2nd August 2018 Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - PDF Download

August 2, 2018    

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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 2nd August 2018. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on titles to read Editorials from THE HINDU News Paper

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Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Prudent increase: on RBI's rate hike"
  • Prudent - careful, and using good judgment
  • Hike - a sudden large increase in the amount or level of something
  • Benchmark - an amount, level, standard etc that you can use for judging how good or bad other things are
  • Spotlight - receiving a lot of public attention
  • Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
  • Inflation - an economic process in which prices increase so that money becomes less valuable
  • Basis point - used in relation to interest rates to mean one-hundredth of one percent
  • Successive - coming or happening one after another in a series
  • Mounting - increasing, especially in a way that makes a situation worse
  • Uncertainty - a nervous feeling that you have because you think bad things might happen
  • Volatility - liability to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse
  • Crude oil - oil that is still in its natural state and has not yet been refined for use by chemical processes
  • Notwithstanding - despite something
  • Vulnerability - the quality of being able to be easily hurt, influenced, or attacked
  • Disruption - a situation in which something cannot continue because of a problem
  • Outlook - an idea about what a situation will be like in the future
  • Slippage - a situation in which something is delayed or not achieved when it should be
  • Impact - an effect, or an influence
  • Staggered - very surprised and shocked
  • Allowance - an amount of money that someone receives regularly, in order to pay for the things they need
  • Deficient - lacking the correct amount of something
  • Shortfall - a lack of something that you need or want, or the amount that you lack
  • Sown area - the area
  • Flag - to put a mark on something so it can be found easily among other similar things
  • Imbalance - a situation in which the balance between two things is not equal or fair
  • Virtually - used for emphasizing that a statement is almost completely true
  • Portent - a warning or warnings about the future
  • Retail - relating to the sale of goods directly to the public for their own use
  • Accelerate - to happen or make something happen at a faster rate
  • Forecast - a statement about what is likely to happen, based on available information and usually relating to the weather, business, or the economy
  • Understandable - normal and reasonable in a particular situation
  • Domestic - relating to the country being talked about, and not other countries
  • Rebound - to return to a better level or position
  • Protectionism - a system in which a country helps its own industries by putting taxes on foreign goods
  • Threaten - to be likely to harm or destroy something
  • Productivity - the rate at which goods are produced, especially in relation to the time, money, and workers needed to produce them
  • Depreciation - the process of becoming less valuable
  • Ripple - something that ripples moves in a way that is not obvious but is noticeable
  • Emerging - just beginning to exist or be noticed
  • Spur - to cause something to happen
  • Remit - a particular area of work that someone is responsible for
  • Anchor - to make something or someone stay in one position by fastening him, her, or it firmly
  • Quibble - to argue or complain about something that is not important
  • Majority - most of the people or things in a group
  • Neutral - not supporting a particular thing
  • Stance - an attitude or view about an issue
  • Containment - the process of controlling a situation or substance that could become harmful or dangerous
  • Justifiably - if something is justifiable, there is a good reason for it
  • Ought to - used to show when it is necessary or would be a good thing to perform the activity referred to
  • Raison d’etre - the reason why something exists or is considered to be important
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Reconsider the ban: on oxytocin"
  • Reconsider - to think again about a decision in order to decide whether you should change it
  • Oxytocin - a hormone that helps with labour (= the process of pushing out a baby) and helps women and female mammals to produce milk
  • Clampdown - a determined attempt by someone in authority to stop people doing something bad or illegal
  • Consequence - a result or effect of something
  • Kick off - to begin, or to begin something
  • Ill-thought-out - planned without considering all details
  • Synthetic - made from artificial materials or substances, not from natural ones
  • Induce - to cause something, especially a mental or physical change
  • Labour - the process by which a baby is pushed from its mother’s body when she is giving birth to it
  • Postpartum - after the birth of one's child
  • Bleeding - the process of losing blood from your body, for example from a cut
  • Maternal - relating to being a mother
  • Haemorrhage - an occasion when blood flows out of an injured organ inside someone’s body, rather than out of their body through a cut in the skin
  • Ignore - to not consider something, or to not let it influence you
  • Dairy - a company that sells milk and makes and sells foods that are made from milk, for example butter and cheese
  • Stimulate - to encourage something to happen, develop, or improve
  • Lactation - the natural process of making milk in the breasts in order to feed a baby
  • Cattle - cows and bulls kept by farmers for their milk or meat
  • Indiscriminately - done without considering who or what you harm or damage
  • Spawn - to create
  • Veterinary - relating to the care of animals that are ill or injured
  • Crack down - to start dealing with someone or something much more strictly
  • Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
  • Infertility - someone’s lack of the physical ability to have children
  • Mastitis - an illness affecting a woman’s breast that makes it sore and swollen
  • Inflammation - an area on your body that is swollen, red, and painful because of an infection or injury
  • Udder - the part under the body of a cow and some other female animals, shaped like a small bag, in which milk is produced
  • Consumer - someone who buys and uses goods and services
  • Exposure - the state of being put into a situation in which something harmful or dangerous might affect you
  • Alter - to make something or someone different
  • Poultry - birds such as chickens that are used for meat or eggs
  • Resistant - not harmed or affected by something
  • Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
  • Over-the-counter - drugs and medicines that are available over the counter can be bought without a doctor’s prescription
  • Antibiotic - a drug that cures illnesses and infections caused by bacteria
  • Reluctant -= not willing to do something
  • Rural - relating to the countryside, or in the countryside
  • Outright - completely or immediately
  • Cap - a limit on the amount of money that you can spend or charge
  • Monopolise - if a company monopolizes a particular business activity, it controls that activity by preventing other companies from being involved in it

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      2nd August 2018 Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - PDF Download 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 2, 2018 sponsored links Hai Friends I'm Kani . Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated...

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