Directions (1 – 5): Study the following informa¬tion carefully and answer the questions which follow.
Eight persons M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T are sitting around a circular table facing to the Centre but not necessary in the same order. They all are working in 8 different states of India viz. Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Himanchal, Telangana, Uttarakhand and Gujrat. They all have their houses in the same village. R is seated second to the right of T whose house is 10m. to the north of the house of the one who works in Himanchal and they both do not work in Uttarakhand. S does not work in Punjab or Telangana state but sits 3rd to the left of the person who works in Uttarakhand whose house is 5m. east of S’s house. O sits to immediate left of the person who works in Punjab and sits opposite to one who is immediate right of T. M sits 3rd to the left of P and opposite to one who works in Uttarakhand. M’s house is 10m. to the east of the house of the person who is from Haryana. Houses of R, S and N lies in the same line respectively where R’s house is 10m. to the West of S’s house. The person who works in Himanchal is not sitting as an immediate neighbor of the person who works in Punjab and Uttarakhand state. R is an immediate neighbor of Q in the seating arrangement. The person working in Himanchal sits 3rd to the left of the person who works in Madhya Pradesh. Neither M nor T works in Gujrat or Telangana state. N is not sitting adjacent to the person who works in Uttar Pradesh. P is seated opposite to one who works in Himanchal. The house of the person from Punjab is 20m. west of N’s house. and 5m. north of the house of the one who is from Telangana. The house of the one from Madhya Pradesh is 20 m east of Q’s house.
Q1. What is the shortest distance between the houses of Q and S?
Q2. M’s house is in which direction with respect to Q?
Q3. What is the position (in the sitting arrangement) of the person who works in Madhya Pradesh with respect to the person who works in Gujrat?
Q4. The person who works in Uttarakhand sits opposite to one who works in?
Q5. Which of the following statement is true?
Directions (6-10): In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. These statement/statements are followed by conclusions. Give answer
Q6. Statements: P=C, C ≥ W, W < H, H ≤ M
I. M > W
II. H > P
III. W = P
IV. W < P
Q7. Statements: R ≤ D, D ≥ J, J < M, M > K
I. K < J
II. D > M
III. R < M
IV. D > K
Q8. Statements: H > T, T < F, F = E, E ≤ V
I. V ≥ F
II. E > T
III. H > V
IV. T < V
Q9. Statements: D < R, R ≤ K, K > F, F ≥ J
I. J < R
II. J < K
III. R < F
IV. K > D
Q10. Statements: M ≥ K, K > P, P ≤ R, R < W
I. W > K
II. M ≥ R
III. K < W
IV. M > P
Directions (11-15): Study the following information to answer the given questions.
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input: 179 risky 201 unique local 156 jack 101 pick 141 187 visit
Step I: 101 179 risky unique local 156 jack pick 141 187 visit 201
Step II: 101 141 179 risky unique local 156 jack pick visit 187 201
Step III: 101 141 156 risky unique local jack pick visit 179 187 201
Step IV: 101 141 156 jack risky unique local pick visit 179 187 201
Step V: 101 141 156 jack local risky unique pick visit 179 187 201
Step VI: 101 141 156 jack local pick risky unique visit 179 187 201
Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input: 67 neat visit 38 high 83 quit 49 goal 77 kick 44
Q11. How many steps would be needed to complete the arrangement?
There are six numbers and six words in the input.
(a) The three numbers are placed in the beginning and the remaining three numbers are placed in the last.
(b) The numbers are rearranged in ascending order.
(c) The six words are rearranged in alphabetical order in the middle.
(d) In every step, Upto step-III smallest no. is arranged to left and highest no. is arranged to right and further process is repeating in other two step. After III words are arranged according to the alphabetical series from left to right.
Input 67 neat visit 38 high 83 quit 49 goal 77 kick 44
Step I 38 67 neat visit high quit 49 goal 77 kick 44 83
Step II 38 44 67 neat visit high quit 49 goal kick 77 83
Step III 38 44 49 neat visit high quit goal kick 67 77 83
Step IV 38 44 49 goal neat visit high quit kick 67 77 83
Step V 38 44 49 goal high neat visit quit kick 67 77 83
Step VI 38 44 49 goal high kick neat visit quit 67 77 83
Step VII 38 44 49 goal high kick neat quit visit 67 77 83
Q12. Which step number would be the following output?
38 44 49 goal high neat visit quit kick 67 77 83
Logic:- Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and lets understand how to solve it. As a first step let’s first understand the logic behind the Output. If you will see the final output you will observe the following:
There are six numbers and six words in the input.
