Previous Years English Questions For SSC CGL And SSC CPO Exam 2018: 8 September

September 8, 2018    

SSC CGL And SSC CPO 2018 Exams are the latest opportunities to serve in a govt job and to live in clover. The Commission has released the newly revised Exam Calendar for SSC Exams conducting this year. SSC CGL & SSC CPO 2018 Exam dates haven't been decided yet but are to be conducted soon in upcoming next two months. Utilize the remaining time to be on the upswing by following SSC CGL Study Plan on SSC ADDA and team. Download our celebrated app ADDA247 to outsmart others. Our Revised Study Plan is all set to deliver the quizzes and notes on each four subjects asked in SSC CGL Tier-1 Examination. 

Be a part of this revised study plan, visit SSCADDA website regularly to add up each day effort in your practice. SSC CGL and CPO Exam dates can surprise you anytime soon. It is time to knuckle down to get your dream job, Today, in this English quiz we are providing 15 English Previous Years English Questions and solutions. Attempt this quiz and prepare yourself flawlessly. We wish you good luck for the upcoming Exams.

Directions (1-2): In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'. 

Q1. Unless you don't obey (A)/ your elders you (B)/ will not succeed in your life. (C)/ No Error (D)
Remove ‘don’t’ after ‘unless’. As ‘Unless’ and ‘Until’ don’t take ‘negative words’ with them.

Q2. Hardly had I reached the (A)/ exhibition where I learnt (B)/ about the major robbery. (C)/ No Error (D)
Replace ‘where’ with ‘when’. As ‘Hardly’, ‘Scarcely’ and ‘Barely’ are followed by ‘when’.

Directions (3-4): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, select the word similar in meaning to the word given. 

Succulent: tender, juicy, and tasty. Hence option C is the correct choice.

Congregation: a group of people assembled for religious worship. Hence option D is the correct choice.

Directions (5-6): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, select the word opposite in meaning to the word given. 

Evanescent: soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence. Eternal: seeming to last forever. Hence option A is the correct choice.

Panegyric: something (such as a speech or a piece of writing) that praises someone or something. Criticism: the expression of disapproval of someone or something. Hence option B is the correct choice.

Directions (7-8): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute of the phrase. 

Q7. One skilled in telling stories
Option C is the correct substitution.

Q8. Fear of Fire
Option A is the correct substitution.

Directions (9-10): In the following questions, four words are given out of which one word is incorrectly spelt. Select the incorrectly spelt word. 

Correct Spelling is Guarantee.

Correct Spelling is Etiquette.

Directions (11-15): A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it. 

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farm that felt like a secret in the city. Some of the gaunt Karnataka labourers even looked away when children came to dig and eat. But the greatest pleasure, this side of the lake, was the jamun tree. A few months back, Kalu and Sunil had a feast in the branches, shaking down a few berries for Mirchi. That's when they came to know the second-coolest thing about the jamun tree : There were parrots nesting in it. Since then, some other road boys had been capturing the parrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market, but Sunil had brought Kalu around to the belief that the birds should be left as they were. Sunil listened for their squawks each morning, to make sure they hadn't been abducted in the night. Kalu's expertise was in the recycling bins inside airline catering compounds. Private waste collectors emptied these dumpsters on a regular basis, but Kalu had mastered the trash truck's schedules. The night before pickup, Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences and raid the overflowing bins. Kalu's routine had become known by the local police, however. He kept getting caught, until some constables proposed a different arrangement. Kalu could keep his metal scrap if he'd pass on information he picked up on the road about local drug dealers.

Q11. What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lake?
A secret farm
The Jamun tree
Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree
Labourers looking away when the children came to dig and eat

Q12. What was the second coolest thing about the Jamun tree?
Shaking down the berries for Mirchi
There were parrots nesting in the tree
Selling parrots in the Marol Market
Capturing parrots in the tree

Q13. What did Sunil think of parrots?
That they should be captured and sold
That they had been abducted in the night
That they should not be captured and sold
That they squawked every morning

Q14. How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling bins before they were emptied?
He was an expert
He jumped over the barbed wire fences
He had mastered the trash trucks schedules
He worked at night

Q15. Why was a different arrangement proposed?
Because Kalu's routine was known by the police
So that Kalu would be able to keep his metal scrap
So that Kalu seemed to be have a detective’s traits
Because Kalu kept getting caught


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Previous Years English Questions For SSC CGL And SSC CPO Exam 2018: 8 September 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 8, 2018 SSC CGL And SSC CPO 2018 Exams are the latest opportunities to serve in a govt job and to live in clover. The Commission has released t...

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