Biology Questions for Railway & SSC CGL Exam 2018: 26th September 2018

September 26, 2018    

Railway Board offers opulent and revered job posts to its aspirants. And it is not every year that we get the notification from Railway offering a good number of vacant seats to the multitude aspirants. But the current year 2018 brought a pleasant surprise with almost 1,20,000 seats to be filled by the valid candidates. Opportunity is here but you have to welcome it with a provident strategy. 

रेलवे बोर्ड अपने उम्मीदवारों के लिए भव्य और प्रतिष्ठित कार्य पदों की पेशकश करता है. और हर साल ऐसा नहीं होता है कि हमें रेलवे की ओर से अधिसूचना मिलती है. लेकिन वर्तमान वर्ष 2018 आपके लिए बहुत सुखद वर्ष है क्योंकि इसमें लगभग 1,20,000 सीटों को वैध उम्मीदवारों द्वारा भरा जाएगा. आपके पास बहुत अच्छा अवसर है और आपको इसे एक बेहतर रणनीति से प्राप्त करना होगा.

Q1. Which of the following are required for the formation of bones and teeth? 
हड्डियों और दांतों के निर्माण के लिए निम्नलिखित में से क्या आवश्यक है?
(a) Sodium and Potassium / सोडियम और पोटैशियम
(b) Iron and Calcium / आयरन और कैल्शियम
(c) Sodium and Calcium / सोडियम और कैल्शियम
(d) Calcium and Phosphorus / कैल्शियम और फोस्फोरस
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Sol. Teeth and bones both are hard, white and heavy. Teeth are composed of calcium, phosphorous and other minerals. Bones contain calcium, phosphorus, sodium and other minerals, but mostly consist of the protein collagen.

Q2. In human beings, normally in which one of the following parts, does the sperm     fertilize the ovum?
मनुष्यों में, आम तौर पर निम्नलिखित में से किस भाग में, शुक्राणु अंडाकार को निषेचित करता है?
(a) Cervix  / गर्भाशय ग्रीवा
(b) Fallopian tube / फलोपियन ट्यूब
(c) Lower part of uterus / गर्भाशय का निचला हिस्सा
(d) Upper part of uterus / गर्भाशय का ऊपरी भाग
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Sol. Fallopian tube, also called oviduct or uterine tube, either of a pair of long narrow ducts located in the human female abdominal cavity that transport the male sperm cells to the egg, provide a suitable environment for fertilization and transport the egg from the ovary, where it is produced.

Q3. The amount of which of the following components in the air does not change in the process of respiration? 
हवा में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा घटक श्वसन की प्रक्रिया में नहीं बदलता है?
(a) Carbon dioxide (CO_2 )/ कार्बन डाइआक्साइड
(b) Oxygen / ऑक्सीजन
(c) Water vapours / जल वाष्प
(d) Nitrogen / नाइट्रोजन
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Sol. The action or process of inhaling and exhaling of air is known as respiration. It is a metabolic process, common to all living things. There are five major components of air – Nitrogen 78.09%, Oxygen 20.95%, Argon 0.93%, Carbon dioxide 0.0324% and small amounts of other gases. During the expiration, nitrogen comes out with the same amount as it was entered during the inspiration.

Q4. What is hemoglobin? 
हेमोग्लोबिन क्या है?
(a) Substance found in the leaves of plants / पौधों की पत्तियों में पाए जाने वाला पदार्थ
(b) Substance found in the bone-marrow / अस्थि मज्जा में पाए जाने वाला पदार्थ
(c) Substance found in human blood / मानव रक्त में पाए जाने वाला पदार्थ
(d) Secretion coming out from the pitiutary gland / पिट्यूटरी ग्रंथि से बाहर आने वाला स्राव
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Sol. Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs.

Q5. Mammal capable in flying is-
उड़ान में सक्षम स्तनपाइ है-
(a) Jaguar / जैगुआर
(b) Ostrich / शुतुरमुर्ग
(c) Pellican / पेलिकन
(d) Bat / चमगादड़
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Sol. Bats are the mammals of the order Chiroptera whose forelimbs form webbed wings, making them the only mammals naturally capable of true and sustained flight.

Q6. Dolphins are classified in- 
डॉलफिन को किसमे वर्गीकृत किया गया है?
(a) Fish/ मछली
(b) Amphibians / उभयचर
(c) Reptile/ सरीसृप
(d) Mammals / स्तनधारी
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Sol. Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals and are part of the family of toothed whales. They are found worldwide, mostly in shallow seas of the continental shelves and are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid. India has declared Ganga Dolphin as the national aquatic animal of India.

Q7. Amphibia are- 
एम्फिबिया______ होते हैं-
(a) Very fastly moving boats/ तेज़ी से चलने वाली नौकायें
(b) Animals living in water only / केवल जल में रहने वाले जंतु
(c) Animals living on land only / केवल थल पर रहने वाले जंतु
(d) Animals living equally in water and on land both/ जल तथा थल दोनों पर समान रूप से रहने वाले जंतु
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Sol. The word “amphibian” is derived from the ancient Greek term amphibious, which means “both kinds of life”. The term was initially used as a general adjective for animals that could live on land or in water. They are ectotherms or cold-blooded animals, means they are unable to regulate their own body temperature. 

