Dear Readers, GA section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on scaffold website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.
Q1. The geosynchronous satellite moves around the Earth in the direction –
भू-समकालिक उपग्रह किस दिशा में पृथ्वी के चारों ओर घूमता है -
(a) East to West /पूर्व से पश्चिम
(b) West to East/पश्चिम से पूर्व
(c) North to South /उत्तर से दक्षिण
(d) South to North/दक्षिण से उत्तर
Q2. During eclipse the darkest part of the shadow is known as-
ग्रहण के दौरान छाया के सबसे अंधेरे हिस्से को क्या कहा जाता है-
(a) Halo / प्रभामंडल
(b) Black Hole/ ब्लैक होल
(c) Penumbra / पिनॅम्ब्रॅ
(d) Umbra/ प्रतिछाया
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा चंद्रमा और सूर्य द्वारा समुद्र के स्तर पर गुरुत्वाकर्षण बल के संयुक्त प्रभावों के कारण होता है?
(a) Tides / ज्वार
(b) Runoff/ अपवाह
(c) Currents/ धारा
(d) Waves/ लहर
Q4. Natural phenomenon known as “Midnight Sun” is?
"मिडनाइट सन" के रूप में जाना जाने वाली प्राकृतिक घटना को क्या कहते है?
(a) Evening light /इवनिंग लाइट
(b) Rising Sun/राइजिंग सुन
(c) Very bright Moon/ बहुत उज्ज्वल चंद्रमा
(d) Shining of Sun in Arctic and Antarctica circle/ आर्कटिक और अंटार्कटिका सर्कल में सूर्य की चमक
Q5. Which of the following planets do not have satellite?
निम्नलिखित में से किन ग्रहों के उपग्रह नहीं है?
(a) Mars and Venus / मंगल और शुक्र
(b) Mercury and Venus/ बुध और शुक्र
(c) Mars and Mercury / मंगल और बुध
(d) Neptune and Pluto/ नैप्टयुन और प्लूटो
Q6. Which of the following is not a satellite of Jupiter?
इनमें से कौन सा बृहस्पति का उपग्रह नहीं है?
(a) Deimos/ डीमोस
(b) Ganymede/ गेनीमेड
(c) Callisto / कैलिस्टो
(d) Europa/ यूरोपा
Q1. The geosynchronous satellite moves around the Earth in the direction –
भू-समकालिक उपग्रह किस दिशा में पृथ्वी के चारों ओर घूमता है -
(a) East to West /पूर्व से पश्चिम
(b) West to East/पश्चिम से पूर्व
(c) North to South /उत्तर से दक्षिण
(d) South to North/दक्षिण से उत्तर
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Sol. A geosynchronous satellite is a satellite in geosynchronous orbit, with an orbital period the same as the Earth's rotation period.
Sol. A geosynchronous satellite is a satellite in geosynchronous orbit, with an orbital period the same as the Earth's rotation period.
Q2. During eclipse the darkest part of the shadow is known as-
ग्रहण के दौरान छाया के सबसे अंधेरे हिस्से को क्या कहा जाता है-
(a) Halo / प्रभामंडल
(b) Black Hole/ ब्लैक होल
(c) Penumbra / पिनॅम्ब्रॅ
(d) Umbra/ प्रतिछाया
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Sol. The umbra (Latin for "shadow") is the innermost and darkest part of a shadow, where the light source is completely blocked by the occluding body. An observer in the umbra experiences a total eclipse.
Q3. Which of the following is caused by the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun on sea levels?Sol. The umbra (Latin for "shadow") is the innermost and darkest part of a shadow, where the light source is completely blocked by the occluding body. An observer in the umbra experiences a total eclipse.
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा चंद्रमा और सूर्य द्वारा समुद्र के स्तर पर गुरुत्वाकर्षण बल के संयुक्त प्रभावों के कारण होता है?
(a) Tides / ज्वार
(b) Runoff/ अपवाह
(c) Currents/ धारा
(d) Waves/ लहर
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Sol. Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun, and the rotation of Earth.
Sol. Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun, and the rotation of Earth.
Q4. Natural phenomenon known as “Midnight Sun” is?
"मिडनाइट सन" के रूप में जाना जाने वाली प्राकृतिक घटना को क्या कहते है?
(a) Evening light /इवनिंग लाइट
(b) Rising Sun/राइजिंग सुन
(c) Very bright Moon/ बहुत उज्ज्वल चंद्रमा
(d) Shining of Sun in Arctic and Antarctica circle/ आर्कटिक और अंटार्कटिका सर्कल में सूर्य की चमक
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Sol. The midnight sun is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the summer months in places north of the Arctic Circle or south of the Antarctic Circle, when the sun remains visible at the local midnight.
Sol. The midnight sun is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the summer months in places north of the Arctic Circle or south of the Antarctic Circle, when the sun remains visible at the local midnight.
Q5. Which of the following planets do not have satellite?
निम्नलिखित में से किन ग्रहों के उपग्रह नहीं है?
