Learn Vocab With Daily News Articles For Govt Exams: 19th July

July 19, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

Daily Vocab For Various Competitive Exams: 25th June 2018
If we speak of hot topics like career, education and a propitious life, the English Language is ineluctable. In Exams like SSC CPO and and SSC CGL where dealing with English and General Awareness Section is mandatory, reading this way is beneficial. If you find it arduous to learn new words in a plain mode, ADDA247 is here to buttress your learning skills in a more fun and productive way.

Taking felicitous snippet from well reputed newspaper editorials, our motive is not just to make you learn the English language but keep you updated with the current affairs and events across the world which are important from the govt exams point of view. Either you are a job aspirant or a working person or just want to outsmart others, this is a befitting platform to expedite your performance thoroughly.

1. Exterminate: (verb)
Meaning: destroy completely.
Synonyms: abolish, annihilate, black out, blot out, cancel, clean (up), efface, eradicate, erase, expunge, extirpate, liquidate, obliterate, root (out), rub out, snuff (out), stamp (out), sweep (away), wipe out
Antonyms: conserve, preserve, protect, save,build, construct, create, fabricate, fashion, forge, form, frame, make, manufacture, shape,fix, mend, patch, rebuild, recondition, reconstruct, renew, renovate, repair, restore, revamp
Usage: Let's hope that the fumigant exterminates the whole colony of cockroaches, for any survivors may be resistant to any poison.

2. Benign: (adjective)
Meaning: gentle and kind.
Synonyms: harmless, hurtless, innocent, innocuous, inoffensive, safe, white
Antonyms: adverse, bad, baleful, baneful, damaging, dangerous, deleterious, detrimental, evil, harmful, hurtful, ill, injurious, mischievous, nocuous, noxious, pernicious, prejudicial, wicked
Usage: Around campus he's known as a real character, but one whose eccentricities are entirely benign.

3.Enumerate: (verb)
Meaning: mention (a number of things) one by one.
Synonyms: detail, itemize, list, numerate, recite, reel off, rehearse, tick (off)
Antonyms: generalize
Usage: She proceeded to enumerate the reasons why she would be the best candidate.

4.Innocuous : (adjective)
Meaning: not harmful or offensive.
Synonyms: benign, harmless, hurtless, innocent, inoffensive, safe, white
Antonyms: adverse, bad, baleful, baneful, damaging, dangerous, deleterious, detrimental, evil, harmful, hurtful, ill, injurious, mischievous, noxious, pernicious, prejudicial, wicked
Usage: Those innocuous lies we must tell every day if society is to remain civil.

5.Spook: (verb)
Meaning: frighten; unnerve.
Synonyms: alarm, fright, frighten, horrify, panic, scare, shock, startle, terrify, terrorize
Antonyms: reassure
Usage: The sudden noise spooked her out of her skin.

6.Fondle: (verb)
Meaning: stroke or caress lovingly or erotically.
Synonyms: caress, gentle, love, pat, pet, stroke
Usage: A cat who enjoys being fondled by his loving owners.

7. Surreal: (adjective)
Meaning: having the qualities of surrealism; bizarre.
Synonyms: hypnagogic
Antonyms: Real
Usage: The movie achieves a truly rare mix of the absurd, the surreal, and the heartfelt.

8. Meddle: (verb)
Meaning: interfere in something that is not one's concern.
Synonyms: butt in, interfere, interlope, intermeddle, intrude, mess, muck (about or around), nose, obtrude, poke, pry, snoop
Antonyms: avoid, eschew, shun, disregard, ignore, neglect, overlook
Usage: Please stop meddling in your sister's life, even though you mean well.

9. Treason: (noun)
Meaning: the action of betraying someone or something.
Synonyms: backstabbing, betrayal, business, disloyalty, double cross, faithlessness, falseness, falsity, infidelity, perfidy, sellout, treachery, two-timing, unfaithfulness
Antonyms: allegiance, devotion, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, loyalty, staunchness, steadfastness
Usage: Reading a friend's diary without permission would have to be regarded as the ultimate act of personal treason.

10.Shambles: (noun)
Meaning: a state of total disorder.
Synonyms: chaos, confusion, disarrangement, disarray, dishevelment, disorder, disorderedness, disorderliness, disorganization, free-for-all, havoc, heck, hell, jumble, mare's nest, mess, messiness, misorder, muddle, muss, tumble, welter
Antonyms: order, orderliness
Usage: The party left the whole house in a shambles.

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- https://www.sscadda.com/2018/07/learn-vocab-with-daily-news-articles19.html
Learn Vocab With Daily News Articles For Govt Exams: 19th July 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 19, 2018 Dear Aspirants, If we speak of hot topics like career, education and a propitious life, the English Language is ineluctable.   In   E...

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