Important Current Affairs Questions for RRB Group-D Exam 2018: 26 September

September 26, 2018    

Dear Readers, SSC CHSL examination & Railway Exam both will be conducted in online mode. GA on current affairs section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on sscadda website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.

Q1. The National Mission on Government e Marketplace (GeM), was launched by the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Suresh Prabhu, in____. 
गवर्नमेंट ई-मार्केटप्लेस (GeM) पर राष्ट्रीय मिशन, सुरेश प्रभु वाणिज्य और उद्योग मंत्री द्वारा लांच किया गया था। 
(a) August 2015/ अगस्त 2015
(b) December 2017/ दिसंबर 2017
(c) September 2017/ सितंबर 2017
(d) September 2018/ सितंबर 2018
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Sol. The National Mission on Government e Marketplace (GeM), was launched by the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Suresh Prabhu, on 5th of September 2018.

Q2. Technology giant Google has appointed its privacy lawyer, _______as Chief Privacy Officer.
प्रौद्योगिकी विशाल गूगल ने अपने निजता वकील नियुक्त किया है, _______को मुख्य गोपनीयता अधिकारी के रूप में।
(a) Keith Enright/ कीथ एनराइट
(b) Satya Nadela/ सत्य नडेला
(c) Sundar Pichai/ सुंदर पिचाई
(d) Evan Spiegel/ इवान स्पीगल
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Sol. Technology giant Google has appointed its privacy lawyer, Keith Enright, as Chief Privacy Officer as the company proposed policies for potential federal regulation of data.

Q3. Which country is set to become the first country in the world to double its tiger population?
बाघ की आबादी को दोगुना करने के लिए कौन सा देश विश्व का प्रथम देश बनने वाला है?
(a) India/ भारत
(b) Egypt/ मिस्र
(c) The USA/ अमेरिका
(d) Nepal/ नेपाल
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Sol. The government of Nepal announced on September 23, 2018, on National Conservation Day, that there are now an estimated 235 wild tigers in the nation, nearly double the number (235) from around 121 in 2009.

Q4. The Supreme Court constituted a three-member committee headed by  _______ to look into the aspect of jail reforms across the country.
सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने देश भर में जेल सुधारों के पहलू को देखने के लिए _____ की अध्यक्षता में तीन सदस्यीय समिति गठित की।
(a) Partha Mukhopadhay/ पार्थ मुखोपाध्याय
(b) Justice Dipak Mishra/ न्यायमूर्ति दीपक मिश्रा
(c) Justice Amitava Roy/ न्यायमूर्ति अमिताव राय
(d) Ajit Doval/ अजीत डोवल
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Sol.  The Supreme Court constituted a three-member committee headed by its former judge Justice Amitava Roy to look into the aspect of jail reforms across the country and suggest measures to deal with them.

Q5. Which player won FIFA's best player of the year award?
किस खिलाड़ी ने फीफा के सर्वश्रेष्ठ खिलाड़ी पुरस्कार का पुरस्कार जीता?
(a) Lionel Messi/ लियोनेल मेस्सी
(b) Cristiano Ronaldo/ क्रिस्टियानो रोनाल्डो
(c) Mohamed Salah/ मोहम्मद सलाह
(d) Luka Modric/ लूका मोड्रिक
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Sol. Luka Modric broke a decade of award dominance by Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi after being crowned world footballer of the year by FIFA. Modric beat out Liverpool's Egyptian forward Mohamed Salah and Ronaldo.

Q6. FDI in the stressed Indian telecom sector has been increased/decreased sharply in last few years. What was the total FDI in the year 2017-18 ?
पिछले कुछ वर्षों में तनावग्रस्त भारतीय दूरसंचार क्षेत्र में FDI में तेजी से वृद्धि / कमी आई है। वर्ष 2017-18 में कुल FDI कितनी थी?
(a) USD 6.2 Billion/ बिलियन अमरीकी डालर
(b) USD 1.4 Billion/ बिलियन अमरीकी डालर
(c) USD 5.0 Billion/ बिलियन अमरीकी डालर
(d) USD 10 Billion/ बिलियन अमरीकी डालर
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Sol. FDI in the telecom sector has jumped nearly five times in the last three years – from USD 1.3 Billion in 2015-16 to USD 6.2 Billion in 2017-18.

Q7. Dr Harsh Vardhan inaugurated air pollution control device WAYU in Delhi. In WAYU A stand for _______.
डॉ हर्षवर्धन ने दिल्ली में वायु प्रदूषण नियंत्रण उपकरण WAYU का उद्घाटन किया। WAYU में A का पूर्ण रूप क्या है।
(a) Acquiring
(b) Accurizing
(c) Augmentation
(d) Amalgamate
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Sol. Union Minister for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences and Environment, Forest and Climate change, Dr Harsh Vardhan inaugurated air pollution control device WAYU(Wind Augmentation PurifYing Unit) for traffic junctions at ITO intersection and Mukarba Chowk in Delhi.

Q8. Dr Harsh Vardhan inaugurated air pollution control device WAYU. This device can purify the air in an area of almost_______.
डॉ हर्षवर्धन ने वायु प्रदूषण नियंत्रण उपकरण WAYU का उद्घाटन किया। यह उपकरण लगभग_______ के क्षेत्र में वायु को शुद्ध कर सकता है।
(a) 50 square meters/ वर्ग मीटर
(b) 2 square km/ वर्ग किमी
(c) 200 square meters/ वर्ग मीटर
(d) 500 square meters/ वर्ग मीटर
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Sol. WAYU is developed by CSIR-NEERI as a part of Technology Development Project being funded by Department of Science and Technology. This device can purify the air in an area of 500 square meters.

Q9. The World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) had launched its ambitious TX2 programme 2010.  The programme aims to double the world tiger population by which year?
वर्ल्ड वाइल्ड लाइफ फाउंडेशन (WWF) ने अपने महत्वाकांक्षी TX2 कार्यक्रम 2010 को लॉन्च किया था। कार्यक्रम का लक्ष्य किस वर्ष तक विश्व बाघ की आबादी को दोगुना करना है?
(a) 2030
(b) 2022
(c) 2020
(d) 2035
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Sol. The WWF had launched its ambitious TX2 programme at the St Petersburg Tiger Summit in 2010. The programme aims to double the world tiger population by 2022.

Q10. According to Union Minister Shri Manoj Sinha, FDI in the _______ sector has jumped nearly five times in the last three years.
केंद्रीय मंत्री श्री मनोज सिन्हा के अनुसार, _______ क्षेत्र में एफडीआई पिछले तीन वर्षों में लगभग पांच गुना तक बढ़ा है।
(a) Aviation/ विमानन
(b) Telecom/ दूरसंचार
(c) Cement/ सीमेंट
(d) Automobiles/ ऑटोमोबाइल
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Sol. FDI in the telecom sector has jumped nearly five times in the last three years – from USD 1.3 Billion in 2015-16 to USD 6.2 Billion in 2017-18.

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Important Current Affairs Questions for RRB Group-D Exam 2018: 26 September 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 26, 2018 Dear Readers, SSC CHSL examination & Railway Exam both will be conducted in online mode. GA on current affairs section is tak...

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