4th October 2018 Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - PDF Download

October 4, 2018    

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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 4th October 2018. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on titles to read Editorials from THE HINDU News Paper

  • Sweeping change - a sweeping change or development has a major effect
  • Broad - very wide
  • Sanitation - conditions and processes relating to people’s health, especially the systems that supply water and deal with human waste
  • Rural - relating to the countryside, or in the countryside
  • Invoke - to use a law or rule in order to achieve something
  • Ambitious - an ambitious plan, aim, or attempt is difficult and will need a lot of effort to succeed
  • On the eve of something - on the day before an important event, or during the period of time just before it
  • Outcome - the final result of a process, meeting, activity etc
  • Far from - used for saying that the real situation is the opposite of what you mention
  • Arguably - used for stating your opinion or belief, especially when you think other people may disagree
  • Cess - a tax
  • Wing - a part of an organization or political party that has its own responsibilities and opinions that are separate from the rest of the group
  • Household - the people who live in a house or flat when they are considered as a single unit
  • Defecation - the act of passing the contents of the bowels out of the body
  • On the face of it - used for saying that something appears to be true but might not be true when you have examined it in more detail
  • Audit - a careful examination of something, especially one done to find the amount, size, or effectiveness of something
  • Elusive -  difficult or impossible to achieve
  • Oppressed - suffering from unfair and cruel treatment by a more powerful person or government
  • Filth - dirt that is especially unpleasant, usually because there is a lot of it
  • Prevailing - existing at a particular time or in a particular place
  • Condemn - to say publicly that you think someone or something is bad or wrong
  • Persist - to continue to do or say something in a determined way
  • Assert - to state firmly that something is true
  • Urban - relating to towns and cities, or happening there
  • Ward - a small district that a city, town, or other area
  • Municipal - of or belonging to a town or city
  • Dweller - someone who lives in a particular type of place
  • Metro - a city with a population of over one million
  • Spur - something that encourages someone to do something
  • Consumption - the process of buying or using goods, or the amount that people buy or use
  • Enforce - to make sure that a law or rule is obeyed by people
  • Vigorous - full of energy, enthusiasm, or determination
  • Infrastructure - the set of systems within a place or organization that affect how well it operates, for example the telephone and transport systems in a country
  • Inadequate - not enough, or not good enough for a particular purpose
  • Significant - very large or noticeable
  • High-profile - often seen in public, mentioned in newspapers, or appearing on television
  • Campaign - a series of actions intended to produce political or social change
  • Sustainable - capable of continuing for a long time at the same level
  • Scavenging - to search through things that other people have thrown away in order to see if there is anything that you want
  • Ensure - to make certain that something happens or is done
  • Septic tank - a large container buried under the ground and used for collecting waste from toilets
  • Rehabilitation - the process of returning to a healthy or good way of life, or the process of helping someone to do this
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 :  "A populist haze — on Brazil polls"
  • Populist - representing the interests and opinions of ordinary people
  • Haze - a situation or condition which makes it difficult for you to think clearly
  • Establishment - the important and powerful people who control a country or an organization, especially those who support the existing situation
  • Campaign - a series of actions intended to produce political or social change
  • Beset - to cause someone difficulty or danger over a period of time
  • Legislator - someone who has the power and authority to create new laws
  • Contest - a competition, especially one in which people’s skill in a particular activity or sport is tested
  • Polarise - to form two very different groups, opinions, or situations that are completely opposite to each other, or to cause this to happen
  • Lingering - lasting for a long time, especially when this is unpleasant or not necessary
  • Buzzword - a word that has become very popular, especially a word relating to a particular activity or subject
  • Underpin - to be an important basic part of something, allowing it to succeed or continue to exist
  • Confrontation - a situation in which people or groups are arguing angrily or are fighting
  • Legislature - the part of government that makes and changes laws
  • Judiciary - the part of government that consists of all the judges and courts in a country
  • Patronage - help or money that is given to a person or organization
