for?
भारत में कच्छ का रण किसके लिए प्रसिद्ध है?
(a) Tidal and flats / ज्वार और भाटा
(b) Fertile soil/ उपजाऊ मिट्टी
(c) Dense Vegetation / सघन वनस्पति
(d) All are correct /सभी सही हैं
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Sol. The Great Rann of Kutch is a salt marsh located in the Thar Desert in the Kutch District of Gujarat, India. It is famous for tidal and flats

Q9. Which of the following wind is blowing from the Mediterranean sea to the North Western parts of India?
भूमध्यसागर से भारत के उत्तरी पश्चिमी भाग में निम्न में से कौन सी पवन बहती है?
(a) Western disturbances / पछुआ विक्षोभ
(b) Norwesters /नोर्वेस्टर
(c) Loo / लू
(d) Mango showers /आम्र वृष्टि
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Sol. A Western Disturbance is an extratropical storm originating in the Mediterranean region that brings sudden winter rain to the northwestern parts of the Indian subcontinent.

Q10.Where is the Great Barrier Reef located ?
ग्रेट बैरियर रीफ कहां स्थित है?
(a) Pacific Ocean/ प्रशांत महासागर
(b) Indian Ocean/ हिंद महासागर
(c) Atlantic Ocean/ अटलांटिक महासागर
(d) Arctic Ocean/ आर्कटिक महासागर
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Sol. The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system. The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland, Australia in Pacific Ocean.

Q11.The Secretariat of SAARC is set up at _________.
सार्क का सचिवालय _________ में  स्थित है।
(a) Washington/ वाशिंगटन
(b) Kathmandu/ काठमांडू
(c) Hague/ हेग
(d) New Delhi/ नई दिल्ली
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Sol. The SAARC Secretariat is based in Kathmandu, Nepal. It coordinates and monitors implementation of activities, prepares for and services meetings, and serves as a channel of communication between the Association and its Member States as well as other regional organisations. SAARC was founded in Dhaka on 8 December 1985.

Q12.The longest river of peninsular India is_______.
प्रायद्वीपीय भारत की सबसे लंबी नदी_______ है।
(a) Narmada / नर्मदा
(b) Godavari/ गोदावरी
(c) Mahanadi/ महानदी
(d) Cauvery/ कावेरी
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Sol. Godavari is the longest river of peninsular India. It originates from Triambakeshwar, Nasik (Maharashtra) and covers a total of 1465 kilometers during its journey through states of Chhattisgarh, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, before discharging into Bay of Bengal.

Q13.Which of the following caused radioactive pollution along the coast of Kerala?
निम्नलिखित में से क्या केरल के तट पर रेडियोधर्मी प्रदूषण का कारण बना है?
(a) Plutonium / प्लूटोनियम
(b) Zinc/ जिंक
(c) Thorium / थोरियम
(d) Radium / रेडियम
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Sol. Thorium causes radioactive pollution along the coast of Kerala.

Q14. Which country is separated from India by a narrow channel of sea formed by the Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannar?
किस देश को पाक स्ट्रेट और मन्नार की खाड़ी द्वारा गठित समुद्र के एक संकीर्ण चैनल द्वारा भारत से अलग किया जाता है?
(a) Bangladesh/ बांग्लादेश
(b) Myanmar/ म्यांमार
(c) Sri Lanka / श्रीलंका
(d) Pakistan/ पाकिस्तान
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Sol. Srilanka is separated from India by a narrow channel of sea formed by the Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannar.

Q15.The natural habitat of Rhinoceros in India is –
भारत में गैंडा का प्राकृतिक आवास है -
(a) Bharatpur / भरतपुर
(b) Gir forest/ गिर जंगल
(c) Kaziranga / काजीरंगा
(d) Nilgiris/ नीलगिरी
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Sol. Kaziranga National Park is a national park in the Golaghat and Nagaon districts of the state of Assam, India. The sanctuary, which hosts two-thirds of the world's great one-horned rhinoceroses, is World Heritage Site.

General Awareness Quiz Based on Adda247 Book : 5th October 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 5, 2018 Dear aspirants, With the passing months, exam preparation for govt. exams viz. SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SSC JE, SSC MT...

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