1. Write a letter to newspaper editor for fake news and facts spread through social media.
2. Recently the results of 10th board exams were released. Your friend's son who appeared in the examination has scored good overall marks but average in science. Your friend wants his son to choose the science stream against his wish. Write a letter to your friend convincing and guiding him to allow his son choose the right stream after class 10th.
And following were the options given in the second shift:
1. You are an Officer in a Bank and attending weekend MBA classes. Write a letter to your senior for 7 days leave for pursuing weekend MBA course/examination in 150-words.
2. Your brother is hesitating from investing in mutual funds. Write a letter to your brother explaining him about mutual funds and how one should invest in mutual funds.
So its best that you practice writing a letter to editor, a letter to branch manager and an informal letter to a family member or friend.
When you are writing try not to use heavy vocabulary thinking it will leave a good impression on the reader's mind. Your language should always be easy to understand and the sentences should be easy to comprehend. Also, make sure that you write everything to the point, as writing much of unnecessary things about the topic will only consume your words that will be very limited, and you will be running short of words to mention the other necessary points in the end.
Essay Writing (Expected Word Limit- 150 words)
For writing an essay, you can expect topics in trend in news and current affairs. In the recently held BOB PO exam following topics were asked in the 1st and the 2nd shift:
1. Keeping animals in zoo is like keeping them in prison for our pleasure.
2. Investment in share market: Risks and Rewards
3. Swatch Bharat Campaign against open deification.
4. Expensive Weddings are a social evil.
Some important things to keep in mind:
- Keep the word limit in mind: You can use any short and imaginary address while writing a letter, so you won't run out of words in the main body of the letter. For Essay writing do not try to take too many points as you'll be on a tight word limit of 150 or 250 words.
- Use simple language: There is no need to use heavy vocabulary, the main agenda of descriptive test is to deliver the message appropriately to the reader.
- Avoid grammatical and spelling errors.

- https://www.bankersadda.com/2018/08/last-minute-tips-for-descriptive.html
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