Chemistry Questions From Adda247 Book : 30th October 2018

October 30, 2018    

Railway Board offers opulent and revered job posts to its aspirants. And it is not every year that we get the notification from Railway offering a good number of vacant seats to the multitude aspirants. But the current year 2018 brought a pleasant surprise with almost 1,27,278 seats to be filled by the valid candidates. Opportunity is here but you have to welcome it with a provident strategy. 

Q1. The (O-H) bond in CH3OH is _____.
CH₃OH में (O-H) बांड _____ है. 
(a) polar covalent/ध्रुवीय सहसंयोजक
(b) ionic/आयोनिक
(c) non polar covalent/गैर ध्रुवीय सहसंयोजक
(d) cationic/धनायनित
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Sol.The (O-H) bond in CH3OH is Polar Covalent.

Q2. Name the drug that is yielded from Cinchona tree and is used to cure malaria.
कुनैन पेड़ से उत्पन्न होने वाली उस दवा का नाम बताइए जो मलेरिया का इलाज करने के लिए उपयोग की जाती  है?
(a) Camptothea/कैंपोतोथेया
(b) Acuminata/एक्युमिनाटा
(c) Quinine/कुइनेने
(d) Bomodol/ बोमोदोल
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Sol. Quinine drug is yielded from Cinchona tree and is used to cure malaria.

Q3. Which of the following elements has the lowest melting point?
निम्न में से किस तत्व सबसे कम पिघलने बिंदु है?
(a) Platinum/प्लैटिनम
(b) Carbon/कार्बन
(c) Cobalt/कोबाल्ट
(d) Krypton/क्रीप्टोण
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Sol. Among the following elements Krypton has the lowest melting point.

Q4. Which among the following compounds has the strongest hydrogen bond?
निम्न में से किस यौगिकों में सबसे मजबूत हाइड्रोजन बंध है??
(a) HI
(b) HCl
(c) HF
(d) HBr
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Sol. HF compounds has the strongest hydrogen bond.

Q5. Ozone hole is caused by chemicals like _____.
ओजोन छिद्र _______ जैसे रसायनों के कारण होता है
(a) Nitrogen Oxide/ नाइट्रोजन ऑक्साइड
(b) Hydrogen Sulphide/ हाइड्रोजन सल्फ़ाइड
(c) Chloro Fluoro Carbon/ क्लोरो फ्लोरो कार्बन
(d) Carbon Monoxide/ कार्बन मोनोऑक्साइड
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Sol.The chief ozone-depleting substances include chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), carbon tetrachloride, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and methyl chloroform.

Q6. The poisonous gas accidentally released in Bhopal Gas Tragedy is
भोपाल गैस त्रासदी में गलती से किस जहरीला गैस का रिसाव हुआ था?
(a) Methane/ मीथेन
(b) Nitrous Oxide/ नाइट्रस ऑक्साइड
(c) Methyl Isocyanate/ मिथाइल आइसोसाइनेट
(d) Cyanogen/सियानोजेन
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Sol. Bhopal gas tragedy occured on the night of 2–3 December 1984 at the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Over 500,000 people were exposed to methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas and other chemicals leaked from UCIL.

Q7. The Chemical formula of Methanol is _____.
मेथनॉल का रासायनिक सूत्र _____ है.
(a) C2H5OH          
(b) CH3(OH)2
(c) CH3OH
(d) CH4OH
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Sol. Methanol is the simplest alcohol, being only a methyl group linked to a hydroxyl group. It is a light, volatile, colorless, flammable liquid with a distinctive odour very similar to that of ethanol (drinking alcohol). However, unlike ethanol, methanol is highly toxic and unfit for consumption. Chemical formula of Methanol is CH3OH.

Q8. Which of the following molecules is joined by a double covalent bond?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन से अणु द्विगुण सहसंयोजक बंधन से जुड़ जाते हैं?
(a) Cl2
(b) O2
(c) N2
(d) He
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Sol. Oxygen atom is joined by double covalent bond.

Q9. Which of the following elements has the lowest melting point?
निम्नलिखित में से किसका गलनांक बिंदु सबसे कम है?
(a) Iodine/आयोडीन
(b) Lead/लीड
(c) Tin/ टिन
(d) Mercury/पारा
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Sol. Mercury has the lowest melting point. Mercury has a melting point of -37.89F.

Q10. The common name of sodium bicarbonate is _____.
सोडियम बाइकार्बोनेट का सामान्य नाम ________ है
(a) Baking soda /बेकिंग सोडा
(b) Borax/बोरेक्स
(c) Bleach/ ब्लीच
(d) Epsom salt/एप्सोम साल्ट
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Sol.Sodium bicarbonate is commonly known as baking soda. It is a chemical compound with the formula NaHCO3.

Q11. Which drug is used as an Antidiabetic drug?
कौन सी दवा का प्रयोग एंटीबायोटिक दवा के रूप में किया जाता है?
(a) Metformin / मेटफोर्मिन
(b) Zolpidem / ज़ोल्पीडेम
(c) Promethazine / प्रोमीथाज़िन
(d) Hydralazine / हाइड्रालाज़िन
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Sol.Metformin is an oral antidiabetic drug for the treatment of diabetes.

Q12. LPG is a mixture of _______.
एलपीजी _______ का मिश्रण है.
(a) methane and butane / मीथेन और ब्यूटेन
(b) butane and propane/ ब्यूटेन और प्रोपेन
(c) methane and propane / मीथेन और प्रोपेन
(d) ethane and propane / इथेन और प्रोपेन
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Sol. LPG is a mixture of two flammable but nontoxic gases called propane and butane.

Q13. Who invented Antibiotics?
एंटीबायोटिक्स का आविष्कार किसने किया?
(a) Joseph Lister/यूसुफ लिस्टर
(b) William Harvey/विलियम हार्वे
(c) Robert Knock/रॉबर्ट नॉक
(d) Alexander Fleming/सिकंदर फ्लेमिंग
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Sol. Antibiotics also called antibacterials, are a type of antimicrobial drug used in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections. Alexander Fleming invented Antibiotic.

Q14. The Chemical formula of Acetic acid is _____.
एसिटिक एसिड के रासायनिक सूत्र ________ है.
(a) CH3COH
(c) CH3COCH3
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Sol. Acetic acid, also known as ethanoic acid or methane carboxylic acid, is a colorless liquid with a strong and distinct pungent and sour smell. Its chemical formula is C2H4O2 or can be written as CH3COOH or CH3CO2H.

Q15. The common name of  Speed of sound in a gas is proportional to is _____.
गैस में ध्वनि की गति का सामान्य नाम _____  के आनुपातिक है.
(a) Epsom salt / सेंध नमक
(b) Gypsum/ जिप्सम
(c) Borax / बोरेक्रस
(d) Galena/ गेलेना
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Sol. The common name of Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate is Borax.

Chemistry Questions From Adda247 Book : 30th October 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 30, 2018 Railway Board offers opulent and revered job posts to its aspirants. And it is not every year that we get the notificati...

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