DRDO Recruitment 2018: Eligibility Criteria FAQs

August 21, 2018    

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DRDO Recruitment 2018 | 494 Vacancies

DRDO has a career opportunity to offer those who are in the search of a secure and reliable job post. Online application Filling Procedure for recruitment to the post of Senior Technical Assistant ‘B’ (STA ‘B’) through DRDO Entry Test-2018 in various subjects/disciplines for 494 vacancies was started from 4 August 2018 and last date to apply for the same is 29 August 2018. The examination dates are yet to be notified by the organization.

To get a secure job is of utmost importance for any youth across the country and DRDO has to serve you your cup of tea when it comes to build a reliable career. But before seating in the exam, there are certain proceedings to be fulfilled as per the instructions of the organization which approve its candidates an eligibility to appear for the exam. Considering the meddlesome state of candidates which lead them to ask a pile of questions while applying for the desirable exam, SSCADDA and team is here to do away all your doubts and queries where with certain examples of questions replica of yours’ and their exact acceptable answers we will try to mitigate you.

1. Can I make changes in my application(s) after I have submitted it? 
After final submission, request for change/correction in the particulars given in application form shall not been entertained under any circumstances. Hence candidates are advised to fill the application form carefully.

2. Can I change my Examination city/ centre? 
No. The option/preference once given by the candidate will be treated as final and irreversible. No request for change of examination city will be entertained.

3. I am applying for more than one Post Code. Is it necessary to apply for each post code separately?
Yes. Candidates applying for more than one Post Code (if eligible) should submit their application, complete in all respect separately. However, there is no need to register again.

4. Is there any percentage criteria to apply?
No, there is no minimum percentage criteria to apply. Just make sure that you have passed the exam.

5. I am appearing in my final year examination, which is essential qualification to apply for the post, and my result will be declared after the crucial date i.e. 29 August 2018, Can I apply for DRDO Entry Test?
No, you are not eligible to apply. Candidates fulfilling the eligibility condition on the crucial date only can apply. Candidates appearing / appeared in the examination whose result is not declared by the crucial date will not be considered eligible.

6. I am pursuing BE / B. Tech / M. Sc / M. Tech. or PhD. Am I eligible to apply for STA „B‟?
Candidates who are pursuing higher qualification, but not going to complete as on crucial date may apply, but they must have minimum essential qualification for the post applied. However, Candidates possessing higher qualification viz. B.E./B.Tech/M.Tech/M.Sc./Ph.D etc. as on crucial date, shall not be considered for the recruitment to the posts of STA „B‟.

7. I am a B.E. / B. Tech Student after diploma. Am I eligible for the STA „B‟?
Yes, you are eligible for STA „B‟ posts if you have not completed B.E. / B.Tech. before crucial date.

8. Will the exam be conducted computer based or OMR based?
Examination for CEPTAM-09/STA-B will be Computer Based Test (CBT) only.

9. Is there any negative marking in examination?

10. Will there be any interview after the written result?
No, as per Government of India orders, interviews were discontinued for recruitment of Group  B and
Group C Non-Gazetted Post.

11. I have not received E-mail after registration procedure, Why?
Check the correctness of email id entered by you. Check your spam mails. You may also refresh and check your email after intervals. If no mail is received, click on Forget Password option. If it is noticed that the id has been wrongly entered inadvertently, then click on new registration link with correct email id.

12. What is the meaning of Equivalent degree in the Higher Qualification section?
Degree courses (like AMIE, AMIETE, etc.), which are equivalent to B.E/ B.Tech. / M.Sc./ M.Tech. Or Ph.D

13. What should be the format and size for scanned photograph, thumb impression, signature, 10th class certificate, caste certificate and EQR Document?

14. Can I apply for multiple applications for the same Post Code? What will be the status of my candidature if I have successfully submitted more than one application?
Applicant cannot submit more than one application for the same Post code, if a candidate submits more than one application successfully for same post code, then only the latest application with application fee (if applicable) will be considered and other applications will be rejected. However they can apply for more than one post code (if eligible) from with same user ID and Password.

15. What are the rejection criteria for DRDO Entry Test (CEPTAM-09/STA-B Advt.) applications?
On the basis of following conditions applications of CEPTAM-09/STA-B Advt. will be rejected before the written examination Illegible application, Underage and Overage as on crucial date, Application received other than online mode. Application having blurred photo / signature/ thumb impression, Irrelevant Photo / Address, Multiple application for the same post code, Higher Qualification, Non-Compliance/deviation of given instructions in the advertisement, etc.

The date, time & venue for the examination will be informed via admit cards issued within 2 weeks prior to the exam.

AGE LIMIT AS ON CRUCIAL DATE OF ELIGIBILITY (29 August 2018): Candidate must be between 18 and 28 Years of age (relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/ESM/PWD etc. as per Govt. of India rules)

CBT Fot Tier-1 is for Screening and covers 5 Sections viz. Quantitative ability/aptitude,General intelligence & Reasoning ability, General awareness, English language (basic knowledge) and General science where 150 Objective Type Questions will be asked for 150 Maximum Marks with 120 minutes of Time Duration. CBT for tier-2 (Provisional Selection) will conjoin Test specific to subject of post-code.

Note: There will be no provision of re-evaluation/re-checking of answers given by candidates in CBT.
  • Marks will be normalized in Tier-I & Tier-II examination

You may also like to read:

- https://www.sscadda.com/2018/08/drdo-recruitment-eligibility-faq.html
DRDO Recruitment 2018: Eligibility Criteria FAQs 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 21, 2018 Dear Readers, DRDO Recruitment 2018 | 494 Vacancies DRDO has a career opportunity to offer those who are in the search of a secur...

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