(a) The three numbers are placed in the beginning and the remaining three numbers are placed in the last.
(b) The numbers are rearranged in ascending order.
(c) The six words are rearranged in alphabetical order in the middle.
(d) In every step, Upto step-III smallest no. is arranged to left and highest no. is arranged to right and further process is repeating in other two step. After III words are arranged according to the alphabetical series from left to right.
Input 67 neat visit 38 high 83 quit 49 goal 77 kick 44
Step I 38 67 neat visit high quit 49 goal 77 kick 44 83
Step II 38 44 67 neat visit high quit 49 goal kick 77 83
Step III 38 44 49 neat visit high quit goal kick 67 77 83
Step IV 38 44 49 goal neat visit high quit kick 67 77 83
Step V 38 44 49 goal high neat visit quit kick 67 77 83
Step VI 38 44 49 goal high kick neat visit quit 67 77 83
Step VII 38 44 49 goal high kick neat quit visit 67 77 83
Q13. Which of the following would be Step I?
Logic:- Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and lets understand how to solve it. As a first step let’s first understand the logic behind the Output. If you will see the final output you will observe the following:
There are six numbers and six words in the input.
(a) The three numbers are placed in the beginning and the remaining three numbers are placed in the last.
(b) The numbers are rearranged in ascending order.
(c) The six words are rearranged in alphabetical order in the middle.
(d) In every step, Upto step-III smallest no. is arranged to left and highest no. is arranged to right and further process is repeating in other two step. After III words are arranged according to the alphabetical series from left to right.
Input 67 neat visit 38 high 83 quit 49 goal 77 kick 44
Step I 38 67 neat visit high quit 49 goal 77 kick 44 83
Step II 38 44 67 neat visit high quit 49 goal kick 77 83
Step III 38 44 49 neat visit high quit goal kick 67 77 83
Step IV 38 44 49 goal neat visit high quit kick 67 77 83
Step V 38 44 49 goal high neat visit quit kick 67 77 83
Step VI 38 44 49 goal high kick neat visit quit 67 77 83
Step VII 38 44 49 goal high kick neat quit visit 67 77 83
Q14. Which of the following would be the final arrangement?
Logic:- Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and lets understand how to solve it. As a first step let’s first understand the logic behind the Output. If you will see the final output you will observe the following:
There are six numbers and six words in the input.
(a) The three numbers are placed in the beginning and the remaining three numbers are placed in the last.
(b) The numbers are rearranged in ascending order.
(c) The six words are rearranged in alphabetical order in the middle.
(d) In every step, Upto step-III smallest no. is arranged to left and highest no. is arranged to right and further process is repeating in other two step. After III words are arranged according to the alphabetical series from left to right.
Input 67 neat visit 38 high 83 quit 49 goal 77 kick 44
Step I 38 67 neat visit high quit 49 goal 77 kick 44 83
Step II 38 44 67 neat visit high quit 49 goal kick 77 83
Step III 38 44 49 neat visit high quit goal kick 67 77 83
Step IV 38 44 49 goal neat visit high quit kick 67 77 83
Step V 38 44 49 goal high neat visit quit kick 67 77 83
Step VI 38 44 49 goal high kick neat visit quit 67 77 83
Step VII 38 44 49 goal high kick neat quit visit 67 77 83
Q15. In Step IV, which of the following word/number would be on 7th position (from the right)?
Logic:- Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and lets understand how to solve it. As a first step let’s first understand the logic behind the Output. If you will see the final output you will observe the following:
There are six numbers and six words in the input.
(a) The three numbers are placed in the beginning and the remaining three numbers are placed in the last.
(b) The numbers are rearranged in ascending order.
(c) The six words are rearranged in alphabetical order in the middle.
(d) In every step, Upto step-III smallest no. is arranged to left and highest no. is arranged to right and further process is repeating in other two step. After III words are arranged according to the alphabetical series from left to right.
Input 67 neat visit 38 high 83 quit 49 goal 77 kick 44
Step I 38 67 neat visit high quit 49 goal 77 kick 44 83
Step II 38 44 67 neat visit high quit 49 goal kick 77 83
Step III 38 44 49 neat visit high quit goal kick 67 77 83
Step IV 38 44 49 goal neat visit high quit kick 67 77 83
Step V 38 44 49 goal high neat visit quit kick 67 77 83
Step VI 38 44 49 goal high kick neat visit quit 67 77 83
Step VII 38 44 49 goal high kick neat quit visit 67 77 83

- https://www.bankersadda.com/2018/09/reasoning-quiz-for-ibps-rrb-po-and-clerk.html
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