Dear Readers, GA section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on scaffold website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.
Q1. Highest Civilian Honour received by Kamal Haasan is _______. कमल हासन द्वारा प्राप्त सर्वोच्च नागरिक सम्मान _______ है।
Padma Shri / पद्म श्री
Padma Bhushan / पद्म भूषण
Padma Vibhushan / पद्म विभूषण
Bharat Ratna / भारत रत्न
Kamal received in 1990 the Padma Shri and in 2014 the Padma Bhushan for his contributions to Indian cinema.
Q2. Who is known as father of computer? कंप्यूटर के पिता के रूप में कौन जाना जाता है?
Charles Babbage / चार्ल्स बैबेज
Tim Berners Lee / टिक बैरनर्स - ली
Douglas Carl Engelbart / डगलस कार्ल एन्गेल्बर्ट
Sabeer Bhatia / सबीर भाटिया
Charles Babbage was considered to be the father of computing after his invention and concept of the Analytical Engine in 1837. The Analytical Engine contained an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), basic flow control, and integrated memory; hailed as the first general-purpose computer concept.
Q3. Periyar National Park is in which mountain range? पेरियार नेशनल पार्क किस पर्वत श्रृंखला में है?
Aravalli Range / अरावली रेंज
Vindhya Range / विंध्य रेंज
Eastern Ghats / पूर्वी घाट
Western Ghats / पश्चिमी घाट
Periyar National Park, also known as Periyar Tiger Reserve, is in the mountainous Western Ghats of Kerala, southern India.
Q4. First Indian to swim across the English Channel was _______. अंग्रेजी चैनल में तैरने वाला पहला भारतीय _______ था।
Apsara / अप्सरा
Durga Agarwal / दुर्गा अगरवाल
Mihir Sen / मिहिर सेन
Arati Saha / आरती साहा
In 1959 Arati Saha became the first Asian woman to swim across the English Channel.
Q5. Which of these islands are located in the Arabian Sea? इनमें से कौन सा द्वीप अरब सागर में स्थित है?
Andaman Islands / अंडमान द्वीप समूह
Nicobar Islands / निकोबार द्वीप समूह
Lakshadweep Islands / लक्षद्वीप द्वीप समूह
All of the above / उपर्युक्त सभी
The smallest Union Territory of India, 'Lakshadweep' is a group of beautiful islands, located some 400km off India's west coast into the Arabian Sea.
Q6. Ashoka converted to which religion after the Kalinga war? कलिंग युद्ध के बाद अशोक किस धर्म में परिवर्तित हो गये थे?
Jainism / जैन धर्म
Buddhism / बुद्ध धर्म
Christianity / ईसाई धर्म
Judaism / यहूदी धर्म
The lethal war with Kalinga transformed the vengeful Emperor Ashoka to a stable and peaceful emperor and he became a patron of Buddhism.
Q7. Who discovered X-Ray? एक्स-रे का अविष्कार किसने किया?
Wilhelm Rontgen / विल्हेम रोंटजेन
William Lee / विलियम ली
X Rollswick / एक्स रोल्सविक
I Thompson / आई. थॉम्पसन
Wilhelm Roentgen, a German professor of physics, was the first person to discover electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range commonly known as X-rays today.
Q8. What is the unit of the physical quantity Entropy? भौतिक मात्रा एंट्रॉपी की इकाई क्या है?
watt per kelvin / वॉट प्रति केल्विन
newton per kelvin / न्यूटन प्रति केल्विन
pascal per kelvin / पास्कल प्रति केल्विन
joule per kelvin / जूल प्रति केल्विन
The thermodynamic entropy therefore has the dimension of energy divided by temperature, and the unit joule per kelvin (J/K) in the International System of Units (SI). Thermodynamic entropy is an extensive property, meaning that it scales with the size or extent of a system.
Q9. Article 173 of the Indian Constitution "Qualification for membership of the State Legislature" deals with? भारतीय संविधान के अनुच्छेद 173 "राज्य विधानमंडल की सदस्यता के लिए योग्यता" किस से संबंधित है?
the directive principles of state policy / राज्य नीति के निर्देश सिद्धांत
the State Government / राज्य सरकार
the Union Government / केंद्र सरकार
the fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen / भारतीय नागरिक के मौलिक अधिकार
Article 173 of the Indian Constitution deals with the State Government.
Q10. Who is the author of "The Guest"? "The Guest" का लेखक कौन है?
Mohit Goyal / मोहित गोयल
Mitali Meelan / मिताली मिलान
Ashwini Parashar / अश्विनी पराशर
Anand Neelakantan / आनंद नीलकांतन
Mitali Meelan's debut novel "The Guest" was published on 25th May, 2016 by the renowned writer Ravinder Singh's publishing venture Black Ink.
Q11. Where is the headquarters of Botanical Survey of India located? भारत के बॉटनिकल सर्वेक्षण का मुख्यालय कहां स्थित है?
Lucknow / लखनऊ
Darjeeling / दार्जीलिंग
Kolkata / कोलकाता
Ootacmund / ऊटाकामंड
The Botanical Survey of India (BSI) is an institution set up by the Government of India in 1890 to survey the plant resources of the Indian empire. The Botanical Survey was formally instituted on 13 February 1890 under the direction of Sir George King, who had been superintendent of Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta since 1871.
Q12. Which Institution is known as ‘soft loan window’ of the World Bank? किस संस्थान को विश्व बैंक की 'सॉफ्ट लोन विंडो' के रूप में जाना जाता है?
International Finance Corporation / अंतर्राष्ट्रीय वित्त निगम
International Development Association / अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विकास संघ
International Monetary Fund / अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष
Indian Development Forum / भारतीय विकास फोरम
The International Development Association (IDA) is an international financial institution which offers concessional loans and grants to the world's poorest developing countries. The IDA is a member of the World Bank Group and is headquartered in Washington, D.C., United States.
Q13. Who is the author of the book “Two Lives”? “Two Lives” किताब का लेखक कौन है?
Vikram Seth / विक्रम सेठ
James Patterson / जेम्स पैटरसन
Ved Mehta/ वेद मेहता
Khushwant Singh / खुशवंत सिंह
Vikram Seth's second non-fiction work, Two Lives, is the story of a century and of a love affair across an ethnic divide. As the name suggests, it is a story of two extraordinary lives, that of his great uncle, Shanti Behari Seth, and of his German Jewish great aunt, Hennerle Gerda Caro.
Q14. Earth Day is celebrated on: पृथ्वी दिवस कब मनाया जाता है?
April 4 / अप्रैल 4
April 22 / अप्रैल 22
September 17 / सितम्बर 17
February 16 / फरवरी 16
Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and celebrated in more than 193 countries each year.
Q15. Who is the author of “A River Sutra”? “A River Sutra” के लेखक कौन है?
V. S. Naipaul / वी. एस. नायपॉल
Nirad C. Choudhuri / निराद सी. चौधरीNirad C. Choudhuri / निराद सी. चौधरी
Gita Mehta / गीता मेहता
Vikram Seth / विक्रम सेठ
A River Sutra is a collection of stories written by Gita Mehta and published in 1993. The book's stories are interconnected by both a geographical reference, and by the theme of diversity within Indian society, both present and past. Unlike some of Mehta's previous stories, the ones in A River Sutra feature only Indian characters.
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