Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Prelims: 25th September 2018

September 25, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Prelims: 24th September 2018

Reasoning Questions for IBPS PO 2018

Reasoning Ability is an onerous section. With the increasing complexity of questions, it becomes hard for one to give it the cold shoulder. The only way to make the grade in this particular section in the forthcoming banking exams like IBPS PO is to practice continuously with all your heart and soul. And, to let you practice with the best of the latest pattern questions, here is the Adda247 Reasoning Quiz based on the exact same pattern of questions that are being asked in the exams.

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: 

Twelve persons attended a meeting on either 19th or 28th in six different months of the same year from January to June. B and A attended meeting in same month having 31 days. C attended meeting before F and both of them attended meeting on same date but not in consecutive months. Two persons attended between E and G and both of them attended before K. The number of persons attending between E and B is same as between B and H. K attended on 19th April. L and J attended in same month. H did not attend meeting in June. B did not attend on even date. The number of persons attending meeting before I is same as the number of persons attending meeting after D. The number of persons between I and F is double the number of persons between F and L.

Q1. Who among the following attended meeting immediately before C?
none of these
B and A attended meeting in same month having 31 days. K attended on 19th April. B did not attend on even date. We get 3 cases:

Two persons attended between E and G and both of them attended before K. The number of persons attending between E and B is same as between B and H. H did not attend meeting in June. So, case1 and case3 gets eliminated. E cannot be immediately before B therefore E attended meeting on 19th January. C attended before F and both of them attended meeting on same date but not in consecutive months. L and J attended in same month. The number of persons attending meeting before I is same as the number of persons attending meeting after D. We, get two more cases.

The number of persons between I and F is double the number of persons between F and L. So, case2(b) gets eliminated. The final arrangement is:

Q2. How many persons attended meeting between E and H?
None of these
B and A attended meeting in same month having 31 days. K attended on 19th April. B did not attend on even date. We get 3 cases:

Two persons attended between E and G and both of them attended before K. The number of persons attending between E and B is same as between B and H. H did not attend meeting in June. So, case1 and case3 gets eliminated. E cannot be immediately before B therefore E attended meeting on 19th January. C attended before F and both of them attended meeting on same date but not in consecutive months. L and J attended in same month. The number of persons attending meeting before I is same as the number of persons attending meeting after D. We, get two more cases.

The number of persons between I and F is double the number of persons between F and L. So, case2(b) gets eliminated. The final arrangement is:

Q3. On which of the following dates did F attended meeting?
28th April
19th June
28th January
19th may
none of these
B and A attended meeting in same month having 31 days. K attended on 19th April. B did not attend on even date. We get 3 cases:

Two persons attended between E and G and both of them attended before K. The number of persons attending between E and B is same as between B and H. H did not attend meeting in June. So, case1 and case3 gets eliminated. E cannot be immediately before B therefore E attended meeting on 19th January. C attended before F and both of them attended meeting on same date but not in consecutive months. L and J attended in same month. The number of persons attending meeting before I is same as the number of persons attending meeting after D. We, get two more cases.

The number of persons between I and F is double the number of persons between F and L. So, case2(b) gets eliminated. The final arrangement is:

Q4. Who among the following attended meeting in same month as H?
none of these
B and A attended meeting in same month having 31 days. K attended on 19th April. B did not attend on even date. We get 3 cases:

Two persons attended between E and G and both of them attended before K. The number of persons attending between E and B is same as between B and H. H did not attend meeting in June. So, case1 and case3 gets eliminated. E cannot be immediately before B therefore E attended meeting on 19th January. C attended before F and both of them attended meeting on same date but not in consecutive months. L and J attended in same month. The number of persons attending meeting before I is same as the number of persons attending meeting after D. We, get two more cases.

The number of persons between I and F is double the number of persons between F and L. So, case2(b) gets eliminated. The final arrangement is:

Q5. Four of the following belongs to a group find the one that does not belong to that group?
B and A attended meeting in same month having 31 days. K attended on 19th April. B did not attend on even date. We get 3 cases:

Two persons attended between E and G and both of them attended before K. The number of persons attending between E and B is same as between B and H. H did not attend meeting in June. So, case1 and case3 gets eliminated. E cannot be immediately before B therefore E attended meeting on 19th January. C attended before F and both of them attended meeting on same date but not in consecutive months. L and J attended in same month. The number of persons attending meeting before I is same as the number of persons attending meeting after D. We, get two more cases.

