Biology Questions From Adda247 Book : 26th October 2018

October 26, 2018    

Railway Board offers opulent and revered job posts to its aspirants. And it is not every year that we get the notification from Railway offering a good number of vacant seats to the multitude aspirants. But the current year 2018 brought a pleasant surprise with almost 1,27,278 seats to be filled by the valid candidates. Opportunity is here but you have to welcome it with a provident strategy. 

Q1. Ringworm is a disease caused by –
दाद जिसके कारण होने वाली एक एक बीमारी है
(a) Fungi/ कवक
(b) Bacteria/ जीवाणु
(c) Virus/ वाइरस
(d) Flies/ मक्खियां
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Sol. Ringworm of the skin (tinea corporis) is most commonly caused by the fungus Trichophyton rubrum, which spreads from one person to another.

Q2. Mangifera indica is the scientific name of –
मेग्निफ़िरा इंडिका का वैज्ञानिक नाम है
(a) Guava/अमरूद
(b) Mango/ आम
(c) Amla/ अमला
(d) Jack fruit/ कटहल
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Sol. Mangifera Indica is scientific name of Mango.

Q3. Crabs belongs to the phylum –
केकड़े किस फाइलम से संबंधित है-
(a) Mollusca/ मोलस्का
(b) Cnidaria/ निडारिया
(c) Arthropoda/ आर्थ्रोपोड़ा
(d) Platyhelminthes/प्लेटिहेल्मेंथिस
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Sol. Crabs belongs to the phylum Arthropoda.

Q4. Myopia is a defect of eyes which is also known as –
मायोपिया आंखों का दोष है इसे ______  के रूप में भी जाना जाता है -
(a) Far Sightedness / सुदूर दृष्टि   दोष     
(b) Near-Sightedness /  निकट दृष्टि दोष
(c) Astigmatism / दृष्टिवैषम्य दोष
(d) Night Blindness / रतौन्धी दोष
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Sol. Nearsightedness, also known as myopia, is a common type of refractive error where close objects appear clearly, but distant objects appear blurry. 

Q5. Who is known as the father of Green Revolution?
हरित क्रांति के जनक के रूप में किसे जाना जाता है?
(a) Dr. Robert Nucleus / डॉ रॉबर्ट न्यूक्लियस
(b) Dr. Ian Wilmut / डॉ इयान विल्मुट
(c) Dr. N E Borlaug / डॉ एन ई बोर्लोग
(d) Dr. JC Bose / डॉ जेसी बोस
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Sol. Dr. N E Borlaug is father of Green Revolution.

Q6. Panthera Tigris is the scientific name of –
पैंथरा टिगरिस _____ का वैज्ञानिक नाम है.
(a) Panther / पैंथर 
(b) Tiger/ बाघ
(c) Whale / व्हेल
(d) Goat / बकरी
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Sol. Panthera Tigris is the scientific name of Tiger.

Q7. How many facial bones are there? 
चेहरे में कुल कितनी हड्डियाँ होती है?
(a) 34
(b) 24
(c) 14
(d) 4 
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Sol. The skull consists of 8 cranial bones and 14 facial bones.

Q8. Halophytes are plants that grow in –
हेलोफाईट्स पौधे किसमें विकसित होते हैं
(a) Fresh Water / ताज़ा पानी
(b) Cold Water / ठंडा पानी
(c) Pond  / तालाब
(d) Salt Water  / खारा पानी
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Sol. Halophytes are plants adapted to saline soils, and occur naturally in environments ranging from maritime estuaries to remnant salt lakes in arid zones.

Q9. Felis Catus is the scientific name of –
फेलिस कैटस _______का वैज्ञानिक नाम है 
(a) Cat  / बिल्ली
(b) Dog  / कुत्ता
(c) Mouse / चूहा
(d) Porcupine / शल्यक
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Sol. Felis Catus is the scientific name of cat.

Q10. Pneumonia affects which of the following organs of human body?
 निमंलिखित में से निमोनिया का मानव शरीर के कौन से अंग पर प्रभाव पड़ता है? 
(a) Kidneys / गुर्दे       
(b) Lungs / फेफड़े
(c) Throat / गले
(d) Liver / जिगर
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Sol. Pneumonia is an illness of the lungs and respiratory system in which microscopic air-filled sacs in the lungs become inflamed and flooded with fluid causing cough with phlegm, fever, chills, and difficulty breathing.

Q11. Mendel is known as
मेंडेल को किस रूप में जाना जाता है?
(a) Father of Physiology/फिजियोलॉजी के पिता
(b) Father of Geology/भूविज्ञान का पिता
(c) Father of Genetics/जेनेटिक्स के पिता
(d) Father of Biology/जीवविज्ञान का पिता
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Sol. Gregor Mendel is known as the "father of modern genetics". 

Q12. Which of the following are also known as Suicidal bag of Cells?
निमंलिखित में से किस को आत्मघाती कोशिकाओं के थैले के रूप में भी जाना जाता है
(a) Lysosomes / लियोसोमों
(b) Lycosome / लाइकोसोम
(c) Nucleus / नाभिक
(d) Chromosome / क्रोमोसोम
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Sol. Lysosomes are called suicide bag of cell as when any forgien material enters the cell or the cell gets damaged too much then these small organelles bursts and the digestive enzymes digest the whole cell.

Q13. The largest gland of the human body is –
मानव शरीर की सबसे बड़ी ग्रंथि _____है 
(a) Pancreas / अग्न्याशय
(b) Thyroid / थायराइड
(c) Large Intestine / बड़ी आंत
(d) Liver / जिगर
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Sol. Liver is the largest gland in human body. It is also the largest (internal) organ in our body and can weigh up to 1.5 kg for a human adult.

Q14. Photosynthesis in plants takes place in –
पौधों में स्फटिक संश्लेषण किस भाग में होता है -
(a) Stem / तना
(b) Leaves/ पत्तियां
(c) Roots / जड़ें
(d) Flower / फूल
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Sol. Photosynthesis is the process by which leaves absorb light and carbon dioxide to produce carbohydrate (food) for plants to grow. The sunlight can get to the chloroplasts in the cells.

Q15. Insects that transmit diseases are known as -
कीड़ों से प्रसारित होने वाले रोग किस रूप में जाने जाते है?
(a) Pathogens / पाथोजन
(b) Vectors / वेक्टर
(c) Drones /  ड्रोन
(d) Scalars / स्केलर्स
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Sol. An insect that transmits a disease is known as a vector, and the disease is referred to as a vector-borne disease.

Biology Questions From Adda247 Book : 26th October 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 26, 2018 Railway Board offers opulent and revered job posts to its aspirants. And it is not every year that we get the notificati...

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