(a) Mars and Venus / मंगल और शुक्र
(b) Mercury and Venus/ बुध और शुक्र
(c) Mars and Mercury / मंगल और बुध
(d) Neptune and Pluto/ नैप्टयुन और प्लूटो
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Sol. Both Mercury and Venus have no satellites (Moons) of their own. Mercury is very small to have powerful gravitational pull while Venus has great gravitational pull but still doesn’t have a Moon.
Sol. Both Mercury and Venus have no satellites (Moons) of their own. Mercury is very small to have powerful gravitational pull while Venus has great gravitational pull but still doesn’t have a Moon.
Q6. Which of the following is not a satellite of Jupiter?
इनमें से कौन सा बृहस्पति का उपग्रह नहीं है?
(a) Deimos/ डीमोस
(b) Ganymede/ गेनीमेड
(c) Callisto / कैलिस्टो
(d) Europa/ यूरोपा
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Sol. Deimos is the smaller and outer of the two natural satellites of the planet Mars, the other being Phobos.
Sol. Deimos is the smaller and outer of the two natural satellites of the planet Mars, the other being Phobos.
Q7. One astronomical unit is the average distance between?
एक खगोलीय इकाई किस के बीच औसत दूरी है?
(a) Earth and Sun/ पृथ्वी और सूर्य
(b) Earth and Moon/ पृथ्वी और चंद्रमा
(c) Jupiter and Sun / बृहस्पति और सूर्य
(d) Pluto and Sun/ प्लूटो और सूर्य
एक खगोलीय इकाई किस के बीच औसत दूरी है?
(a) Earth and Sun/ पृथ्वी और सूर्य
(b) Earth and Moon/ पृथ्वी और चंद्रमा
(c) Jupiter and Sun / बृहस्पति और सूर्य
(d) Pluto and Sun/ प्लूटो और सूर्य
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Sol. One astronomical unit is the approximate mean distance between the Earth and sun. It's about 93 million miles (150 million km), or 8 light-minutes.
Sol. One astronomical unit is the approximate mean distance between the Earth and sun. It's about 93 million miles (150 million km), or 8 light-minutes.
Q8. The hottest planet in the solar system?
सौर मंडल में सबसे गर्म ग्रह?
(a) Jupiter / बृहस्पति
(b) Saturn/ शनि ग्रह
(c) Venus / शुक्र
(d) Uranus/ यूरेनस
सौर मंडल में सबसे गर्म ग्रह?
(a) Jupiter / बृहस्पति
(b) Saturn/ शनि ग्रह
(c) Venus / शुक्र
(d) Uranus/ यूरेनस
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Sol. Venus is the hottest planet even though Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. The reason that Venus is hotter than Mercury is because it has an atmosphere made of carbon dioxide; it also has clouds of acid inside its atmosphere. This is called greenhouse effect.
Sol. Venus is the hottest planet even though Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. The reason that Venus is hotter than Mercury is because it has an atmosphere made of carbon dioxide; it also has clouds of acid inside its atmosphere. This is called greenhouse effect.
Q9. In astrophysics, what is the name of hole in outer space which emits stars and energy?
खगोल भौतिकी में, बाहरी अंतरिक्ष में छेद का नाम क्या है जो सितारों और ऊर्जा को उत्सर्जित करता है?
(a) Black Hole / ब्लैक होल
(b) Ozone Hole/ ओजोन छिद्र
(c) Asteroid Belt/ क्षुद्रग्रह बेल्ट
(d) White Hole/ व्हाइट होल
खगोल भौतिकी में, बाहरी अंतरिक्ष में छेद का नाम क्या है जो सितारों और ऊर्जा को उत्सर्जित करता है?
(a) Black Hole / ब्लैक होल
(b) Ozone Hole/ ओजोन छिद्र
(c) Asteroid Belt/ क्षुद्रग्रह बेल्ट
(d) White Hole/ व्हाइट होल
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Sol. A white hole is a hypothetical region of spacetime which cannot be entered from the outside, although matter and light can escape from it. In this sense, it is the reverse of a black hole, which can only be entered from the outside and from which matter and light cannot escape.
Sol. A white hole is a hypothetical region of spacetime which cannot be entered from the outside, although matter and light can escape from it. In this sense, it is the reverse of a black hole, which can only be entered from the outside and from which matter and light cannot escape.
Q10.Which planet is known as big as Earth in our solar system?
हमारे सौर मंडल में कौन सा ग्रह पृथ्वी जितना बड़ा जाना जाता है?
(a) Mercury / बुध ग्रह
(b) Mars/ मंगल ग्रह
(c) Venus / शुक्र
(d) Pluto/ प्लूटो
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Sol. In terms of size, average density, mass, and surface gravity, Venus is very similar to Earth.. It is also known as Earth’s twin or ‘sister planet’.
Sol. In terms of size, average density, mass, and surface gravity, Venus is very similar to Earth.. It is also known as Earth’s twin or ‘sister planet’.