The number of persons between I and F is double the number of persons between F and L. So, case2(b) gets eliminated. The final arrangement is:

Direction (6-10): In the following questions, the symbols *, &, @ and $ are used with the following meanings as illustrated below. Study the following information and answer the given questions: Note: The directions which are given indicates exact directions. 
A&B - A is 1m south to B. 
A$B - A is 1m north to B. 
 A@B - A is 1m east to B. 
 A*B - A is 1m west to B. 

Q6. If the expression “P @ Q $ S $ T @ R & U” is true, then in which of the following direction is T wrt P?
South west
South east
North west
North east
none of these

Q7. If the expression “ R$T*P, Y*T$E“ is true, then in which of the following direction is Y wrt R?
South west
South east
North west
North east
none of these

Q8. If the expression Q$K*N&P, S@X$Q is true, then in which of the following direction is Q wrt N?
South west
South east
North west
North east
none of these

Q9. If the expression “W&T*X$U, O*P$V*W” is true, then in which of the following direction is U wrt V?
South west
South east
North west
North east
none of these

Q10. If the expression “K&F*J$G$O*M” is true, then in which of the following direction is M wrt J?
South west
South east
North west
North east
none of these

Directions (11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: 

Eight persons are sitting around a square table such that two persons sit on each side of the table. Each of them either have 9 or 10 toffees. B who has 10 toffees sits 4th left to A. None of the persons having 9 toffees sit together. Not more than one person sit between H and E. Not less than three persons have same number of toffees. F faces C and both have same toffees as A. Only one person sit between F and G. G is not neighbor of B. D has odd number of toffees. E is not 3rd right to A. Two persons sit between B and H.

Q11. Who among the following has 9 toffees?
none of these
B who has 10 toffees sits 4th left to A. Two persons sit between B and H.

 F faces C. Only one person sit between F and G. G is not neighbor of B.So, position of H gets fixed in both the cases:

None of the persons having 9 toffees sit together. Not more than one person sit between H and E. D has odd number of toffees. F faces C and both have same toffees as A. Not less than three persons have same number of toffees.

E is not 3rd right to A. So, case2 gets eliminated. The final solution is:

Q12. Who sit 4th left to the one who is immediate right to B?
none of these
B who has 10 toffees sits 4th left to A. Two persons sit between B and H.

 F faces C. Only one person sit between F and G. G is not neighbor of B.So, position of H gets fixed in both the cases:

None of the persons having 9 toffees sit together. Not more than one person sit between H and E. D has odd number of toffees. F faces C and both have same toffees as A. Not less than three persons have same number of toffees.

E is not 3rd right to A. So, case2 gets eliminated. The final solution is:

Q13. How many persons sit between D and E, when counted from right of D?
None of these
B who has 10 toffees sits 4th left to A. Two persons sit between B and H.

 F faces C. Only one person sit between F and G. G is not neighbor of B.So, position of H gets fixed in both the cases:

None of the persons having 9 toffees sit together. Not more than one person sit between H and E. D has odd number of toffees. F faces C and both have same toffees as A. Not less than three persons have same number of toffees.

E is not 3rd right to A. So, case2 gets eliminated. The final solution is:

Q14. Who among the following sit immediate right to A?
none of these
B who has 10 toffees sits 4th left to A. Two persons sit between B and H.

 F faces C. Only one person sit between F and G. G is not neighbor of B.So, position of H gets fixed in both the cases:

None of the persons having 9 toffees sit together. Not more than one person sit between H and E. D has odd number of toffees. F faces C and both have same toffees as A. Not less than three persons have same number of toffees.

E is not 3rd right to A. So, case2 gets eliminated. The final solution is:

Q15. Four of the following belongs to a group find the one that does not belong to that group?
B who has 10 toffees sits 4th left to A. Two persons sit between B and H.

 F faces C. Only one person sit between F and G. G is not neighbor of B.So, position of H gets fixed in both the cases:

None of the persons having 9 toffees sit together. Not more than one person sit between H and E. D has odd number of toffees. F faces C and both have same toffees as A. Not less than three persons have same number of toffees.

E is not 3rd right to A. So, case2 gets eliminated. The final solution is:


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Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Prelims: 25th September 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 25, 2018 Dear Aspirants, Reasoning Questions for IBPS PO 2018 R easoning Ability  is an onerous section. With the in...

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