  • Bureaucratic - involving a lot of complicated rules, details, and processes
  • Bigwig - an important and powerful person in an organization
  • State-owned - owned by the government
  • Graft - dishonest or illegal activities in politics or business that involve giving people money or advantages in exchange for their help or support
  • Fray - a fight or argument, esp. one in which several people take part
  • Former - used for describing someone or something that had a particular job, title, status etc in the past, but not now
  • Left-wing - someone who is left-wing is considered to have socialist aims and ideas, for example that property, money, and power should be shared more equally
  • Sentence - a punishment given by a judge, usually involving a period of time that a person must spend in prison
  • Term - a period of time during which a politician or other official holds their job
  • Quash - to stop something from continuing
  • Dismissal - a refusal to accept that something might be true or important
  • Conviction - a decision by a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime
  • Successor - someone who has an important position after someone else
  • Plunge into - to suddenly start doing something with energy and enthusiasm, but sometimes without thinking about it first
  • Recession - a period when trade and industry are not successful and there is a lot of unemployment
  • Impeach - to formally accuse a public official of a serious crime relating to their job
  • Fiscal - relating to money and financial matters
  • Mismanagement - the process of organizing or controlling something badly
  • Egregious - extremely bad
  • Violation - an action that is in opposition to a law, agreement, principle etc
  • Outgoing - soon to leave a position of authority or power
  • Survive - to manage to deal with something difficult or unpleasant
  • Thanks to  - used for saying that someone or something is responsible for something that happened
  • Intervention - a situation in which someone becomes involved in a particular issue, problem etc in order to influence what happens
  • Ripple effect - a situation in which one thing causes a series of other things to happen
  • Run-up - to make something very quickly
  • Murky - involving activities that are not clearly known and that people think are dishonest or morally wrong
  • Opinion poll - an attempt to find out what people in general think about a subject by asking some people questions about it
  • Frontrunner - the person or thing considered the most likely to win a competition, game, election etc
  • Autocratic - ruling with complete power
  • Elsewhere - in or to another place or other places
  • Stabbing - an attack in which someone is stabbed
  • Stab - to kill or hurt someone by pushing a knife or other sharp object into their body
  • Polarisation - the act of dividing something, especially something that contains different people or opinions, into two completely separate groups
  • Extreme - an opinion or way of behaving that is as different from another as it is possible to be
  • Firebrand - someone who has strong feelings, especially about politics, and wants to change things or encourage other people to feel the same
  • Homophobic - a fear or dislike of gay people
  • Misogynistic - showing feelings of hating women or a belief that men are better than women
  • Trigger - to make something happen
  • Protest - a strong complaint or disagreement
  • Former - used for describing someone or something that had a particular job, title, status etc in the past, but not now
  • Deferred - delayed until a later time
  • Verdict - an official judgment made in a court
  • Candidacy - the fact that someone is a candidate in an election
  • Prospect - the possibility that something will happen, especially something good
  • Reconcile - to find a way to make ideas, beliefs, needs etc that are opposed to each other capable of existing together
  • Overturn - to change a legal decision
  • Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
  • Populist - representing the interests and opinions of ordinary people
  • Impede - to make it more difficult for someone to do something or more difficult for something to happen
  • Overdue - if something is overdue, it should have been done before now
  • Reform - a change that is intended to correct a situation that is wrong or unfair, or make a system work more effectively
  • Dominance - a situation in which one person or thing has more influence or power than any other
  • Stimulate - to encourage something to happen, develop, or improve
  • Recession - a period when trade and industry are not successful and there is a lot of unemployment
  • Run-off - to force someone to leave a place
  • Set the stage for something - to create the conditions in which something is likely to happen
  • Sober - with a serious attitude
  • Lead-up - the period that comes before an important event


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    4th October 2018 Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - PDF Download 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 4, 2018 sponsored links Hai Friends I'm  Kani . Here I'm sharing  English Vocabulary from Editorial section of  The Hindu News Paper  da...

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