Biology Questions for Railway & SSC CGL Exam 2018: 31st October 2018

October 31, 2018    

Railway Board offers opulent and revered job posts to its aspirants. And it is not every year that we get the notification from Railway offering a good number of vacant seats to the multitude aspirants. But the current year 2018 brought a pleasant surprise with almost 1,27,278 seats to be filled by the valid candidates. Opportunity is here but you have to welcome it with a provident strategy. 

Q1. What would happen if the pancreas is defective: 
क्या होगा यदि अग्न्याशय विकृत है?
(a) Digestion will not take properly/ पाचन ठीक से नहीं होगा
(b) Insulin and glucagon are not formed/ इंसुलिन और ग्लूकागन गठित नहीं होंगे
(c) Blood formation will stop/ रक्त गठन बंद हो जाएगा
(d) Blood pressure will increase / रक्तचाप में वृद्धि होगी 
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Sol. The pancreas is a mixed gland which secretes digestive enzyme and the beta sells of islets of langerhans secrete insulin, alpha cells secrete glucagon, delta cells secrete somatostatin hormone. If the pancreas is defective by any of the reason, then the formation of insulin and glucagon are affected badly.

Q2. A posterior pituitary hormone released during parturition is
प्रसव के दौरान कौन सा पश्च पीयूष हार्मोन निर्मुक्त होता है
(a) Oxytocin/ ऑक्सीटोसिन
(b) Vasopressin/ वैसोप्रेसिन
(c) ICSH
(d) ACTH
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Sol. Oxytocin, which is secreted from the posterior pituitary gland, increases myometrial contractility and decidual secretion of PGE2 and PGF2α.

Q3. Insulin hormone is a:- 
इन्सुलिन हॉर्मोन है :
(a) Glycolipid / ग्लाइकोलिपिड
(b) Fatty acid / फैटी एसिड
(c) Peptide / पेप्टाइड
(d) Sterol  / स्टेरोल
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Sol. Insulin is peptide hormone, produced by beta cells in the pancreas and is essential to regulate carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body. It causes cells in the muscles and fat tissue to absorb glucose from the blood.

Q4. Which metal is present is insulin? 
इनमे से कौन सी धातु इन्सुलिन में उपस्थित है?
(a) Tin /टिन
(b) Copper  /कॉपर
(c) Zinc/ जिंक
(d) Aluminium / एल्युमीनियम
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Sol. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas, that allows our body to use sugar (glucose) from carbohydrates in the food, that we eat for energy or to store glucose for future use. Chemical properties of insulin are:- 
Metal ion-Zinc 
Buffer – Disodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate 
Preservatives – M – cresol 
Isotonicity agent – Glycerine

Q5. The dialyzer is used for the work of- 
डायलिज़र का उपयोग___के कार्य के लिए किया जाता है.
(a) Heart /हृदय
(b) Kidney /गुर्दा
(c) Liver /जिगर
(d) Lungs /फेफड़े
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Sol. Flowers emit fragrance to attract pollinators which are mainly insects. The fragrance plays a prominent role in the localization and selection of flowers by insects, especially moth-pollinated flowers, which are detected and visited at night.

Q6. What amongst the following is responsible for the formation of stone in the human kidney? 
मानव गुर्दा में पत्थरी के बनने के लिए निम्नलिखित में से क्या जिम्मेदार है?
(a) Calcium acetate /कैल्शियम एसीटेट
(b) Calcium oxalate /कैल्शियम ऑक्सलेट
(c) Sodium acetate /सोडियम एसीटेट)
(d) Sodium benzoate /सोडियम बेंज़ोएट
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Sol. Calcium Oxalate is a chemical compound that forms envelope shaped crystals, known in plants as raphides. A major constituent of human kidney stones is calcium oxalate. 

Q7. What is a mushroom? 
एक मशरूम क्या है? 
(a) Fungi/कवक
(b) Plant/पौधा
(c) Animal/जीव
(d) Bacteria/जीवाणु 
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Sol. Mushroom is a fungus which is used as a vegetable for food. 

Q8. Which of the following are required for the formation of bones and teeth? 
हड्डियों और दांतों के निर्माण के लिए निम्नलिखित में से क्या आवश्यक है? 
(a) Sodium and Potassium/सोडियम और पोटेशियम
(b) Iron and Calcium/आयरन और कैल्शियम
(c) Sodium and Calcium/सोडियम और कैल्शियम
(d) Calcium and Phosphorus/कैल्शियम और फास्फोरस  
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Sol. Teeth and bones both are hard, white and heavy. Teeth are composed of calcium, phosphorous and other minerals. Bones contain calcium, phosphorus, sodium and other minerals, but mostly consist of the protein collagen.

