General Awareness Questions for SSC & Railway Exam 2018: 9th September

September 9, 2018    

Dear Readers, GA section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on scaffold website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.

Q1. The Coastal tract of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu is called आंध्र प्रदेश और तमिलनाडु के तटीय क्षेत्र को कहा जाता है:
Konkan/ कोंकण
Coromandel/ कोरोमंडल
East Coast/ पूर्वी तट
Malabar Coast/ मालाबार तट
S1. Ans.(b) Sol. The Coromandel Coast is the southeastern coast region of the Indian Subcontinent, between the Eastern Ghats and the Bay of Bengal of the Indian Ocean. The coastline runs between False Divi Point in the north to Kanyakumari in the south. Its definition can also include the northwestern coast of the island of Sri Lanka.

Q2. Raja Ravi Verma of Kerala was a distinguished केरल के राजा रवि वर्मा एक विख्यात _____ थे
(a) Dancer/ नर्तक
(b) Painter/ चित्रकार
(c) Poet/ कवि
(d) Singer/ गायक
S2. Ans.(b) Sol. Raja Ravi Varma, Koil Thampuran of Kilimanoor was a celebrated Indian painter and artist. He is considered among the greatest painters in the history of Indian art for a number of aesthetic and broader social reasons.

Q3. The highest Indian waterfall is/ भारत का सबसे ऊंचा जलप्रपात है:
(a) Barehipani Falls/ बरेहीपानी जलप्रपात
(b) Thalaiyar Falls/ थलाययार जलप्रपात
(c) Nohsngithiang Falls/ नोह्ससिथियांग जलप्रपात
(d) Kunchikal Falls/ कुंचिकल जलप्रपात
S3. Ans.(d) Sol. Kunchikal Falls, also called Kunchikal Abbe, is located near Masthikatte-Hulikal bordering Udupi-Shimoga districts of state of Karnataka. Kunchikal falls is formed by Varahi river. Kunchikal falls cascades down rocky boulders and total height of fall is 455 meters making it the highest waterfall in India.

Q4. A semi-circular structure with a dome shape roof erected over the sacred relics of Buddha is known as बुद्ध के पवित्र अवशेषों पर बने गुंबद आकार छत की अर्ध-वृत्ताकार संरचना को कहा जाता है:
(a) Stupas/स्तूप
(b) Edicts/शिलालेख
(c) Pillars/स्तंभ
(d) Monoliths/मोनोलिथ
S4. Ans.(a) Sol. A stupa is a mound-like structure containing buddhist relics, typically the remains of Buddha, used by Buddhists as a place of worship. These stupas are the circular tumuli built of earth, covered with stone or brick, the plan, elevation, section and the Stupa become a cosmic symbol in response total form of which were to a major human condition: death.

Q5. Which among the following continent is smallest? निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा महाद्वीप सबसे छोटा है?
(a) North America/ उत्तरी अमेरिका
(b) Europe/ यूरोप
(c) Africa/ अफ्रीका
(d) Australia/ ऑस्ट्रेलिया
S5. Ans.(d) Sol. A continent is one of several very large landmasses on Earth. Generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria, up to seven regions are commonly regarded as continents. Ordered from largest in size to smallest, they are: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia.

Q6. Which among the following is false about natural rubber? प्राकृतिक रबर के सन्दर्भ में निम्नलिखित में से क्या गलत है?
(a) It is an elastomer/ यह एक इलास्टोमर है
(b) It is a monomer of cis­isoprene/ यह सिसिसोप्रीन का एक मोनोमर है
(c) Natural rubber is a polymer of chloroprene/ प्राकृतिक रबर क्लोरोप्रीन का एक बहुलक है
(d) It is heated with sulphur compounds to improve its properties/ इसके गुणों को बेहतर बनाने के लिए इसे सल्फर यौगिकों के साथ गरम किया जाता है
S6. Ans.(b) Sol.Isoprene is the monomer found in natural rubber and is also a common structure in a wide variety of other natural compounds, collectively termed terpenoids. Isoprene is a useful building block for various chemicals and intermediates.

