Important Geography Questions for SSC & Railway Exam 2018: 14th July

July 14, 2018    

Dear Readers, GA section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on scaffold website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.

Q1.What is Latent Heat.
गुप्त ऊष्मा क्या है
(a) Energy in a form of heat needed to convert the water into gaseous form/ पानी को गैसीय रूप में बदलने के लिए ऊष्मा के रूप में आवश्यक ऊर्जा
(b) Energy in a form of heat needed to convert the gaseous into water form/ गैसीय को पानी के रूप में बदलने के लिए ऊष्मा के रूप में में आवश्यक ऊर्जा
(c) Amount of heat present in the environment/ पर्यावरण में मौजूद ऊष्मा की मात्रा
(d) None  of the above/ उपरोक्त में से कोई भी नहीं
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Sol.Latent heat is the heat energy per mass unit required for a phase change to occur. Normally when heat energy is added to or removed from an object, the temperature of the object changes; however, during phase changes, the temperature of an object stays constant. The temperature remains the same because energy is required for an object to change phases.So when you add heat to a liquid, you are actually causing the molecules to vibrate. The latent heat is the energy required to change the molecular movement. Each substance has a unique latent heat value.

Q2.What is dew point?
ओसांक क्या है
(a) The temperature at which an air becomes unsaturated/ वह तापमान जिस पर एक हवा असंतृप्त हो जाती है
(b) The temperature at which an air becomes cold from warm/ वह तापमान जिस पर हवा गर्म से ठंडी हो जाती है
(c) The temperature at which an air becomes saturated/ वह तापमान जिस पर एक हवा संतृप्त हो जाती है
(d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त में से कोई भी नहीं
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Sol.The dew point is the temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated with water vapor. When further cooled, the airborne water vapor will condense to form liquid water.

Q3.What is Normal Lapse rate.
सामान्य गिरावट दर क्या है
(a) Decrease of temperature with increasing height/ बढ़ती ऊंचाई के साथ तापमान में कमी
(b) Increase of temperature with increasing height/ बढ़ती ऊंचाई के साथ तापमान में वृद्धि
(c) Decrease of temperature with decreasing height/ घटती ऊंचाई के साथ तापमान में कमी
(d) Increasing of temperature with decreasing height/ घटती ऊंचाई के साथ तापमान में वृद्धि

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Sol.Lapse rate, rate of change in temperature observed while moving upward through the Earth’s atmosphere. The lapse rate is considered positive when the temperature decreases with elevation, zero when the temperature is constant with elevation, and negative when the temperature increases with elevation (temperature inversion).

Q4.Radiation inversion occurs only on ____
विकिरण विलोमन केवल ____ पर होता है
(a) Air surface/ वायु सतह
(b) Ocean surface/ महासागर की सतह
(c) Land surface/ भूतल
(d) none of the above/ उपरोक्त में से कोई भी नहीं
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Sol.A radiation inversion commonly occurs when the evening air is still and there are no clouds to trap heat. Surface temperature drops as longwave radiation emitted by the Earth escapes to space. Since a land surface radiates more heat than the air, ground is cooled more rapidly than the air at great heights during night time. Consequently the coldest air lies at the ground and is overlaid by warmer air.

Q5.Frontal fogs are produced in the ______
ललाट कोहरा ______ में उत्पादित होता हैं
(a) Low latitudes/ कम अक्षांश
(b) High latitudes/ उच्च अक्षांश
(c) Middle latitudes/ मध्य अक्षांश
(d) none of these/ इनमे से कोई नहीं
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Sol.Frontal fog forms near a front when raindrops, falling from relatively warm air above a frontal surface, evaporate into cooler air close to the Earth's surface and cause it to become saturated.The visibility in an ice fog is often considerably worse than that in a water fog containing the same concentration of condensed water.

Q6. The comparative ratio between humidity of certain area with the maximum limit is called
कुछ क्षेत्र की आर्द्रता के अधिकतम सीमा के साथ के तुलनात्मक अनुपात को क्या कहा जाता है
(a) relative strength/ सापेक्ष क्षमता
(b) relative humidity/ सापेक्षिक आर्द्रता
(c) ultra humidity/ अति आर्द्रता
(d) mild humidity/ हल्की आर्द्रता
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Sol.Relative humidity is the ratio of the current absolute humidity to the highest possible absolute humidity (which depends on the current air temperature). A reading of 100 percent relative humidity means that the air is totally saturated with water vapor and cannot hold any more, creating the possibility of rain.

Q7.Which these are example of Igneous rock.
इनमें से क्या आग्नेय चट्टान के उदाहरण हैं
1.Granites/ ग्रेनाइट
2.Basalt/ बेसाल्ट
3.Marble/ संगमरमर
4.Sandstones/ बलुआ पत्थर
(a) 1 and 2 only/केवल 1 और 2
(b) 2 and 3 only/केवल 2 और 3
(c) 1 and 3 only/केवल 1 और 3
(d) All of the above/उपरोक्त सभी
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Sol.Igneous rocks form from the cooling of magma – molten materials in the earth’s crust.

