Biology Questions for Railway & SSC CGL Exam 2018: 11th October 2018

October 11, 2018    

Railway Board offers opulent and revered job posts to its aspirants. And it is not every year that we get the notification from Railway offering a good number of vacant seats to the multitude aspirants. But the current year 2018 brought a pleasant surprise with almost 1,27,278 seats to be filled by the valid candidates. Opportunity is here but you have to welcome it with a provident strategy. 

Q1. Which one of the following fibre is not a product of plant stem: 
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा फाइबर पौंधे के तने का एक उत्पाद नहीं है:
(a) Flax  / फ्लेक्स
(b) Hemp  /  हेम्प
(c) Jute / जूट
(d) Cotton /   कपास 
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Sol. The fibre from the flax, hemp, and jute is obtained from stems, while cotton is obtained from the fruit of the cotton plant, called cotton balls. Cotton fibres are classified into two types namely lint and fuzz respectively. Lint fibre is more important for the commercial purpose then fuzz fibre. 

Q2. The energy released during cellular respiration is stored in _______.
कोशिकीय श्वसन के दौरान जारी ऊर्जा को _______ में संग्रहीत किया जाता है.
(a) ATP /एटीपी
(b) glucose /ग्लूकोज़
(c) lungs /फेफड़ों
(d) ileum /लघ्वान्त्र
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Sol. During cellular respiration, glucose is broken down in the presence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. Energy released during the reaction is captured by the energy-carrying molecule ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Q3. Which one of the following is a man-made cereal, not found in nature? 
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा अनाज मानव निर्मित है, प्रकृति में नहीं पाया जाता?
(a) Dwarf wheat/ बौना गेहूं
(b) Hybrid maize/ हाइब्रिड मक्का
(c) Triticale/ ट्रिटीकेल
(d) Soybean/ सोयाबीन
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Sol. Triticale is man-made cereal which is not found in nature. In fact, it is a hybrid small grain produced by crossing wheat and rye.

Q4. Epiphytes are plants which depend on other plants for : 
इपीफाईट्स वह पौधे हैं जो अन्य पौधों पर ____ के लिए निर्भर करते हैं:
(a) Food / भोजन
(b) physical support / भौतिक समर्थन
(c) Shade / छाया
(d) Water  / पानी  
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Sol. Epiphyte organisms usually derive only physical support and not nutrition from their host, though they may sometimes damage the host.

Q5. Flowers emit fragrance to:
फूल, खुशबू का उत्सर्जन किस लिए करता है
(a) Purify air / हवा को शुद्ध करने के लिए
(b) Drive away files / मक्खियों को दूर करने के लिए
(c) Attract insects / कीड़ों को आकर्षित करने के लिए
(d) Perform all the above/ उपरोक्त सभी
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Sol. Flowers emit fragrance to attract pollinators which are mainly insects. The fragrance plays a prominent role in the localization and selection of flowers by insects, especially moth-pollinated flowers, which are detected and visited at night.

Q6. The largest cell in the human body is?
मानव शरीर में सबसे बड़ी कोशिका है:
(a) Ovum/ अंडाणु
(b) Muscle cell/मांश्पेशी कोशिका
(c) Liver cell/ यकृत कोशिका
(d) Kidney cell/गुर्दा कोशिका
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Sol. The largest cell in the human body is the female egg, also known as ovum,it's 1000 micrometres in diameter.

Q7. The smallest known prokaryotic organism is -
सबसे छोटा प्रसिद्ध प्रोकैरियोटिक जीव है -
(a) Microcystis/माइक्रोसिस्टिस
(b) Mycoplasma /माइकोप्लास्मा
(c) Bacteria /बैक्टीरिया
(d) Chlorella /क्लोरेला
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Sol. Mycoplasma genitalium, a parasitic bacterium which lives in the primate bladder, waste disposal organs, genital, and respiratory tracts, is thought to be the smallest known organism capable of independent growth and reproduction.

Q8. The basic structural and functional unit of living organisms is -
जीवित जीवों की मूल संरचनात्मक और कार्यात्मक इकाई क्या है-
(a) Cell /कोशिका
(b) Tissue /ऊतक
(c) Organ /अंग
(d) Systems/प्रणाली
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Sol. The cell is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. A cell is the smallest unit of life that can replicate independently, and cells are often called the "building blocks of life". The study of cells is called cytology.

