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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 13th August 2018. Happy reading :)
Note : There were no editorials in THE HINDU on 12th August 2018 (Sunday)
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Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "BCCI revamp: On Lodha panel recommendations"
- Revamp - to change or arrange something again, in order to improve it
- Panel - a group of people who make decisions or judgments
- Pragmatic - involving or emphasizing practical results rather than theories and ideas
- Tweak - to make small changes in order to improve something
- Norm - an accepted standard or a way of behaving or doing things that most people agree with
- Aggrieved - feeling angry and unhappy because you think you have been treated in an unfair way
- Rigorous - strict, or severe
- Administration - the activities involved in managing a business, organization, or institution
- Reasoning - the process of thinking about something in an intelligent sensible way in order to make a decision or form an opinion
- Significant - very large or noticeable
- Climbdown - a change of attitude in which someone admits that they were wrong
- Former - used for describing someone or something that had a particular job, title, status etc in the past, but not now
- Knock out - to destroy something, or to stop it working
- Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
- Cooling-off period - a pause in an argument, especially one between a company’s management and employees, that gives people time to think calmly about how to reach an agreement
- Office-bearer - a person who holds a position of authority and responsibility in a government or other organization
- Contest - an attempt, usually against difficulties, to win an election or to get power or control
- Subsequent - happening or coming after something else
- Term - a period of time during which a politician or other official holds their job
- Tenure - the period of time during which someone has an important job or is an elected official
- Mandatory - ordered by a law or rule
- Fiefdom - an area or organization that someone controls completely
- Fritter - to waste time or money on things that are not necessary or important
- Consolidate - to make the power, position, or achievements you already have stronger or more effective so that they are likely to continue
- Aggregate - total
- Dilution - the action of making something weaker
- Core - the most important or most basic part of something
- Perpetuation - to make something such as a situation or process continue, especially one that is wrong, unfair, or dangerous
- Overrule - to officially change a decision that someone else has made
- Significantly - by a large amount, or in a way that is easily noticeable
- Strip - to remove
- Dispel - to get rid of unpleasant feelings or false beliefs
- Apprehension - a feeling of worry or fear that something bad might happen
- Manipulation - behaviour that influences someone or controls something in a clever or dishonest way
- Debate - a discussion in which people or groups state different opinions about a subject
- Intervention - a situation in which someone becomes involved in a particular issue, problem etc in order to influence what happens
- Immensely - very, or very much: used for emphasizing what you are saying
- Address - to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
- Credibility - qualities that someone has that make people believe or trust them
- Deficit - a lack of a quality, skill, or ability that you should have
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "A complicated man: On Sir Vidia"
- Complicated - difficult to do, deal with, or understand
- Provocative - intended to start arguments between people or to make people angry or upset
- Critic - someone whose job is to write or broadcast their opinions about things such as books, films, or plays
- Span - the period of time that sometimes exists or happens
- Defy - to refuse to obey someone or something
- Appraisal - an opinion about how successful, effective etc someone or something is
- Perpetually - happening so often that you become annoyed as a result
- Nudge - to make something move gradually or a little way in a particular direction
- Assess - to carefully consider a situation, person, or problem in order to make a judgment
- Chronological - arranged or described in the order in which events happened
- Colonialism - a situation in which one country rules another
- Migration - if people migrate, they travel in large numbers to a new place to live temporarily
- Endeavour - an effort to do something, especially something new or difficult
- Veer - to suddenly move in a different direction
- Forebears - your forebears are the people in your family who lived a long time ago
- Indentured - forced by a contract to work for an employer for a fixed period of time
- Consumed by something - to take all of your attention so that you cannot think of anything else
- Acquire - to get something
- Bicker - to argue about things that are not important
- Sprawling - built over a wide area in a way that is ugly or not carefully planned
- Intellectual - relating to the ability to think in an intelligent way and to understand things, especially difficult or complicated ideas and subjects
- Wherewithal - the money and ability that give you the power to do a particular thing
- Conclude - to decide that something is true after looking at all the evidence you have
- Craft - to make or produce something skilfully
- Surround - to be all around or on all sides of someone or something
- Inquiry - a question intended to get information about someone or something
- Unsparing - used about the cruel behaviour of someone who does not care if they hurt people
- Prose - written language in its ordinary form, as opposed to poetry
- Ensure - to make certain that something happens or is done
- Criticise - to say what you think is wrong or bad about something
- Depict - to describe someone or something using words or pictures
- Imperial - relating to an empire (=the rule of one country over several other countries)
- Accuse - to say that someone has done something wrong or committed a crime
- Islamophobia - hatred or fear of Muslims and Islam
- Raise hackles - if your hackles rise, or if something raises your hackles, you begin to feel very angry
- Trilogy - a series of three books, films, or plays
- Wounded - injured, especially with a cut in your flesh
- Civilisation - a society that has developed its own culture and institutions
- Mutiny - a refusal by a group to accept someone’s authority, especially a group of soldiers or sailors
- Presciently - in a way that predicts or anticipates the future
- Low-grade - low quality
- Bigotry - the practice of having very strong and unreasonable opinions, especially about politics, race, or religion, and refusing to consider other people’s opinions
- Misogyny - the feeling of hating or strongly disliking women, or being prejudiced against them
- Overlook - to fail to notice or do something
- On account of - because of someone or something
- Intolerance - someone’s refusal to accept behaviour, beliefs, or opinions that are different from their own
- Legacy - something that someone has achieved that continues to exist after they stop working or die
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