Q7. Why does carbon tetrachloride have no dipole moment? कार्बन टेट्राक्लोराइड का द्विध्रुव आघूर्ण क्यों नहीं होता है?
(a) Because of same size of carbon and chlorine atoms/ कार्बन और क्लोरीन परमाणुओं के समान आकार के कारण
(b) Because of regular tetrahedral structure/ सम चतुष्फलकीय संरचना के कारण
(c) Because of planar structure/ समतलीय संरचना के कारण
(d) Because of similar electron affinities of carbon and chlorine/ कार्बन और क्लोरीन के समान इलेक्ट्रान आकर्षण के कारण
S7. Ans.(b)

Q8. Convert decimal number 101 to binary./ दशमलव संख्या 101 को बाइनरी में परिवर्तित कीजिये:
(a) 1100101
(b) 1100111
(c) 1101001
(d) 1101011
S8. Ans.(a)

Q9. 'Vallam Kali Boat Race' is held in which state? 'वल्लम काली बोट रेस' किस राज्य में आयोजित की जाती है?
(a) Kerala/ केरल
(b) Tamil Nadu/ तमिलनाडु
(c) West Bengal/ पश्चिम बंगाल
(d) Andhra Pradesh/ आंध्र प्रदेश
S9. Ans.(a) Sol.The Nehru Trophy Boat Race is a popular Vallam Kali held in the Punnamada Lake near Alappuzha, Kerala, India.

Q10. Match the characteristics with their market structure: विशेषताओं को उनकी बाजार संरचना के साथ सुमेलित कीजिये: (A) Differentiated products, but close substitutes for consumers so their demand curves are elastic/ अलग-अलग उत्पाद, लेकिन उपभोक्ताओं के लिए मिलते जुलते विकल्प अतः उनका मांग वक्र लोचदार होता है. (B) Homogeneous product, all goods are perfect substitutes for consumers/ सजातीय उत्पाद, सभी वस्तुएं उपभोक्ताओं के लिए बिल्कुल सही विकल्प होती हैं.
(a) (A) Monopolistic Competition, (B) Pure Competition/ (A) एकाधिकारवादी प्रतिस्पर्धा, (B) शुद्ध प्रतिस्पर्धा
(b) (A) Monopolistic Competition, (B) Pure Monopoly/ (A) एकाधिकारवादी प्रतिस्पर्धा, (B) शुद्ध एकाधिकार
(c) (A) Pure Competition, (B) Monopolistic Competition/ (A) शुद्ध प्रतिस्पर्धा, (B) एकाधिकारवादी प्रतिस्पर्धा
(d) (A) Pure Monopoly, (B) Pure Competition/ (A) शुद्ध एकाधिकार, (B) शुद्ध प्रतिस्पर्धा
S10. Ans.(a)

Q11. Snake venom is highly modified saliva containing __________. सांप के जहर में अत्यधिक संशोधित लार होता है, जिसमें _________ होता है।
(a) prototoxins/ प्रोटोटॉक्सिन्स
(b) neutrotoxins/ न्यूरोटॉक्सिन्स
(c) zootoxins/ ज़ूटॉक्सिन्स
(d) electrotoxins/ इलेक्ट्रोटॉक्सिन्स
S11. Ans.(c) Sol.Snake venom is highly modified saliva containing zootoxins which facilitates the immobilization and digestion of prey and defends against threats.

Q12. Which type of pathogen causes the water-borne disease Schistosomiasis? किस प्रकार के रोगजनक के कारण जल-जनित बीमारी शिस्टोसोमियासिस होती है?
(a) Parasitic/ परजीवी-संबंधी
(b) Protozoan/ प्रोटोज़ोअन
(c) Bacterial/ जीवाणु-संबंधी
(d) Viral/ वायरल
S12. Ans.(a) Sol.Schistosomiasis, also known as snail fever and bilharzia, is a disease caused by parasitic flatworms called schistosomes. The urinary tract or the intestines may be infected. Symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stool, or blood in the urine.

Q13. Baghdad is the Capital City of __________./ बगदाद _____ का राजधानी शहर है:
(a) Iraq/ इराक
(b) Thailand/ थाईलैंड
(c) China/ चीन
(d) Russia/ रूस
S13. Ans.(a) Sol.Baghdad is the capital of Iraq.

Q14. Battle of Kanauj was fought in the year __________?/ कन्नौज की लड़ाई वर्ष _______ में लड़ी गई थी?
(a) 1764
(b) 1526
(c) 1540
(d) 1857
S14. Ans.(c) Sol. Battle of Kannauj was fought between Sher Shah Suri and the king Humayun in 1540.

Q15. Who established the foundations of the Quantum theory? क्वांटम सिद्धांत की नींव किसने स्थापित की?
(a) Max Planck/ मैक्स प्लैंक
(b) Mark Nicholas/ मार्क निकोलस
(c) Albert Einstein/ अल्बर्ट आइंस्टीन
(d) Alfred Hitchcock/ अल्फ्रेड हिचकॉक
S15. Ans.(a) Sol.Quantum theory is the theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level. The nature and behavior of matter and energy at that level is sometimes referred to as quantum physics and quantum mechanics.

General Awareness Questions for SSC & Railway Exam 2018: 9th September 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 9, 2018 Dear Readers, GA section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross...

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