SBI Clerk-SBI PO Mains Preparation | SBI Mains 25-Day Study Plan: Day 21

July 29, 2018    

Now that the Preliminary Exam of SBI PO 2018 is over, you all must have started to prepare for mains examination that is to be held in not more than a month. As this examination gets you a step ahead towards becoming an SBI PO, you all must prepare for it with a planned strategy that no stone is left unturned in any ways. Adda247, being cognizant of the needs of you all, brings to you this 25 days study plan for SBI PO Mains Examination 2018 that is to be followed today onwards.

How to prepare for SBI PO Mains 2018 in 25 days: 

Data Analysis & Interpretation

All that you need to do to perform well in the quantitative aptitude section is practice. Learn the basic concepts and practice them well, as for banking exams basic concepts will come in handy rather than tricks. Choose the questions wisely and try not to get stuck on a particular question or topic for too long. Instead of focussing on attempting the maximum number of questions, try focusing on the accuracy with which you attempt the paper.

Reasoning and Computer Aptitude

Reasoning can be a tricky section for most of the students and it is important to the solve questions and at the same time keep a watch on the time that is passing by. Continuous practice will help you deal with this section too as the solution hits the mind quickly. To ace the grade in reasoning, all you need to do is to practice and only practice. After all, practice makes a man perfect. For Computer Aptitude you need to be familiar with the basics of computers and proper definitions.

English Language

The trick to scoring in the English section can vary from one person to another depending on his/her strengths and weaknesses. If you are good at vocab and reading then attempt the reading comprehension first and proceed with Cloze Test and other miscellaneous topics like Error Detection, Para Jumbles, Phrase Replacement, Double Fillers, etc. But if you are good at grammar, attempt Reading Comprehension in the end. 

General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness

So much is happening every day that unless you keep yourself abreast of these changes you cannot adjust yourself to them or tackle the GA section of any exam smoothly and easily. A busy person hardly gets the time to read everything that it contains. Avoid the habit of ignoring everyday news by telling yourself that you will do it in the end when the examinations are close, you only end up lying crushed under a pile of news. You can go through the Monthly Capsules provided by us for both Current Affairs as well as Banking Awareness, as only 25 days are left for the examination. 

25 Days Study Plan for SBI PO Mains Examination 2018:

S. No Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning English Language
9th July -Day 1 Number Series, Tabular DI & Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
10th July- Day 2 Miscellaneous Questions Miscellaneous Sentence improvement
11th July- Day 3 Simplification, Line Graph DI, Quantity Based Questions & Miscellaneous Logical Reasoning Word Association(Synonyms, Antonyms)
12th July- Day 4 Number Series, Caselet & Miscellaneous Input Output Reading Comprehension
13th July- Day 5 Simplification, Mix Pie Chart DI & Miscellaneous Reverse & doesn't follow Syllogism Error Spotting
14th July- Day 6 Wrong Number Series, Data Sufficiency & Line Graph DI Data Sufficiency Parajumbles/Sentence Rearrangement
15th July- Day 7 Data Sufficiency, Quadratic & Miscellaneous Linear Puzzle Reading Comprehension
16th July- Day 8 Caselet, Missing Number Series, MIx. Questions Direction Sense Miscellaneous
17th July- Day 9 Simplification, Quantity Based Questions & Miscellaneous Short Puzzle Statement and Paragraph Completion
18th July- Day 10 Series, Mix DI & Miscellaneous Order and Ranking&Blood Relation Odd one out/Theme Based Questions
19th July- Day 11 Approximation, Mix DI & Probability Miscellaneous Reading Comprehension
20th July- Day 12 Quantity-based questions, Caselet & Pipes and Cisterns Circular Puzzle Sentence Connectors
21st July- Day 13 Wrong Number Series, Mix DI & Mensuration Coded Syllogism Sentence Completion
22nd July- Day 14 Simplification, Mix DI & Problems on Trains Logical Reasoning Reading Comprehension
23rd July- Day 15 Approximation, Mix DI & SI and CI Input-Output Miscellaneous
24th July- Day 16 Quantity-based questions, Mix DI & Percentage Floor-based Puzzle Cloze Test
25th July- Day 17 Missing Number Series, Caselet & Ratio and Proportion Coded Inequality Odd one out/Theme Based Questions
26th July- Day 18 Simplification, Mix DI & Partnership Coded Blood Relation Reading Comprehension
27th July- Day 19 Approximation, Mix DI & Data Sufficiency MiscellaneousPuzzle &Input-Output Error Spotting
28th July- Day 20 Quadratic Equations, Mix DI & Boat and Stream Miscellaneous Quiz Statement and Paragraph Completion
29th July- Day 21 Wrong Number Series, Mix DI & Data Sufficiency Practise Set-I Practise Set-I
30th July- Day 22 Simplification, Caselet & Time and Work Practise Set-II Practise Set-II
31st July- Day 23 Approximation, Mix DI & Profit and Loss Practise Set-III Practise Set-III
1st Aug- Day 24 Quantity-based questions, Mix DI & Data Sufficiency Practise Set-IV Practise Set-IV
2nd  Aug- Day 25 Missing Number SeriesMix DI & P&C and Probability Practise Set-V Practise Set-V

All the best!!

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SBI Clerk-SBI PO Mains Preparation | SBI Mains 25-Day Study Plan: Day 21 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 29, 2018 Now that the Preliminary Exam of SBI PO 2018 is over, you all must have started to prepare for mains examination that is to be held in not...

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