General Awareness Questions for SSC & Railway Exam 2018: 22nd August

August 22, 2018    

Dear Readers, GA section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on scaffold website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.

Q1. Which drug is used as a Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug? नॉनस्टेरॉयड एंटी-इनफ्लोएम्मेटरी दवा के रूप में कौन सी दवा का उपयोग किया जाता है?
Risedronate / राइसड्रोनेट
Diazepam / डायजेपाम
Folic Acid / फोलिक एसिड
Ibuprofen / आइबूप्रोफेन
Ibuprofen is a medication in the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug class that is used for treating pain, fever, and inflammation.

Q2. Panthera tigris is the scientific name of? पेंथेरा टिग्रीस किस का वैज्ञानिक नाम है?
Lion / शेर
Tiger / बाघ
Monkey / बन्दर
None of these / इनमें से कोई नहीं
The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species, most recognizable for its pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. The species is classified in the genus Panthera with the lion, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard.

Q3. Atomic number of which of the following elements is greater than that of Iodine निम्नलिखित तत्वों में से किस का परमाणु क्रमांक आयोडीन से ज्यादा है?
Silver / चांदी
Bromine / ब्रोमिन
Platinum / प्लैटिनम
Zinc / जिंक
Atomic number of Iodine: 53 Atomic number of Silver: 47 Atomic number of Bromine: 35 Atomic number of Platinum: 78 Atomic number of Zinc: 30

Q4. Ilmenite is an ore/mineral of _________. इल्मेनाइट _________ का अयस्क / खनिज है।
Titanium / टाइटेनियम
Copper / तांबा
Lead / लेड
Manganese / मैंगनीज
Ilmenite, also known as Manaccanite, is a titanium-iron oxide mineral with the idealized formula FeTiO ₃. It is a weakly magnetic black or steel-gray solid. From a commercial perspective, ilmenite is the most important ore of titanium.

Q5. Which of these is India's National Anthem? इन में से कौन सा भारत का राष्ट्रीय गीत है?
Ae Mere Pyare Watan / ऐ मेरे प्यारे वतन
Maa Tujhe Salaam / माँ तुझे सलाम
Aisa Desh Hai Mera / ऐसा देश है मेरा
Jana Gana Mana / जन गण मन
Jana Gana Mana is the national anthem of India originally written in Bengali, by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. Jana Gana Mana is the national anthem of India originally written in Bengali, by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore.

Q6. Panaji is the Capital City of _________. पणजी _________ का राजधानी शहर है।
Himachal Pradesh / हिमाचल प्रदेश
Goa / गोवा
Gujarat / गुजरात
Madhya Pradesh / मध्य प्रदेश
Panaji, also known as Panjim, is the state capital of Goa, in southwest India.

Q7. Whom did Akbar defeat in the second battle of Panipat in 1556? 1556 में पानीपत की दूसरी लड़ाई में अकबर ने किसको पराजित किया था?
Genghis Khan / गेंघिस खान
Nader Shah / नादर शाह
Hem Chandra Vikramaditya / हेम चन्द्र विक्रमादित्य
Bajirao I / बाजीराव I
The Second Battle of Panipat was fought between the forces of Samrat Hem Chandra Vikramaditya, popularly calledHemu, the Hindu king who was ruling North India from Delhi, and the army of Akbar, on November 5, 1556. It was a decisive victory for Akbar's generals Khan Zaman I and Bairam Khan.

Q8. What does the slope of a velocity time graph represent? एक वेग समय ग्राफ की ढलान क्या दर्शाती है?
Acceleration / त्वरण
Distance / दूरी
Speed / गति
Momentum / संवेग
The slope of the velocity time graph represents the acceleration. If the acceleration is zero, then the slope is zero (i.e., a horizontal line). If the acceleration is positive, then the slope is positive (i.e., an upward sloping line).

