General Awareness Questions for SSC & Railway Exam 2018: 3rd September

September 3, 2018    

Dear Readers, GA section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on scaffold website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.

Q1. “Kumharia” a proposed nuclear power plant is related to which State? प्रस्तावित परमाणु ऊर्जा संयंत्र "कुमरिया" किस राज्य से संबंधित है?
Andhra Pradesh / आंध्रप्रदेश
Gujarat / गुजरात
Haryana / हरियाणा
West Bengal / पश्चिम बंगाल
Kumharia Nuclear Power is commercial nuclear plant in Haryana state. It can generate 640MW of electric power which is 33% lower than the average nuclear plant.

Q2. Papeti is festival of पापेटी किस धर्म का त्योहार है?
Parsis / पारसियों
Jains / जैनों
Sikhs / सिखों
Buddhists / बौधों
Pateti is New Year's eve for orthodox Parsis who follow the Shenshai calendar. The next day, Nowroz, is New Year's Day. However, many Parsis call Nowroz Pateti, effectively eliminating the day of repentance and changing the meaning of the word Pateti to mean New Year's day.

Q3. India celebrated its “Polio free status” during the month of भारत ने किस महीने के दौरान अपनी "पोलियो मुक्त स्थिति" मनाई
December 2013 / दिसम्बर 2013
January 2013/ जनवरी 2013
January 2010 / जनवरी 2010
February 2014 / फरवरी 2014
On February 2014 India celebrated its “Polio free status”. The defeat of polio in India paves the way for certification of the entire South-East Asia region as polio-free.

Q4. Which one of the following is the second highest peak of the world? निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा दुनिया का दूसरा सर्वोच्च शिखर है?
Dhaulagiri / धौलागिरी
Kanchenjunga / कंचनजंगा
Nanda Devi / नंदा देवी
K2, also known as Mount Godwin-Austen or Chhogori is the second highest mountain in the world, after Mount Everest, at 8,611 metres above sea level. It is located on the China-Pakistan border between Baltistan, in the Gilgit–Baltistan region of northern Pakistan, and the Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County of Xinjiang, China.

Q5. Which Indian State has the second largest coastline after Gujarat? गुजरात के बाद किस भारतीय राज्य की दूसरी सबसे बड़ी तट रेखा है?
Andhra Pradesh / आंध्रप्रदेश
Maharashtra / महाराष्ट्र
Orissa /उड़ीसा
Tamil Nadu / तमिल नाडू
There are only 9 Indian States that have Coastlines. The total length of coastline of India including the coastlines of Lakshwadweep Islands in the Arabian Sea and Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal is 7517 km. While the length of Coastline of Indian mainland is 6100 km. The state in India with the largest coastline is Gujarat. Andhra Pradesh is the second state having largest coastline.

Q6. Novelist, Mr. Salman Rushdie was awarded “Knighthood” by उपन्यासकार, श्री सलमान रुश्दी "नाइटहुड" किस के द्वारा सम्मानित किए गए थे?
Queen Elizabeth II / क्वीन एलिजाबेथ II
Prince Charles / प्रिंस चार्ल्स
Mr. Gordon Grown / श्री गॉर्डन ग्रोन
Mrs. Margaret Thatcher / श्रीमती मार्गरेट थैचर
In mid-June 2007 Salman Rushdie, the British Indian novelist and author of the controversial novel The Satanic Verses, was created a Knight Bachelor by Queen Elizabeth II. This action brought much controversy around the world in many countries with Muslim majority populations.

Q7. RBI does not transact the business of which of the following state governments? RBI निम्नलिखित राज्य सरकारों के कारोबार का लेनदेन नहीं करता है?
Nagaland / नागालैंड
Assam / असम
J & K / जम्मू-कश्मीर
Rajasthan / राजस्थान
State Government transactions are carried out by RBI in terms of the agreement entered into with the State Governments in terms of section 21A of the Act. As of now, such agreements exist between RBI and all the State Governments except with the Governments of Jammu and Kashmir and Sikkim.

