How To Track Your Order of Books | Adda247 Publications

August 1, 2018    

Dear Readers,

Adda247 brings to you a new feature using which now you can track your order of books that you'll place on

Want to track a package? Find tracking information and order details from MY ORDERS section in your profile.
Log in to Adda247 store with your registered email and password.

Click on My Orders to view your placed orders.

There you can click on the order you'd like to track.

You can then check the current status of your order.

An exclusive feature of Adda247 Publications lets you access an e-version of every hardcopy book that will be updated if any new changes are introduced in the pattern of examination. You will be able to access the e-book by logging in into your Adda247 account at or Adda247 mobile application. So till the time your shipment reaches your doorstep you can start your preparation with the help of ebooks.
For any queries you can send a mail to


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How To Track Your Order of Books | Adda247 Publications 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 1, 2018 Dear Readers, [embedded content] Adda247 brings to you a new feature using which now you can track your order of books that you'll pla...

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