Q8. Nilgai belongs to the following family: 
नीलगाय, निम्नलिखित में से किस परिवार से सम्बन्धित है? 
(a) Cow/ गाय
(b) Goat/ बकरी
(c) Sheep / भेड़
(d) Deer/ हिरण 
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Sol. Nilgai is the largest Asian antelope species. Antelope are creatures, who has strong permanent horns. There are more than 90 species of antelope.

Q9. Vitamin B-9 is also called ?
विटामिन B-9 को अन्य किस नाम से जाना जाता है?
(a) Folic Acid/ फोलिक अम्ल
(b) Citric Acid / सिट्रिक अम्ल
(c)Hydrochloric Acid/ हाइड्रोक्लोरिक अम्ल
(d) Biotin/ बायोटिन  
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Sol. Vitamin B9 - otherwise known as Folate (naturally occurring in foods) or Folic Acid (a synthetic folate compound used in vitamin supplements because of its increased stability). The name comes from 'folium', which is the Latin word for leaves, because folates were first isolated from spinach.

Q10. Which of following is synthesized by intestinal bacteria?/ आंतों के बैक्टीरिया द्वारा निम्नलिखित में से किसका संश्लेषण किया जाता है? 
(a) Vitamin B12/ विटामिन  B12
(b) Vitamin C / विटामिन C
(c) Vitamin K / विटामिन K
(d) Vitamin B12 and Vitamin K both/ विटामिन B12 और विटामिन K दोनों    
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Sol. Vitamin B_12 and vitamin K both are synthesized by bacteria in human intestine.

Q11. The source of Vitamin ‘D’ is-
विटामिन ‘D’ का स्त्रोत है-
(a) Lemon/ नीम्बू
(b) Sun rays / सूर्य की किरणे
(c) Orange/ संतरा
(d) Cashewnut / काजू 
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Sol. The source of Vitamin D is sun rays. In fact, vitamin D is synthesized in our dermal cell by sun rays which is released in the blood. Besides of sun ray, Vitamin D is obtained from butter, the yolk of egg, liver, and kidney, etc. Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults occur due to deficiency of Vitamin D. Together with Calcium deficiency of vitamin D causes osteoporosis in older adults.

Q12. The Deficiency of Vitamin D causes the disease:
विटामिन D की कमी के कारण कौन-सा रोग होता है? 
(a) Anemia/ एनीमिया
(b) Beri-Beri / बेरी-बेरी
(c) Rickets/ रिकेट्स
(d) Pellagra/ पेलाग्रा 
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Sol. The source of Vitamin D is sun rays. In fact, vitamin D is synthesized in our dermal cell by sun rays which is released in the blood. Besides of sun ray, Vitamin D is obtained from butter, the yolk of egg, liver, and kidney, etc. Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults occur due to deficiency of Vitamin D. Together with Calcium deficiency of vitamin D causes osteoporosis in older adults.

Q13. The blood pressure in our body is- 
मानव शरीर में रक्तचाप कितना होता है?
(a) Lesser than the atmospheric pressure  / वायुमंडलीय दबाव से कम
(b) Greater than the atmospheric pressure / वायुमंडलीय दबाव से अधिक
(c) Equal to the atmospheric pressure / वायुमंडलीय दबाव के बराबर
(d) None of the above / इनमें से कोई नहीं
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Sol. The normal atmospheric pressure is 760 mm of Hg. But the normal human blood pressure is around 120/80 mmHg only. Actually when a doctor measure our blood pressure the measurement is done in respect of atmospheric pressure. This means that our blood pressure 120mm Hg more than that of atmospheric pressure of that place. On the other hand atmospheric pressure is measured with respect of vacuum, So the actual blood pressure of our body will be 760 + 120 = 880 mm Hg with respect to vacuum. 

Q14. A genetically engineered form of brinjal known as the BT-brinjal has been developed. The objective  of this is –
बीटी-बैंगन के नाम से जाने जाना वाला बैंगन का आनुवंशिक रूप से इंजीनियर रूप विकसित किया गया है. इसका उद्देश्य है-
(a) To make it pest resistant / इसे कीट प्रतिरोधी बनाने के लिए
(b) To improve its taste and nutritive value / इसके स्वाद और पोषक मूल्य में सुधार करने के लिए
(c) To make it drought resistant / इसे शुष्कता प्रतिरोधी बनाने के लिए
(d) To make its shelf life longer / इसके शेल्फ जीवन को लंबा बनाने के लिए  
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Sol .A genetically engineered form of brinjal known as the BT-brinjal has been developed. The objective of this is to make it pest resistant. It is created by inserting a crystal protein gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis into the genome of various brinjal cultivars.

Q15. The diameter of white blood corpuscles in human body is, about: 
मानव शरीर में सफेद रक्त कणिकाओं का व्यास है:
(a) 0.007 mm
(b) 0.7 mm
(c) 0.07 mm
(d) 0.0007 mm
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Sol. The number of leukocytes in the blood is often an indicator of disease. The normal white blood cell count is 4,000–11,000 per micro litre of blood. They make up approximately 1% of the total blood volume in a healthy adult. An increase in the number of leukocytes over the upper limits is called leukocytosis, and a decrease below the lower limit is called leukopenia. The diameter of W.B.C. in human body is about 0.007 mm.


Biology Questions for Railway & SSC CGL Exam 2018: 26th September 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 26, 2018 Railway Board offers opulent and revered job posts to its aspirants. And it is not every year that we get the notificati...

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