Q8. The Lalita Kala Akademi is devoted to the promotion of: ललिता कला अकादमी किसके बढ़ावे के लिए लिए समर्पित है:
Fine Arts/ Fine Arts
Literature / साहित्य
Music / संगीत
Dance and Drama / नृत्य और नाटक
The Lalit Kala Akademi or National Academy of Art is India's national academy of fine arts. It is an autonomous organisation, established in New Delhi in 1954 by Government of India to promote and propagate understanding of Indian art, in and outside the country.

Q9. A Scheduled Bank is one which is included in the अनुसूचित बैंक वह है जो __________ में शामिल है?
II Schedule of Banking Regulation Act / बैंकिंग विनियमन अधिनियम की II अनुसूची
II Schedule of Constitution / द्वितीय संविधान की अनुसूची
II Schedule of Reserve Bank of India Act / भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक अधिनियम की II अनुसूची
II Schedule of SBI act/ एसबीआई अधिनियम की II अनुसूची
A scheduled bank, in India, refers to a bank which is listed in the 2nd Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. Banks not under this Schedule are called non-scheduled banks. A scheduled bank is eligible for loans from the Reserve Bank of India at bank rate. They are also given membership to clearing houses.

Q10. The symbol of Reserve Bank of India is भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक का प्रतीक क्या है?
Capital of Asokan Pillar / अशोक के स्तंभ की राजधानी
Kuber with a purse of money /पैसे के एक पर्स के साथ कुबेर
Tiger before a Palm tree / एक पाम पेड़ के आगे टाइगर
A dog sitting in a defensive state / एक कुत्ता एक रक्षात्मक स्थिति में बैठा है
The East India Company Double Mohur, with the sketch of the Lion and Palm Tree, was found most suitable; however, it was decided to replace the lion by the tiger, the latter being regarded as the more characteristic animal of India. The Board on February 23, 1935, approved the design of the seal.

Q11. Organisms that generate energy using light are known as ______. जीव जो प्रकाश का उपयोग कर के उर्जा उत्पन्न करते है उन्हें क्या कहा जाता है?
Oligotrophs/ ओलिगोट्रोफ्स
Bacteria/ जीवाणु
Photoautotroph are organisms that carry out photosynthesis. Using energy from sunlight, carbon dioxide and water are converted into organic materials to be used in cellular functions such as biosynthesis and respiration.

Q12. What is the capital of Portugal? पुर्तगाल की राजधानी क्या है?
Lisbon/ लिस्बन
Minsk/ मिन्स्क
Vienna/ वियना
Buenos Aires/ ब्यूनस आयर्स
Lisbon, or Lisboa in Portuguese, is the capital of Portugal, and one of the oldest cities in the world, dated back to 1200 BC.

Q13. Alexander the Great was born in ________. सिकंदर का जन्म ________ में हुआ था।
356 BC
189 BC
189 AD
356 AD
Conqueror and king of Macedonia, Alexander the Great was born on July 20, 356 B.C., in Pella, in the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia.

Q14. Who invented Rocket? रॉकेट का आविष्कार किसने किया?
Rich K Goyle/ रिच के गोइल
E M Forster/ ई एम फोस्टर
Robert Goddard/ रॉबर्ट गोडार्ड
James Anderson/ जेम्स एंडरसन
Robert Hutchings Goddard was an American engineer, professor, physicist, and inventor who is credited with creating and building the world's first liquid-fueled rocket.

Q15. How can we measure specific gravity of milk? हम दूध के विशिष्ट गुरुत्वाकर्षण को कैसे माप सकते हैं?
Using a viscometer/ विस्कोमीटर का उपयोग कर के
Using an odometer / ओडोमीटर का उपयोग कर के
Using a hygrometer / हाइग्रोमीटर का उपयोग कर के
Using a hydrometer / हाइड्रोमीटर का उपयोग कर के
A hydrometer or areometer is an instrument that measures the specific gravity (relative density) of liquids—the ratio of the density of the liquid to the density of water.


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General Awareness Questions for SSC & Railway Exam 2018: 3rd September 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 3, 2018 Dear Readers,  GA section  is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off mar...

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