Q8.Marbles are formed due to change in ______
__________ में परिवर्तन के कारण मार्बल का निर्माण होता है
(a) Clay/ मिट्टी
(b) Limestones/ चूना पत्थर
(c) Sandstones/ बलुआ पत्थर
(d) Granite/ ग्रेनाइट
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Sol.Marble is a metamorphic rock that forms when limestone is subjected to the heat and pressure of metamorphism. It is composed primarily of the mineral calcite (CaCO3) and usually contains other minerals, such as clay minerals, micas, quartz, pyrite, iron oxides, and graphite.

Q9.Which rocks are called primary rocks.
कौन सी चट्टानों को प्राथमिक चट्टान कहा जाता है
(a) Sedimentary rocks/ अवसादी चट्टानें
(b) Metamorphic rocks/ रूपांतरित चट्टानें
(c) Igneous rocks/ अग्निमय चट्टानें
(d) None of the above/उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं
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Sol.Igneous rocks are formed from magma, the molten material from the center of the Earth. Igneous rocks begin the rock cycle, and are therefore called primary rocks.

Q10.Loess is a ________
लोएस एक ________ है 
(a) Loss of rocks/ चट्टानों की क्षति
(b) Animal deposited sediments/ पशु निक्षिप्त अवसाद
(c) Water deposited sediments/ पानी निक्षिप्त अवसाद
(d) Wind deposited sediments/ हवा निक्षिप्त अवसाद
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Sol.Loess is a clastic, predominantly silt-sized sediment that is formed by the accumulation of wind-blown dust. 

Q11.Sedimentary rocks are derived through.
अवसादी चट्टानें किसके माध्यम से व्युत्पन्न होते हैं
(a) Disintegration/ विघटन
(b) Decomposition/ अपघटन
(c) Both A and B/ A और B दोनों
(d) none of the above/उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं
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Sol.Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediment is deposited out of air, ice, wind, gravity, or water flows carrying the particles in suspension. This sediment is often formed when weathering and erosion break down a rock into loose material in a source area.

Q12. Sandstone is a _____
बलुआ पत्थरएक _____ है
(a) Sedimentary rocks/ अवसादी चट्टान
(b) Igneous rocks/ अग्निमय चट्टान
(c) Metamorphic rocks/ रूपांतरित चट्टान
(d) Transporting rocks/ अपवाहन चट्टान
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Sol.Sandstone is a clastic sedimentary rock composed mainly of sand-sized (0.0625 to 2 mm) mineral particles or rock fragments. Most sandstone is composed of quartz or feldspar (both silicates) because they are the most resistant minerals to weathering processes at the Earth's surface

Q13.Dynamic metamorphism occur due to___
गतिशील रूपांतरकिसके कारण होता है
(a) Wind/ हवा
(b) Water/ पानी
(c) Heat/ ऊष्मा
(d) high Pressure and high temperature/ उच्च दबाव और उच्च तापमान
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Sol.Metamorphism is the change of minerals or geologic texture in pre-existing rocks, without the protolith melting into liquid magma. The change occurs primarily due to heat, pressure, and the introduction of chemically active fluids.There are several different types of metamorphism, including dynamic, contact, regional, and retrogressive metamorphism, that form and shape rocks.Dynamic metamorphism involves high shear stress, high pressure, high strain, high fluid partial pressure and variable temperature.

Q14.Which among the following are mechanically formed rocks?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा यांत्रिक रूप से निर्मित चट्टानें हैं
(a) Siltstone/सिल्टस्टोन
(b) Shale/शैल
(c) Sandstones/ बलुआ पत्थर
(d) All of the above/उपरोक्त सभी
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Sol.Clastic sedimentary rocks such as breccia, conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and shale are formed from mechanical weathering debris.

Q15. The processes which include geological phenomena and processes that originate externally to the Earth's surface are called as _____
वह प्रक्रियाएं जिनमें भौगोलिक घटनाएं और प्रक्रियाएं शामिल हैं जो पृथ्वी की सतह पर बाहरी रूप से उत्पन्न होती हैं उन्हें _____ कहा जाता है. 
(a) Endogenic processes/ अंतर्जनित प्रक्रियाएं
(b) Exogenic processes / बहिर्जनिक प्रक्रियाएं
(c) Biological process / जैविक प्रक्रिया
(d) None of these/ इनमे से कोई नहीं
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Sol.The processes which occur on earth's surface due to the influence of exogenic forces are called as exogenic processes or exogenic geomorphic processes. Weathering, mass wasting, erosion, and deposition are the main exogenic processes

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