Q9. Heart beats are caused by an electrical current that originates in the: 
दिल की धड़कन किसके द्वारा उत्पन्न एक विद्युतीय धारा के कारण होती है: 
(a) Brain/मस्तिष्क
(b) Blood/रक्त
(c) Heart/हृदय
(d) Spinal cord/मेरुदण्ड
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Sol. The life span of RBC of man is 120 days.

Q10. Which of the following is not correctly matched
निम्न में से कौन सा सही मिलान नहीं किया गया है
(a) Autotroph/स्वपोषी : producer/उत्पादक
(b) Haterotroph/परपोषी : Consumer/उपभोक्ता
(c) Saprotroph/सेप्रोट्रोफ : Decomposer/अपघटित करने वाला
(d) Herbivore/शाकाहारी : Secondary Consumer/माध्यमिक उपभोक्ता
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Sol. Autotrophs are the producers in a food chain such as plants on land or algae in water, in contrast to heterotrophs as consumers of autotrophs. Saprotroph, a term used for organisms which obtain nutrients from dead organic matter (this term commonly applies to fungi). A herbivore is an animal anatomically and physiologically adapted to eating plant material (for example foliage) for the main component of its diet. More generally, herbivores feed on autotrophs and are known as primary consumers. Thus option (d) is not correctly matched.

Q11. Trophic level-I includes:
उष्णकटिबंधीय स्तर-I में शामिल हैं: 
(a) Herbivorous animals / शाकाहारी जानवर
(b) Carnivorous animals / मांसाहारी जानवर
(c) Omnivorous animals / सर्वव्यापी जानवर
(d) Green plants / हरे पौधे
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Sol. Trophic level-I includes all autotrophs which synthesize their food by themselves. All green plants belong to this trophic level. Organisms of trophic level-I usually utilize the radiant energy of the sun to synthesize their oganic molecules.

Q12. Fishers survive under the frozen lake, because
मछलियां जमी हुई झील के नीचे जीवित रहती हैं, क्योंकि -
(a) Fishes have hot blood / मछलियों में गर्म रक्त है
(b) Fishes are in hibernation under it / मछलियां इसके नीचे शीतनिंद्रा में होती है
(c) Water does not freeze near bottom / तल के निकट पानी जमता नहीं है
(d) Ice is the conductor of heat. / बर्फ गर्मी का कंडक्टर है
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Sol. Lakes and rivers are frozen when the outer temperature decrease below the freezing point in winters. But only the upper layer freezes in the condition. Water remains in liquid form below the upper layer. So fishes and other aquatic creatures can survive even in frozen lake.

Q13. After bringing out of water fishes die because
मछलियां पानी से बाहर निकलने के बाद मर जाती हैं क्योंकि:  
(a) They get excess quantity of oxygen /उन्हें ऑक्सीजन की अतिरिक्त मात्रा मिलती है
(b) Their body temperature increases /उनके शरीर का तापमान बढ़ जाता है
(c) They cannot breathe / वे साँस नहीं ले सकते
(d) They can not move in water / वे पानी में नहीं जा सकते
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Sol. Fish use gills to breath and gills can only bring in oxygen when moist. Out of water, a fish’s gills dries out and then the fish dies.

Q14. Redness in apple is due to
सेब के लाल रंग का कारण है-
(a) Anthocyanin / एंथोसाइनिन
(b) Lycopene / लाइकोपीन
(c) Carotene / कैरोटीन
(d) Xanthophyll /जैन्थोफिल
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Sol. Anthocyanins are the pigment compounds and responsible for red, purple and blue colours in many fruits and vegetables. Lycopene pigment is in red colour like tomato, carotene in carrot and xanthophyll pigment present in beetroot.

Q15. Red colour in tomato is due to
टमाटर में लाल रंग _____ के कारण होता है.
(a) Capsaicin/कैप्सैसिन
(b) Carotenoid / कैरोटीनॉयड
(c) Xanthophyll /जैन्थोफिल
(d) None of the above / उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं
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Sol. carotenoid is responsible for the redness of tomato.

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