SBI PO Mains Exam Analysis and Review 2018: 4th Aug

August 4, 2018    

SBI PO Mains 2018 Exam Analysis:

Dear Aspirants,

Today (4th August) was the SBI PO Mains 2018 Examination. After the Phase-I Prelims, this was the much-awaited exam for all the candidates aiming to become a Probationary Officer in the State Bank Of India, and here is the complete exam analysis and review of today's SBI PO Mains 2018.

SBI recruitment examinations are renowned as the trendsetter in the banking examination sector and this exam review can help you to get insights on what to expect in tomorrow's SBI Junior Associate Mains Exam and other banking exams lined up this year.

SBI PO Mains 2018 exam had two parts; first was the objective test of 200 marks which had 4 sections Data Analysis and Interpretation, English Language, Reasoning and Computer, and General Awareness(with special reference to banking) for a duration of 3 hours and each section had its allotted time limit. The second was a descriptive test of 30 minutes which had Letter and Essay writing collectively for 50 marks. The level of Today's exam was difficult. English Section again brought in new surprises for aspirants with new pattern based and twisted questions.


English Language  16-19
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude  13-17
Data Analysis and Interpretation  18-22
General Awareness 23-27
TOTAL 77-84


The level of quantitative aptitude was moderate to difficult. There were  5 sets of DI. However this section was relatively of a do-able level when compared with the English and Reasoning Section. Following are the DI types asked in SBI PO Mains 2018:
  • Tabular Missing DI
  • Bar Graph - yearly expenditure of a person was given
  • Caselet - Time and Work
  • Caselet - Venn Diagram - Data related to an online store was given
  • Bar Graph - Data related to calls recieved and resolved was given in precentages
The questions were:

Topic No. of Questions Level
Quantity I, Quantity II  5 Moderate
Data Sufficiency 5 Moderate-Difficult
Data Interpretation  25 Moderate-Difficult
Total 35 Difficult


This section packed in a punch for all the aspirants who appeared in this examination. There were many new types of questions. Two reading comprehensions were there in the English Language section among which one passage was of the conventional type, it was based on the theme of an economist's view of differences between innovation and invention. 1 question was based on vocab.

The second reading comprehension was entirely based on a new pattern. 5-6 paragraphs were given in statement and their explanation form numbered as Statement A, Statement B and so on. There were 9 questions in this passage set and those question were based on indentifying gramatically correct phrases, considered as phrase replacement.

A new pattern of cloze test was introduced where a passage was given with 5 blanks and a phrase had to be filled in those blanks. In questions a phase was given and candidate had to identify that the given phrase will belong to which blank 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5

Topic No. of Questions Level
Reading Comprehension  14 Difficult
Tripple Fillers 5 Moderate-Difficult
New pattern Cloze Test (Identify the correct phrases to be filled in the given blanks) 5 Difficult
Antonym and Synonym of FIT 1 Moderate
Sentence Completion 5 Moderate-Difficult
Sentence Improvement 5 Difficult
Total 35 Difficult


The level of reasoning was difficult. There were NO questions of computer aptitude. Following were the questions of puzzles and seating arrangement:
  • Linear Double Line, 10 people seating
  • Circular Arrangement
  • Floors+Buildings based puzzle
  • Blood Relation+Age based puzzle
  • Random Arrangement -3 Variables, Names of persons, their posts and fruits were given
  • Linear Seating Arrangement- 3 Variable, the direction in which the persons were seated was not mentioned.

The questions were:
Topic No. of Questions Level
Sitting Arrangement and Puzzles 
Coding Decoding
5 Difficult
Passage Inference
Moderate- Difficult
Course of Action
Conclusion based Logical Questions
Moderate- Difficult
Decoding based Direction Sense


This section had 40 questions and the level of the questions asked was moderate. Most of the questions in this section were covering the current affairs and news of June and July Months. As per the review given by student who appeared for this exam there were few or no questions from static and banking awareness.

This section was of 50 marks with a time limit of 30 minutes.

Letter Writing (150 words)
a) Write a letter to the concerned authority expressing your convern over usage of harmful pesticides in fruits and vegitables.
b) Write a letter to your branch manager as you were unable to transfer funds to your friend due to unavailability of UPI services 

Essay Writing  (150 words)
a) Measures to taken to avoid issues during monsoon
b) Bitcoin
c) Decreasing number of researches taken up by students.

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SBI PO Mains Exam Analysis and Review 2018: 4th Aug 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 4, 2018 SBI PO Mains 2018 Exam Analysis: Dear Aspirants, Today (4th August) was the SBI PO Mains 2018 Examination. After the Phase-I Prelims, thi...

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