Q9. Colour of urine is of light yellow colour due to the presence of -
___की उपस्थिति के कारण मूत्र का रंग हल्का पीला होता है.
(a) Urobilin /यूरोबिलिन
(b) Creatine /क्रिएटिन
(c) Alleles /एललेज़
(d) Ammonia /अमोनिया
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Sol. Urine color generally ranges from a pale-yellow color to deep amber. This coloring is primarily caused by the pigment urochrome, also known as urobilin.

Q10. Types of vertebrate animals which creep and crawl are called -
रेंगने और घिसटने वाले कशेरुक जानवरों को क्या कहते हैं-
(a) Mammalians /स्तनधारी
(b) Amphibians /उभयचर
(c) Molluscs /मोलस्का
(d) Reptilians /सरीसृप  
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Sol. Reptilians are the vertebrate animals which creep and crawl. Examples of organisms belonging to this class Chelone (Turtle),  Chameleon (Tree lizard).

Q11. Mendel’s principle of inheritance is based on- 
मेंडल सिद्धांत विरासत निम्न में से किस पर आधारित है?
(a) Vegetative reproduction  / वनस्पति प्रजनन
(b) Asexual reproduction  / असभ्य प्रजनन
(c) Sexual reproduction  / यौन प्रजनन
(d) All of the above  / उपरोक्त सभी
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Sol. Mendel’s principle of inheritance is based on sexual reproduction. 

Q12. The number of chromosome pairs, found in the cells of human body is-
मानव शरीर की कोशिकाओं में पाए जाने वाले गुणसूत्र जोड़े की संख्या कितनी है?
(a) 21
(b) 22
(c) 23
(d) 24
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Sol. In humans, each cell normally contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, a total of 46. Twenty-two of these pairs called autosomes which are the same in both males and females. The 23rd pair, the sex chromosomes differ between males and females. Females have two copies of the X chromosome (XX) while males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY).

Q13. How does the plant cell differ from the animal cell? 
वनस्पति कोशिका, पशु कोशिका से किस प्रकार भिन्न होती है?
(a) Mitochondria  / माईटोकोंड्रीया
(b) Cell wall / सेल वोल
(c) Presence of protoplasm  / प्रेसेंस ऑफ़ प्रोटोप्लास्म
(d) Cell nucleus  / सेल नुक्लयस
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Sol. A plant cell is different from animal cell mainly on the basis of the cell wall. The outer shell in a plant cell (which is made from cellulose in green plants) is known as cell wall, which is not found in the animal cell. Except this, green plastids are also found in plant while not in animal cells. 

Q14. Corpus luteum is a mass of cells found in: 
कॉर्पस ल्यूटियम कोशिकाओं का एक द्रव्यमान है. यह किसमें पाया जाता है?
(a) Brain  / मस्तिष्क
(b) Ovary  / अंडाशय
(c) Pancreas  /  अग्नाशय
(d) Spleen  / प्लीहा
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Sol. The corpus luteum develops from an ovarian follicle during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle or oestrous cycle following the release of a secondary oocyte from the follicle during ovulation. Its cell develops from the follicular cells surrounding the ovarian follicle.

Q15. Which of the following organelle is called ‘Power House’ of the cell? 
निम्नलिखित में से कौन से कोशिका द्रव्यी कोशिकांग को कोशिकाओं का 'पावर हाउस' कहा जाता है?
(a) Ribosome  / राइबोसोम
(b) Mitochondria /  माईटोकोंड्रीया
(c) Cell membrane  / सेल मेम्ब्रेन
(d) Centrosome  / सेंट्रोसोम
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Sol. The mitochondria (plural mitochondria) is a membrane-bound organelle found in most eukaryotic cells mitochondria range from 0.5 to 1.0 μ m in diameter. These structures are sometimes described as “the powerhouse of the cell” as they generate energy.

Biology Questions for Railway & SSC CGL Exam 2018: 11th October 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 11, 2018 Railway Board offers opulent and revered job posts to its aspirants. And it is not every year that we get the notificati...

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