SSC CGL And SSC CPO 2018 Exams are the latest opportunities to serve in a govt job and to live in clover. The Commission has released the newly revised Exam Calendar for SSC Exams conducting this year. SSC CGL & SSC CPO 2018 Exam dates haven't been decided yet but are to be conducted soon in upcoming next two months. Utilize the remaining time to be on the upswing by following SSC CGL Study Plan on SSC ADDA and team. Download our celebrated app ADDA247 to outsmart others. Our Revised Study Plan is all set to deliver the quizzes and notes on each four subjects asked in SSC CGL Tier-1 Examination.
Be a part of this revised study plan, visit SSCADDA website regularly to add up each day effort in your practice. SSC CGL and CPO Exam dates can surprise you anytime soon. It is time to knuckle down to get your dream job, Today, in this English quiz we are providing 15 Previous Years English Questions and solutions. Attempt this quiz and prepare yourself flawlessly. We wish you good luck for the upcoming Exams.
Directions (1-5): A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.
In general it is better to use too little make-up than too much. The audience should not be aware that the actor's face is painted. For the actor who is playing his own age, the artist uses make-up to strengthen the features, particularly eyes and mouth, and to add lifelike colour to the face. Character make-up does these things in addition to transforming the face to another age, another type or another race. This transformation, particularly for young actors playing old characters, can be helped greatly by hats and hairdos. Make-up consists of applying a base colour, then modelling the face by highlighting and shadowing (sinking the cheeks, for example, with a darker colour). Sometimes, modelling is done by applying false (putty or plastic) noses, enlarged eyebrows, or scars. Lines to suggest wrinkles are drawn on with a dark make-up pencil (brown or maroon, not black) or brush. Each line is highlighted with another line, either white or a light tint of the base colour. Lips are outlined and coloured, and a similar colour is applied to the cheeks. After make-up is complete, powder is applied.
Q1. The artist uses make-up to strengthen the features, particularly eyes and mouth, and to add life like colours to the face for the actor who is playing _____ .
In general it is better to use too little make-up than too much. The audience should not be aware that the actor's face is painted. For the actor who is playing his own age, the artist uses make-up to strengthen the features, particularly eyes and mouth, and to add lifelike colour to the face. Character make-up does these things in addition to transforming the face to another age, another type or another race. This transformation, particularly for young actors playing old characters, can be helped greatly by hats and hairdos. Make-up consists of applying a base colour, then modelling the face by highlighting and shadowing (sinking the cheeks, for example, with a darker colour). Sometimes, modelling is done by applying false (putty or plastic) noses, enlarged eyebrows, or scars. Lines to suggest wrinkles are drawn on with a dark make-up pencil (brown or maroon, not black) or brush. Each line is highlighted with another line, either white or a light tint of the base colour. Lips are outlined and coloured, and a similar colour is applied to the cheeks. After make-up is complete, powder is applied.
Q1. The artist uses make-up to strengthen the features, particularly eyes and mouth, and to add life like colours to the face for the actor who is playing _____ .
the lead role
the old man or woman
his own age
the role of the clown
Q2. What do artists use to help young actors playing old men?
Wig and moustache
Hats and hairdos
Wheel chairs and walking sticks
False noses, enlarged eyebrows or scars
Q3. What is the correct sequence for make-up?
Modelling the face by highlighting and shadowing then applying a base colour
Highlighting and shadowing, then applying a base colour and modelling the face
Applying a base colour, then modelling the face by highlighting and shadowing
Shadowing and modelling, then applying a base colour for highlighting
Q4. Lines are drawn with a dark make-up pencil or brush to suggest _____ .
Q5. When is powder usually applied?
Before the make-up
As make-up foundation
After the make-up
During the make-up
Directions (6-10): A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.
A knowledge of grammar is essential for good speaking and writing, by which one's mind is judged. Studying grammar means hard work: it must be learned as a whole, with no part omitted, and it demands much thought and patience. But, once acquired, it can give a life-time's pleasure and profit. Its study requires no physical hardship, no special room or expenses. If people spent only their leisure time studying grammar they could master it in one year. The author learned it in less than a year. As a private soldier earning sixpence a day, he sat on his bed and studied. Unable to afford candle or oil, he read in winter by firelight (when it was his turn). If he could manage it thus, and with no outside encouragement, then any youth, however poor or busy, could do the same.
Q6. Why should we learn grammar?
To develop speaking skills
To develop writing skills
To have a mastery over language
To acquire good speaking and writing skills
Q7. How does the world judge a man's mind?
By his dress
By his manners
By his appearance
By his speech and writing
Q8. How long would it take to gain mastery over grammar?
One year
Six months
Two years
Ten months
Q9. What is the occupation of the writer?
Q10. The learning of grammar should be
patient, thoughtful and holistic
thoughtful, patient and piecemeal
holistic, thoughtful and rapid
thoughtful, rapid and piecemeal
Directions (11-13): Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the button corresponding to it.
Q11. Gate crasher
Uninvited guest
Q12. Angle for something
To measure the dimensions of an object
To leave something after achieving it
To try to get something in an indirect way
To sit and make a decision
Q13. Drive home
Find one's roots
To lay emphasis on
To do a safe driving
To draw something out of boredom
Directions (14-15): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding to it.
Q14. One who pretends to be what he is not
Q15. A paper/story/poem first written out by hand
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