Q9. Which of the following is not considered a Democracy? निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा लोकतंत्र नहीं माना जाता है?
USA/ संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका
Norway / नॉर्वे
India / भारत
China / चीन
China, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a unitary one-party sovereign state in East Asia and the world's most populous country.

Q10. Speaker of the Lok Sabha serves for a maximum term of _______ years. लोकसभा के सभापति अधिकतम _______ वर्ष की अवधि के लिए कार्य करता है।
The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is the presiding officer of the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Parliament of India.The speaker is elected in the very first meeting of the Lok Sabha following general elections. Serving for a term of five years, the Speaker chosen from amongst the members of the Lok Sabha, and is by convention a member of the ruling party or alliance.

Q11. Where are the Saltoro Ranges located? साल्टोरो रेंज कहां स्थित हैं?
Ladakh / लद्दाख
Along the Vindhyas / विंध्या के साथ
Part of the Karakorma Ranges / कराकोर्मा रेंज का हिस्सा
Part of the Western Ghats / पश्चिमी घाट का हिस्सा
The Saltoro Mountains are a subrange of the Karakoram Range. They are located in the heart of the Karakoram, on the southwest side of the Siachen Glacier, one of the two longest glaciers outside of the polar regions. The name given to this range is shared with the Saltoro Valley which is located to the west of this range.

Q12. Who has instituted the “Moortidevi Sahitya Puraskar”? "मुर्तदेवी साहित्य पुरस्कार" किसने स्थापित किये?
Ministry of HRD, Central Government / HRD मंत्रालय, केंद्रीय सरकार
Sahitya Academy / साहित्य अकादमी
Bharatiya Jnanapeeth Trust / भारतीय ज्ञानपीठ ट्रस्ट
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan / भारतीय विद्या भवन
The Moortidevi Award is an annual literary award in India presented by the Bharatiya Jnanpith organization for a work which emphasizes Indian philosophy and culture. In 2003, the prize included an amount of ?1 lakh, a plaque, a statue of Saraswati, and a shawl. The cash prize was raised to ?2 lakh in the year 2011 and to ?4 lakh in the year 2013.

Q13. Who is the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha? राज्य सभा का उपाध्यक्ष कौन हैं?
P.J. Kurien / पी. जे. कुरियन
Hamid Ansari / हामिद अंसारी
K. Rahman khan / के. रहमान खान
Karia Munda / करिया मुंडा
Pallath Joseph "P. J." Kurien is an Indian politician, social worker and educationist who is the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Parliament of India. A leader of the Indian National Congress party, Kurien previously served as a Union Minister in the P. V. Narasimha Rao government and was a member of the Lok Sabha for six consecutive terms from 1980 to 1999.

Q14. Which of the following is called the storehouse of world-art collections? निम्नलिखित में से क्या विश्व कला संग्रह का भंडार कहा जाता है?
National Archives of India / भारत के राष्ट्रीय अभिलेखागार
National Museum / राष्ट्रीय संग्रहालय
National Modern Art Gallery / राष्ट्रीय आधुनिक कला गैलरी
Salarjung Museum / सालारजंग संग्रहालय
The Salar Jung Museum is an art museum located at Darushifa, on the southern bank of the Musi river in the city of Hyderabad, Telangana, India. It is one of the three National Museums of India. It has a collection of sculptures, paintings, carvings, textiles, manuscripts, ceramics, metallic artefacts, carpets, clocks, and furniture from Japan, China, Burma, Nepal, India, Persia, Egypt, Europe, and North America

Q15. The World Ozone Day is celebrated on विश्व ओजोन दिवस कब मनाया जाता है?
September 18th / 18 सितम्बर
March 12th / 12 मार्च
September 16th / 16 सितम्बर
March 10th / 10 मार्च
In 1994, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 16 September the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, commemorating the date of the signing, in 1987, of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer


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General Awareness Questions for SSC & Railway Exam 2018: 22nd August 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 22, 2018 Dear Readers,  GA  section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off mar...

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