Learn Vocab With Daily News Articles For Govt Exams: 25 September

September 25, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

The Hindu Editorial Based Vocab for Competitive Exams : 30th August

If we speak of hot topics like career, education and a propitious life, the English Language is ineluctable. In Exams like SSC CPO and and SSC CGL where dealing with English and General Awareness Section is mandatory, reading this way is beneficial. If you find it arduous to learn new words in a plain mode, ADDA247 is here to buttress your learning skills in a more fun and productive way.

Taking felicitous snippet from well reputed newspaper editorials, our motive is not just to make you learn the English language but keep you updated with the current affairs and events across the world which are important from the govt exams point of view. Either you are a job aspirant or a working person or just want to outsmart others, this is a befitting platform to expedite your performance thoroughly.


Sikkim is now part of India’s aviation map as Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the State’s first airport at Pakyong on September 24. This is also the 100th airport in the country. The greenfield airport, located 30 km from capital Gangtok, will start its commercial operations from the first week of October, according to the State Chief Secretary A.K. Shrivastava. Spicejet’s Bombardier Q-400 aircraft will (1) ferry (convey, carry, bear) passengers to and from Sikkim, Guwahati, and Kolkata. The (2) reinforcement (buttress, support, assistance) wall of the project is 80-metre-high, one of the tallest in the world, Mr. Srivastava said. “I am extremely happy to know that the (3) maiden (first, initial, primal) flight of SpiceJet to Pakyong airport landed safely,” Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan Kumar Chamling said in the Legislative Assembly, adding that it was “a (4) momentous (vital, decisive, pivotal) occasion for Sikkim and the Sikkimese people.”


With the government having finally (5) set the ball rolling (begin/continue an activity) for the long awaited consolidation among public sector banks, by announcing its intention to merge Bank of Baroda, Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank, all eyes will be on the proposed (6) amalgamation (combination, union, blend) to see how successfully the combination works. Investors and bankers will be keen to see if this may end up serving as a template for further mergers among state-run lenders, especially given the asset quality issues plaguing several of these banks.

Merger integration risk is high from a HR (7) standpoint (viewpoint, opinion, outlook) but further mergers would be (8) contingent (dependent, conditional, fortuitous) on the success of this one and the strength of the larger PSU banks to absorb smaller ones,” Kotak Securities wrote in a note to its clients. One of the crucial positive aspects of the merger is the timing. While bank officials expect the merger to be completed in 4-6 months time, banking industry (9) veterans (maestro, expert, virtuoso) expect it would take at least one year to complete the amalgamation. We do expect this transaction would take more than a year to (10) consummate (complete, finalize, finish) which implies that the probability of negative surprises on asset quality (post-merger) should be largely contained,” Kotak Securities said.

Courtesy- The Hindu

1. FERRY (verb)  ढोना
Meaning: to convey from one place to another.
Synonyms: transport, convey, carry, bear, run, take, bring, shuttle, lug, haul, cart, send, transmit, fetch, shift, deliver.
Antonyms: hold, keep, maintain.

2. REINFORCEMENT (noun)  सुदृढीकरण
Meaning: something added to provide more strength or support.
Synonyms: augmentation, increase, build-up, buttress, support, assistance, accompaniment, bolster, truss, aid, addendum.
Antonyms: annulment, annihilation, abatement, abrogation, impairment, demolition, deterioration, wreckage, eradication, devastation.

3. MAIDEN (adjective)  प्रथम
Meaning: being or involving the first attempt or act of its kind.
Synonyms: first, initial, inaugural, introductory, initiatory, earliest, foremost, leadoff, pioneer, premier, primal, primordial, preceding.
Antonyms: advanced, late, consequent, ensuing, following, subsequent, succeeding, final, last, latest, latter, terminal, ultimate.

4. MOMENTOUS (adjective)  प्रभावशाली
Meaning: of great importance or significance, especially in having a bearing on future events.
Synonyms: historic, apocalyptic, headline, fateful, portentous, critical, crucial, vital, decisive, pivotal, serious, consequential, significant, far-reaching.
Antonyms: uncelebrated, unknown, inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, minor, negligible, slight, trifling, trivial, unimportant.

5. SET THE BALL ROLLING (idiom)  शुरुआत करना
Meaning: begin/continue an activity.
Usage: I will set the ball rolling by introducing the first speaker.

6. AMALGAMATION (noun)  एकीकरण
Meaning: the action, process, or result of combining or uniting.
Synonyms: combination, union, blend, mixture, mingling, compound, fusion, coalescence, synthesis, composition, concoction.
Antonyms: component, constituent, element, ingredient, isolation, parting, division, demarcation, separation.

7. STANDPOINT (noun)  दृष्टिकोण
Meaning: an attitude to a particular issue.
Synonyms: point of view, viewpoint, attitude, stance, stand, view, opinion, outlook, perspective, notion, persuasion, judgment.
Antonyms: straighten, deadlock, draw, halt, stalemate, standoff, tie.

8. CONTINGENT (adjective)  आकस्मिक
Meaning: occurring or existing only if (certain circumstances) are the case; dependent on.
Synonyms: dependent, conditional, incidental, fortuitous, provisional, circumstantial, adventitious, consequential.
Antonyms: unconditional, independent, peremptory, conclusive, substantial, actual, absolute, decisive, certain.

9. VETERAN (noun)  अनुभवी
Meaning: a person who has had long experience in a particular field.
Synonyms: doyen, authority, refined, efficient expert, virtuoso, maestro, experienced, qualified, proficient, professional, expert, adept.
Antonyms: novice, apprentice, inexperienced, heavy-handed, amateur, amateurish, inexpert, jackleg, unprofessional, unskilled, unskillful.

10. CONSUMMATE (verb)  पूर्ण करना
Meaning: to make something complete or perfect.
Synonyms: complete, finalize, finish, perfect, polish, accomplish, achieve, effect, execute, fulfill, perform, ameliorate, amend, better, enhance, enrich, improve.
Antonyms: abandon, desert, discontinue, drop, forsake, quit.

You may also like to Read:
- https://www.sscadda.com/2018/09/learn-vocab-with-daily-news-articles-for-govt-exams-25-sept.html
Learn Vocab With Daily News Articles For Govt Exams: 25 September 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 25, 2018 Dear Aspirants, If we speak of hot topics like career, education and a propitious life, the English Language is ineluctable.   In   E...

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