Previous Years English Questions For SSC CGL And SSC CPO Exam 2018: 18th July

July 18, 2018    


SSC CGL And SSC CPO 2018 Exams are the latest opportunities to serve in a govt job and to live in clover. The Commission has released the newly revised Exam Calendar for SSC Exams conducting this year. SSC CGL & SSC CPO 2018 Exam dates haven't been decided yet but are to be conducted soon in upcoming next two months. Utilize the remaining time to be on the upswing by following SSC CGL Study Plan on SSC ADDA and team. Download our celebrated app ADDA247 to outsmart others. Our Revised Study Plan is all set to deliver the quizzes and notes on each four subjects asked in SSC CGL Tier-1 Examination. 

Be a part of this revised study plan, visit SSCADDA website regularly to add up each day effort in your practice. SSC CGL and CPO Exam dates can surprise you anytime soon. It is time to knuckle down to get your dream job, Today, in this English quiz we are providing 15 English Comprehensive Questions with detailed solutions. Attempt this quiz and prepare yourself flawlessly. We wish you good luck for the upcoming Exams.

Directions (1-2): Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.

Q1. Tarun agreed (from me) on that point.
(a) to me
(b) at me
(c) with me
(d) No improvement
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Sol. To agree with someone is to share a point of view with him/her.
Hence option C improves the sentence.

Q2. Raja (not only passed and won) a scholarship.
(a) not passed but won
(b) not only passed but also won
(c) not only passed and also won
(d) No improvement
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Sol. ‘Not only………but also’ is the right compound conjunction pair and hence improves the sentence.

Directions (3-4): In the following question, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out of which part of a sentence has an error and choose corresponding to the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error choose corresponding to 'No Error’.

Q3. The economic depression is looming large not only over the first­world countries but also over the third­world countries.
(a) the economic depression is
(b) looming large not only over
(c) but also over the third­world countries
(d) No Error
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Sol. No error.

Q4. By the time the corn was harvested, the grass seed covered the ground almost entirely.
(a) by the time
(b) the corn was harvested
(c) the grass seed covered the ground
(d) No Error
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Sol. Use ‘had’ before covered.

Directions (5-6): Four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of Idiom/Phrase.

Q5. Swept under the rug 
(a) blown out of proportion
(b) heavily publicized
(c) forgotten by the people easily
(d) concealed from others
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Sol. Option D is the correct meaning.

Q6. With a fine­tooth comb. 
(a) carelessly
(b) hastily
(c) carefully
(d) unnecessarily
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Sol. Option C is the correct meaning.

Directions (7-8): Four words are given, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.

(a) conscientious
(b) conscientitious
(c) consciencetous
(d) concientitious
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Sol. Option A is correctly spelt.

(a) maintainance
(b) maintenance
(c) maintenaince
(d) mentainance
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Sol. Option B is correctly spelt.

Directions (9-10): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.

Q9. A person who treats foot related problems.
(a) Dermatologist
(b) Orthopedist
(c) Chiropodist
(d) Obstetrician
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Sol. Option C is the correct substitution.

Q10. Fear of heights
(a) agoraphobia
(b) aerophobia
(c) antlophobia
(d) acrophobia
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Sol. Option D is the correct substitution.

Directions (11-15): In the following passage some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.

India’s motto has been Vasudeva Kutumbakam or that the whole world is _____ community. There are a _____ of pillars upon which India’s policy of living in peace with and _____ peace among nations of the world rests. Policies of non-alignment, peaceful co-existence, economic and cultural cooperation disarmament and peaceful _____ of nuclear energy, _____ of International disputes through negotiations and peaceful means are some of the salient features that give credence to India’s commitment to world peace.

Q11. India's motto has been Vasudeva Kutumbakam or that the whole world is _____ community.  
(a) one
(b) distinct
(c) essential
(d) significant
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Sol. Option A fits in the context. 

India’s motto has been Vasudeva Kutumbakam or that the whole world is _____ community. There are a _____ of pillars upon which India’s policy of living in peace with and _____ peace among nations of the world rests. Policies of non-alignment, peaceful co-existence, economic and cultural cooperation disarmament and peaceful _____ of nuclear energy, _____ of International disputes through negotiations and peaceful means are some of the salient features that give credence to India’s commitment to world peace.

Q12. There are a _____ of pillars upon which India's policy   
(a) numerous
(b) number
(c) many
(d) loop
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Sol. Option B fits in the context.

India’s motto has been Vasudeva Kutumbakam or that the whole world is _____ community. There are a _____ of pillars upon which India’s policy of living in peace with and _____ peace among nations of the world rests. Policies of non-alignment, peaceful co-existence, economic and cultural cooperation disarmament and peaceful _____ of nuclear energy, _____ of International disputes through negotiations and peaceful means are some of the salient features that give credence to India’s commitment to world peace.

Q13. of living in peace with and _____ peace among nations of the world rests.  
(a) disturbing
(b) allowing
(c) generating
(d) promoting
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Sol. Option D fits in the context.

India’s motto has been Vasudeva Kutumbakam or that the whole world is _____ community. There are a _____ of pillars upon which India’s policy of living in peace with and _____ peace among nations of the world rests. Policies of non-alignment, peaceful co-existence, economic and cultural cooperation disarmament and peaceful _____ of nuclear energy, _____ of International disputes through negotiations and peaceful means are some of the salient features that give credence to India’s commitment to world peace.

Q14. economic and cultural cooperation disarmament and peaceful _____ of nuclear energy  
(a) uses
(b) disruption
(c) sources
(d) negotiation
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Sol. Option A fits in the context.

India’s motto has been Vasudeva Kutumbakam or that the whole world is _____ community. There are a _____ of pillars upon which India’s policy of living in peace with and _____ peace among nations of the world rests. Policies of non-alignment, peaceful co-existence, economic and cultural cooperation disarmament and peaceful _____ of nuclear energy, _____ of International disputes through negotiations and peaceful means are some of the salient features that give credence to India’s commitment to world peace.

Q15. _____ of International disputes through negotiations and peaceful means are some of the salient features  
(a) urge
(b) requirement
(c) settlement
(d) enactment
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Sol. Option C fits in the context.

Previous Years English Questions For SSC CGL And SSC CPO Exam 2018: 18th July 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 18, 2018   SSC CGL And SSC CPO 2018 Exams are the latest opportunities to serve in a govt job and to live in clover. The Commission ha...

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