SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis and Review 2018: 5th Aug Shift-II

August 5, 2018    

SBI Clerk Mains 2018 Exam Analysis

Dear Aspirants,

Today (5th August) was the SBI Junior Associate Mains 2018 Examination. This was the second and final phase for the examination of the recruitment of Clerks in SBI in 2018 and here is the complete exam analysis and review of today's Shift-II of SBI Clerk Mains 2018.

SBI recruitment examinations are renowned as the trendsetter in the banking examination sector and this exam review can help you to get insights on what to expect in other banking exams lined up this year. The order in which sections appeared in the SBI Clerk Mains Exam was- GA, English, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude

Overall the level of the examination was Moderate to Difficult.

SBI Clerk Mains 2018 Exam ANALYSIS (OVER-ALL):

English Language  19-23
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude  17-21
Quantitative Aptitude 24-27
General Awareness 26-31
TOTAL 109-117

QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE (Moderate - Difficult)

The level of quantitative aptitude was moderate to difficult.  In the first shift of SBI Clerk Mains 2018 there were six sets of DI, whereas in this 2nd shift there were only 4 sets of DI :
  • Caselet
  • Missing DI- Tabular
  • Pie Chart 
  • Bar Graph + Tabular
The questions were:

Topic No. of Questions Level
Data Interpretation  20 Difficult and Calculative
Approximation 5 Moderate-Difficult
Quantity-1, Quantity-2 5 Moderate
Missing Series 5 Moderate
Miscellaneous (Arithematic Word Problems) 15 Difficult
Total 50 Moderate-Difficult


The level of General English Section in the 2nd shift of SBI Junior Associate Mains Exam was Moderate. There were two sets of Reading Comprehension (small passages) related to the following themes:
  • A passage related to trust issues of customers on companies
  • The second passage was based on an article on how to solve generalised issues and problems.

Vocabulary based questions were also there in this year's SBI Clerk Mains 2018 exam. A new pattern of inference based questions were also introduced- A situation or conversation was mentioned in the question and the candidate had to identify an adjective best describing the scene/ quality of the given person.

There were also questions of a grammar-based fill in the blanks - Three or four blanks are given in a paragraph and candidate had to identify a common word that has to be filled in all those blanks from the given set of options.

In word replacement questions, three or four words in a sentence were marked as bold. Below the sentence, those words were given (numbered A,B,C..) and against each word a suggested replacement was mentioned (numbered D, E, F...). Candidates had to identify the correct word to be replaced (if any).

Topic No. of Questions Level
Reading Comprehension  14 Moderate-Difficult
Vocabulary Based 5 Moderate
Grammar-Based Fillers 4 Moderate-Difficult
Sentence Rearrangement 1 Moderate
Inference Based Questions on Identifying correct adjective 2 Moderate-Difficult
Idioms and Phrases 5 Moderate
Paragraph Completion 5 Moderate
Word Replacement 4 Moderate-Difficult
Total 40 Moderate


This section had 50 questions and The level of reasoning was very difficult. Second shift's reasoning was even more difficult in comparison with the first shift of SBI Clerk Mains 2018. There were NO questions of computer aptitude.  Following were types of puzzles asked in reasoning section of SBI Junior Associate Mains exam:
  • Linear Seating Arrangement (with blood relation) - 2 parallel lines
  • Symbols and Clock based puzzle
  • Circular Seating Arrangement
  • Box Based Puzzle
  • Mixed Puzzle (related to following a given set of instructions) - odd-even pattern 
  • Mixed Puzzle (related to following a given set of instructions) - Coding Decoding based
  • Random Arrangement Puzzle
  • Floor Based Puzzle

The questions were:
Topic No. of Questions Level
Sitting Arrangement and Puzzles 
Coding Decoding (New Pattern)
5 Difficult
Coding Decoding - Symbols only
Logical ( Couse of Action, Statement and Assumption, Consequence)
50 Difficult

This section had 50 questions and a time limit of 35 minutes. Overall the level of this section was Moderate. Most of the questions were from the current affairs of May, June and July. Near about 10 questions were related to Banking and Financial Awareness and 4-5 questions from static general awareness.

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SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis and Review 2018: 5th Aug Shift-II 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 5, 2018 SBI Clerk Mains 2018 Exam Analysis Dear Aspirants, Today (5th August) was the SBI Junior Associate Mains 2018 Examination. This was the s...

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