English Miscellaneous Quiz for IBPS RRB Mains Exam: 23rd September 2018

September 24, 2018    

IBPS RRB PO and Clerk Mains are scheduled to be held in the upcoming weeks. Thus, English Language can be an impetus for their success by saving time and scoring well. So, instead of boiling the ocean, try building up a strong vocabulary, an effective knowledge of grammar, and efficient comprehension skills so as to be on the ball to face this particular section. Here is a quiz on English Language being provided by Adda247 to let you practice the best of latest pattern English Questions for upcoming IBPS exams.

Directions (1-5): In the following questions, a paragraph is given with three blanks, followed by six words. You have to choose the most suitable combination of words among the four alternative options, that will fill the blank coherently, forming a grammatically correct and contextually meaningful paragraph. If none of the given combinations is appropriate to fill the blank, mark option (e) i.e. “none of these” as your answer choice. 

Q1. As privacy is a right, it is primarily the state’s ……………………. to protect our personal data. But it can mostly do so only if the data are within its reach. There are also great dangers regarding privacy from state agencies themselves. Such privacy can only be ensured by ………………………………. and strengthening the protective and …………………………….. powers of the state, including the judiciary and new data protection-related institution(s). (i)ambition 
None of these
'responsibility' is a perfect fit in first blank as it is the responsibility of state to protect our personal data. "invoking" means cite or appeal to (someone or something) as an authority for an action or in support of an argument. Hence privacy can be ensured by invoking or citing and strengthening the powers of the state. In the last blank, 'corrective' is the correct choice as protective and corrective are both positive words and make the sentence meaningful.

Q2. India has not ……………………. full capital account convertibility. It has kept short-term foreign borrowings within …………………………. limits. India did not open up to foreign banks despite pressure from the U.S. and the international agencies. Foreign banks …………………………….. from overseas markets following the crisis, causing a severe credit crunch in places such as Eastern Europe. India escaped this fate. 
(iv) cuddled 
(v) flexibility 
(vi) entered
None of these
'embraced' means accept (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically. Hence 'embraced' fits in the first blank. 'stringent' means (of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting, hence stringent limits. Further the sentence talks about crisis which means a negative word will fit in the last blank. 'retreat' means move back or withdraw. Hence, retreated is the correct choice.

Q3. The Supreme Court’s ………………………… following the arrest of five ……………………….activists by the Pune police last month has been truly ……………………………. and raises the bar for protection of personal liberty. 
None of these
'intervention' means interference by a state in another's affairs. Hence, intervention will go in first blank. Further, 'prominant' means important; famous, which refers to the activists. The arrest has been considered extraordinary here.so, option (a) is the correct choice here.

Q4. The U.S. has responded …………………………………. to the summit, expressing readiness to immediately engage North Korea in talks. But it …………………………. to be seen whether the positive atmospherics at the summit will yield ……………………….. achievements on critical issues such as denuclearisation. 
None of these
The U.S. has expressed readiness, which means a positive word will fit in the first blank. 'optimistically' means in a way that shows hope and confidence about the future, so it fits in the first blank. 'Remains' fits in the second blank making it meaningful. 'tangible' ,means clear and definite and thus it fits in context of achievements.

Q5. The life of every Indian, from a corporate CEO to a cobbler, has …………………. like never before ever since Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced the ………………….. decision to withdraw old Rs.500 and Rs.1,000 currency notes from …………………………. (i)tangled 
None of these
'trailblazing' means making or pointing a new way. So, changed, trailblazing and circulation are the best fits for the respective blanks.

Directions (6-10): For the Questions given below, eight statements are given and statement G is fixed as it is. Rearrange the remaining seven sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) and (H) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.

(A) The current merger, it is worth noting, comes after the government let State Bank of India’s associate banks merge with their parent last year and the Life Insurance Corporation of India take over the troubled IDBI Bank this year. 
(B)The merger is part of the government’s efforts to consolidate the banking industry with an eye on overcoming the bad loan crisis. 
(C) They are also unlikely to solve the bad loan crisis that has gripped the banking system as a whole. 
(D) Unlike the other two banks, its shareholders are set to gain from being part of a new bank with greater financial strength. 
(E) On Monday the Union government proposed the merger of three public sector banks — Bank of Baroda, Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank — to create an amalgamated entity that will become the country’s third largest lender. 
(F) After the announcement of the merger, shares of Bank of Baroda and Vijaya Bank shed a significant part of their value, while Dena Bank gained sharply to hit upper circuit on Tuesday. 
(G) Forced mergers such as the current one make little business sense for the stronger banks as the weaker banks tend to be a drag on their operations. 
(H) This is not surprising at all. Dena Bank is the bank in the worst financial situation among the three entities and is currently under the Reserve Bank of India’s prompt corrective action framework. 

Q6. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after the rearrangement?
The correct rearrangement is EBFHDAGC, F

Q7. Which of the following will be the EIGHTH (LAST) sentence after the rearrangement?
The correct rearrangement is EBFHDAGC, C

Q8. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement?
The correct rearrangement is EBFHDAGC, B

Q9. Which of the following will be the SIXTH sentence after the rearrangement?
The correct rearrangement is EBFHDAGC, A

Q10. Which of the following will be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement?
The correct rearrangement is EBFHDAGC, H

Directions Q (11-15): In each of the questions below, there is a word given in bold which is followed by the five options. In each of the options, a pair of words is given which is either the pair of synonyms OR antonyms and synonym OR antonyms of the word given in bold. Choose that pair as your answer. 

furore, deject
acerbic, caustic
Upheavel, Bustle
fantastic, bizarre
scuffle, tepid
Tumult: a state of noisy, confused activity Synonyms: Upheavel, Bustle

resign, retire
egoistic, self-absorbed
diapason, scale
aberrant, abnormal
Ample, Snug
Capacious: having a lot of space inside; roomy. Synonym: Ample Antonym: Snug

virtue, onus
decorum, gimmick
veracity, rectitude
iniquity, rebuff
credibility, freak
Probity: the quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency. Synonyms: veracity, rectitude

invisible, commotion
trivial, obstructive
penal, disciplinary
flagrant, blatant
hidden, exoneration
Egregious: outstandingly bad; shocking. Synonyms: flagrant, blatant

edacious, caustic
glutted, satiated
stuffed, exonerate
puckish, sardonic
swinish, succinct
Ravenous:(of hunger or need) very great; voracious Antonyms: glutted, satiated


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English Miscellaneous Quiz for IBPS RRB Mains Exam: 23rd September 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 24, 2018 IBPS RRB PO and Clerk Mains are scheduled to be held in the upcoming weeks. Thus, English Language can be an impetus for their succes...

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