English Quiz Based On ADDA247 Book For SSC CGL And SSC CPO Exam 2018: 22 October

October 22, 2018    

With the passing months, exam preparation for govt. exams viz. SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SSC JE, SSC MTS and other prominent competitive exams is required to ace your performance in these sought after govt. job based exams. And to provide you with an extraordinary experience of learning via the best study content of ADDA247 Publication Books, we will be providing quizzes of all the four mandatory subjects let it be Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, Reasoning and General Awareness right away from ADDA247 Publication Best Books For all SSC Exams on alternate days to facilitate you with our Publication Books' efficiency encompassed with comprehensive study material subsumed with holistic notes, Practice Sets and Exercises. 

Starting from today, the quizzes on SSCADDA for all SSC Exams will be based on ADDA247 Publication Books to make you experience a beneficial journey which drum up your efforts, preparation strategy and time managing skills. English Language is of utmost importance for Tier-1 and Tier-2 in all SSC Exams. Considering the same, today's English Idioms and Phrases Quiz is all set to catalyze your preparation.

Directions (1-15): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

Q1. To bite the bullet
Spread hatred among a united community
To do something difficult that one has been hesitating over
To punish someone who was later found to be not guilty
To prevent someone from getting killed
To bite the bullet: to decide to do something difficult or unpleasant that one has been putting off or hesitating over.

Q2. Back to the drawing board
An idea has been unsuccessful and that a new one must be devised
To be totally dependent on fate rather than making actual efforts
All efforts can be wasted because of one mistake
One always returns to his roots in times of crisis
Back to the drawing board: used to indicate that an idea, scheme, or proposal has been unsuccessful and that a new one must be devised.

Q3. To steal someone’s thunder
To share the secret of a person just before that person was supposed to receive praise
To defuse the ego of an egoistic person
To plagiarize work done by others
To do a job before another person can do it and take away the credit
To steal someone’s thunder: to win praise for oneself by pre-empting someone else’s attempt to impress.

Q4. Rise and shine
Work hard and succeed in life
An expression used when waking someone up
Try harder to overcome life’s problems
Be of spotless character
Rise and shine: Wake up and get out of bed promptly.

Q5. Run out of steam
To lose impetus or enthusiasm
To work quickly like a machine
To refuse to help someone anymore
No more money to spend
Run out of steam: to lose one’s energy or vitality for something.

Q6. Rule of thumb
A rough unit of measure for small lengths
A broadly accurate guide based on practice
To force someone to work against his wish
To use your power to ensure discipline
Rule of thumb: a broadly accurate guide or principle, based on practice rather than theory.

Q7. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
Avoid risky ventures if you want to be successful in life
Don’t risk everything on the success of one venture
One should deceive as many people as one can
Those who are blessed with more children are happier
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket: a piece of advice which means that one should not concentrate all efforts and resources in one area.

Q8. Thumb one’s nose
An ill-mannered person
To show affection
To hit someone unintentionally
To express scorn
Thumb one’s nose: a gesture of disrespect.

Q9. To put the cat among the pigeons
To hunt easy prey
To be different in a group where everybody is alike
To do something that is likely to cause controversy
When the entire group feels trapped in a bad situation
To put the cat among the pigeons: it is used to describe a disturbance caused by an undesirable person.

Q10. To shoot the breeze
To do random acts hoping one will be successful
To have a casual conversation
To release stomach gases
To brag about some mild achievement
To shoot the breeze: to spend time talking about things that are not important.

Q11. To take the cake
To have something unexpectedly good to eat
To get a lovely gift
To grab the prize before others
To be especially good; outstanding
To take the cake: be the most remarkable or foolish of its kind.

Q12. To sleep with the fishes
Always be in a dream world
To make absurd excuses
To sleep peacefully
To be murdered
To sleep with the fishes: Killed and thrown in a river.

Q13. Chink in one’s armor
A spotless shield tells that the person has not yet fought any war
A small crack if not repaired will break the shield
An area of vulnerability
One’s primary defense system against loss or injury
Chink in one’s armor: an area of vulnerability.

Q14. By the seat of one’s pants
When one is saved in the nick of time
Your future depends on what choices you make now
To do it using only one’s own experience and judgment
Nothing worthwhile can be achieved if you sit in one place
By the seat of one’s pants: Decide a course of action as you go along by your skill or judgement.

Q15. To spin one’s wheels
To take a chance
To do a job quickly
To narrate someone a confusing story
To waste one’s time
To spin one’s wheels: waste one’s time or efforts.

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- https://www.sscadda.com/2018/10/idioms-and-phrases-quiz-for-ssc-cgl-2018-exam.html
English Quiz Based On ADDA247 Book For SSC CGL And SSC CPO Exam 2018: 22 October 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 22, 2018 With the passing months, exam preparation for govt. exams viz. SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SSC JE, SSC MTS and other prominent competit...

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