Q11. Who is current Finance minister in Narendra Modi government?
नरेंद्र मोदी सरकार में वर्तमान वित्त मंत्री कौन है?
(a) Manohar Parrikar/ मनोहर पर्रिकर
(b) Kalraj Mishra/ कलराज मिश्रा
(c) Jagat Prakash Nadda/ जगत प्रकाश नड्डा
(d) Arun Jaitley/ अरुण जेटली
नरेंद्र मोदी सरकार में वर्तमान वित्त मंत्री कौन है?
(a) Manohar Parrikar/ मनोहर पर्रिकर
(b) Kalraj Mishra/ कलराज मिश्रा
(c) Jagat Prakash Nadda/ जगत प्रकाश नड्डा
(d) Arun Jaitley/ अरुण जेटली
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Sol. Arun Jaitley is an Indian politician and lawyer who is the current Finance Minister, Minister of Corporate Affairs in the Cabinet of India. He is a Senior Advocate of the Delhi High Court.
Sol. Arun Jaitley is an Indian politician and lawyer who is the current Finance Minister, Minister of Corporate Affairs in the Cabinet of India. He is a Senior Advocate of the Delhi High Court.
Q12. Manas Wildlife Sanctuary is situated in which of the following Indian state?
मानस वन्यजीव अभयारण्य निम्नलिखित भारतीय राज्यों में स्थित है?
(a) Assam/असम
(b) Orissa/ ओडिशा
(c) West Bengal/पश्चिम बंगाल
(d) Karnataka/कर्नाटक
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Sol. Located in Assam, the Manas Wildlife Sanctuary was established in 1985 and is located in the foothills of the Himalayas. The sanctuary is a home to a plethora of rare and endangered species of animals like Tiger, Asian elephants, Golden Cat, Leopards, Clouded Leopard, Slow Loris and Chital etc.
Sol. Located in Assam, the Manas Wildlife Sanctuary was established in 1985 and is located in the foothills of the Himalayas. The sanctuary is a home to a plethora of rare and endangered species of animals like Tiger, Asian elephants, Golden Cat, Leopards, Clouded Leopard, Slow Loris and Chital etc.
Q13. Which city is served by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport?
सरदार वल्लभभाई पटेल अंतरराष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डा कौन से शहर में है?
(a) Ahmedabad/अहमदाबाद
(b) Surat/सूरत
(c) Bhopal/भोपाल
(d) Dehradun/देहरादून
सरदार वल्लभभाई पटेल अंतरराष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डा कौन से शहर में है?
(a) Ahmedabad/अहमदाबाद
(b) Surat/सूरत
(c) Bhopal/भोपाल
(d) Dehradun/देहरादून
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Sol. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport (SVPIA) is an international airport serving the cities of Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar in Gujarat, India. The airport is located in Hansol, 9 km north of central Ahmedabad. It is named after Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the first Deputy Prime Minister of India.
Sol. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport (SVPIA) is an international airport serving the cities of Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar in Gujarat, India. The airport is located in Hansol, 9 km north of central Ahmedabad. It is named after Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the first Deputy Prime Minister of India.
Q14. Name of the parliament of Iceland is......
आइसलैंड की संसद का नाम क्या है?
(a) Shora/शोरा
(b) Congress/कांग्रेस
(c) Chamber of Deputies/ डिप्टी के चैंबर
(d) Althing/ अल्थिंग
आइसलैंड की संसद का नाम क्या है?
(a) Shora/शोरा
(b) Congress/कांग्रेस
(c) Chamber of Deputies/ डिप्टी के चैंबर
(d) Althing/ अल्थिंग
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Sol. The Althing is the national parliament of Iceland. It is the oldest legislature in the world that still exists. It was founded in 930 at Thingvellir (the "assembly fields"), which is almost 45 kilometres east of Iceland's capital, Reykjavík.
Sol. The Althing is the national parliament of Iceland. It is the oldest legislature in the world that still exists. It was founded in 930 at Thingvellir (the "assembly fields"), which is almost 45 kilometres east of Iceland's capital, Reykjavík.
Q15. Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant is in which of the following Indian state?
कुडनकुलम परमाणु ऊर्जा संयंत्र निम्नलिखित में से किस भारतीय राज्य में स्थित है?
(a) Odisha/ओडिशा
(b) Rajasthan/राजस्थान
(c) Tamil Nadu/तमिल नाडू
(d) Gujarat/गुजरात
कुडनकुलम परमाणु ऊर्जा संयंत्र निम्नलिखित में से किस भारतीय राज्य में स्थित है?
(a) Odisha/ओडिशा
(b) Rajasthan/राजस्थान
(c) Tamil Nadu/तमिल नाडू
(d) Gujarat/गुजरात
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Sol. Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant is a nuclear power station in Koodankulam in the Tirunelveli district of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Construction on the plant began on 31 March 2002.
Sol. Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant is a nuclear power station in Koodankulam in the Tirunelveli district of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Construction on the plant began on 31 March 2002.
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