Railway ALP Important Instructions for 2nd Stage Exam

September 21, 2018    

Dear Readers,

RRB ALP 2018 2nd Stage Exam:

Railway Recruitment Board has released Important notice for Revision of Vacancies, Selection of RRB, Option for Railway/Unit & Posts, Selection of Exam Trade and Confirmation/Modification of Bank Account Details for Refund. Last date for submission of all details is 1st October 2018. Railway ALP 1st stage CBT was conducted between 9th August to 4th September 2018.

Initial Vacancy Updated Vacancy
[1st Aug 2018]
Updated Vacancy
[20th Sept 2018]
Assistant Loco Pilot 17,673 - 27,795
Technicians 88,29 - 36,576
Total 26,502 60,000 64,371

  • Starting Date : 22-09-2018 Time :- 11:00 hrs
  • Closing Date : 01-10-2018 Time :- 23:59 hrs

Selection of RRB and filling up the priority of Options for the Railway/Unit and posts notified against the RRB

Candidates have applied for the posts of ALP & Technicians against CEN 01/2018 in general and not to any specific RRB. In Railway ALP Recruitment Notification, it was indicated that the option for RRB, Railway and Posts shall be taken from among the candidates securing community wise minimum qualifying marks in 1st stage CBT.

  • Selection Of RRB Region
  • Fill the option for the Railway/Unit and posts notified against the RRB as per Annexure B.
  • The selection of RRBs and priority of options for the posts and Railway/Unit once finally submitted cannot be modified. 
  • Candidates may decide firmly and correctly the RRB of their choice and then only proceed to fill the priority for the Railway/Unit and posts.
  • Candidates can indicate their priority of options for as many posts as they are eligible for. 
  • In case, any candidate opts for only few posts, he/she will be considered only for those opted posts and not for other posts.

Note: All the candidates who have appeared in the 1st stage CBT have to select the RRB and priority of options for Railway/Production unit & posts failing which their candidature will not be considered for shortlisting for 2nd stage CBT.

Selection of Exam Trade [Only One]

To facilitate candidates to appear in only one exam trade in Part ‘B’ of 2nd stage CBT, RRBs have now decided that those candidates who have opted for more than one exam trade in view of their multiple qualification will be given an opportunity to select only one exam trade of their choice. Candidates qualifying in Part ‘B’ of 2nd stage CBT in the chosen trade shall be considered eligible for all the posts for which they possess prescribed minimum educational qualification based on their merit in Part ‘A’ of 2nd stage CBT.

Further, considering that for certain posts the prescribed minimum educational qualification is HSC in Maths and Physics, RRBs have also decided to make available Maths & Physics as an Exam Trade with the syllabus of CBSE for HSC over and above the relevant trades mentioned in the notification for such candidates.

S. No. Engineering Discipline(Diploma/Degree) Relevant trade for PART B Qualifying
Test to be selected from
1 Electrical Engineering and combination of
various streams of Electrical Engineering
Electrician / Instrument Mechanic / Wiremen
/Winder(Armature) / Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Mechanic
2 Electronics Engineering and combination of
various streams of Electronics Engineering
Electronics Mechanic / Mechanic Radio & TV
3 Mechanical Engineering and combination of
various streams of Mechanical Engineering
Fitter / Mechanic Motor Vehicle / Tractor
Mechanic / Mechanic Diesel / Turner /
Machinist / Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Mechanic/ Heat Engine /
Millwright Maintenance Mechanic
4 Automobile Engineering and combination of
various streams of Automobile Engineering
Mechanic Motor Vehicle / Tractor Mechanic /
Mechanic Diesel / Heat Engine /
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic
5 HSC(10+2) with Physics and Maths Electrician / Electronics Mechanic / Wireman/ Maths (HSC)/ Physics (HSC)

Further, RRBs have decided to give a one time opportunity to candidates who have chosen single exam trade in their application to change their exam trade from among the relevant trades of their qualification in case they wish to change the exam trade.

For candidates with only ITI/NAC qualification the exam trade shall be their ITI/NAC trade given in the application and cannot be changed.

Confirmation/Modification of Bank Account Details for Application Fee Refund

To facilitate refund of application fee to the candidates correctly, all the candidates are required to confirm the Bank Account Details:-
  • Beneficiary Name, 
  • Bank IFSC Code 
  • Account Number
For Modification: If the candidates wish to modify the account details furnished earlier, they can select Modify Account option and enter the OTP sent to their Registered Mobile Number. The account details once confirmed/modified cannot be modified again.

Candidates should complete all the above activities well before the closing time of 23.59 Hrs on 01-10-2018 to avoid last minute rush and internet related issues. Candidates should note that the details once confirmed and submitted cannot be modified and hence they are advised to select RRB, Railway/Unit, options for Posts, Exam Trade and Account Details carefully and correctly.

You may also like to read:

- https://www.sscadda.com/2018/09/railway-alp-2nd-stage-exam.html
Railway ALP Important Instructions for 2nd Stage Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 21, 2018 Dear Readers, RRB ALP 2018 2nd Stage Exam: Railway Recruitment Board has released Important notice for  Revision of Vacancies, Sel...

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