Important Current Affairs Questions for RRB ALP/Technician Exam 2018: 6th July

July 6, 2018    

Dear Readers, SSC CHSL examination & Railway Exam both will be conducted in online mode. GA on current affairs section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on sscadda website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.

Q1. Name the Indian-American top White House lawyer who has been appointed as the new head of the crucial Drug Enforcement Agency that combats the smuggling and use of narcotics in the US.
एक भारतीय अमेरिकी व्हाइट हाउस वकील का नाम बताएं जिसको महत्वपूर्ण ड्रग प्रवर्तन एजेंसी का नया प्रमुख नियुक्त किया गया है जो अमेरिका में नशीले पदार्थों के तस्करी और प्रयोग का मुकाबला करेगा.
(a) Sanjay Mehrotra/ संजय मेहरोत्रा
(b) Vinod Khosla/ विनोद खोसला
(c) Rajat Gupta/ रजत गुप्ता
(d) Uttam Dhillon/ उत्तम ढिल्लों
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Sol. Uttam Dhillon, an Indian-American top White House lawyer, has been appointed as the new head of the crucial Drug Enforcement Agency that combats the smuggling and use of narcotics in the US. Dhillon replaces Robert Patterson, who has retired after 30 years of service.

Q2. Union Minister of Coal, Railways, Finance & Corporate Affairs, Piyush Goyal launched the Coal Mine Surveillance & Management System (CMSMS) and Mobile Application named ___________ developed by CMPDI, Ranchi in New Delhi.
केंद्रीय, कोयला, रेलवे, वित्त और कॉर्पोरेट मामले मंत्री, पियुष गोयल ने नई दिल्ली में CMPDI, रांची द्वारा विकसित कोयला खान निगरानी और प्रबंधन प्रणाली (CMSMS) और ___________ नामक मोबाइल एप्लिकेशन लॉन्च की.
(a) Kala Khan/ कला खान
(b) Khan Prahari/ खान प्रहरी
(c) Khadan Vigil/ खदान विगिल
(d) Khan Vigil/ खान विगिल
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Sol. Union Minister of Coal, Railways, Finance & Corporate Affairs, Piyush Goyal launched the Coal Mine Surveillance & Management System (CMSMS) and Mobile Application ‘Khan Prahari’ developed by CMPDI, Ranchi in New Delhi. Khan Prahari is a tool for reporting any activity taking place related to illegal coal mining like rat-hole mining, pilferage etc.

Q3. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has appointed an Army official Major General Jose Eladio Alcain as head of the United Nations mission tasked with monitoring the ceasefire line between India and Pakistan. Major General Jose Eladio Alcain is from which of the following country?
 संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासचिव एंटोनियो ग्युटेरेस ने भारत और पाकिस्तान के बीच युद्धविराम रेखा की निगरानी के साथ संयुक्त राष्ट्र मिशन के प्रमुख के रूप में एक अनुभवी उरुग्वेयन सेना के अधिकारी मेजर जनरल जोस एलाडियो एलकेन को नियुक्त किया है. मेजर जनरल जोस एलाडियो एलकेन किस देश के हैं? 
(a) France/ फ्रांस
(b) Greece/ यूनान
(c) Uruguay/ उरुग्वे
(d) Portugal/ पुर्तगाल
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Sol. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has appointed a veteran Uruguayan Army official Major General José Eladio Alcain as head of the United Nations mission tasked with monitoring the ceasefire line between India and Pakistan.

Q4. IBBI has notified the IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons, 3rd amendment) Regulations, 2018. What does 'BB' stands for in IBBI?
IBBI ने IBBI (कॉर्पोरेट व्यक्तियों के लिए दिवालियापन समाधान प्रक्रिया, तीसरे संशोधन) विनियमन, 2018 को अधिसूचित किया है. IBBI में ‘BB’ का क्या अर्थ है?
(a) Bankruptcy Board
(b) Bank Board
(c) Business Board
(d) Bonding Bank
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Sol. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) has notified the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2018. In a significant move, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) has mandated that a resolution professional should determine whether a corporate debtor had indulged in fraudulent transactions within a specified time period during the resolution process.

Q5. In which of the following city, the world’s first digital art museum opened its doors to the public?
निम्नलिखित में से किस शहर में, दुनिया के पहले डिजिटल कला संग्रहालय ने जनता के लिए अपना द्वार खोले?
(a) Paris/ पेरिस
(b) Manhattan/ मैनहट्टन
(c) Beijing/ बीजिंग
(d) Tokyo/ टोक्यो
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Sol. The world’s first digital art museum opened its doors to the public in Tokyo, Japan allowing patrons to step all the way into the artworks. Attendees are able to move freely through the 9,000-square meter interactive gallery.

Q6. Union Sports Minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore announced that the Sports Authority of India (SAI) has been renamed as _____________ after the sports body's governing body meeting.
केंद्रीय खेल मंत्री राज्यवर्धन सिंह राठौर ने घोषणा की कि अस्तित्व में आने के 34 से अधिक वर्षों बाद, स्पोर्ट्स अथॉरिटी ऑफ इंडिया (SAI) का नाम स्पोर्ट्स बॉडी की शासी निकाय बैठक के बाद _____________कर दिया गया है.
(a) Khelo India/ खेलो इंडिया
(b) Sports India/ स्पोर्ट्स इंडिया
(c) Khel India/ खेल इंडिया
(d) Khelo Bharat/ खेलो भारत
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Sol. Union Sports Minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore announced that more than 34 years after coming into existence, the Sports Authority of India (SAI) has been renamed as Sports India after the sports body's governing body meeting.

Q7. Name the Prime Minister of Bhutan who has arrived recently in New Delhi on the three-day visit to India. 
भूटान के प्रधान मंत्री का नाम बताएं जो हाल ही में भारत की तीन दिवसीय यात्रा पर नई दिल्ली पहुंचे हैं.
(a) Khuwo Peljor/ खुवो पेलोजर
(b) Mipham Wangpo/ मिफम वांगपो
(c) Dasho Tshering Tobgay/ डैशो शेरिंग टोबगे
(d) Jigme Singye/ जिग्मे सिंगे
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Sol. Prime Minister of Bhutan Dasho Tshering Tobgay arrived in New Delhi on the three-day visit to India. During the visit, Prime Minister of Bhutan will call on President Ram Nath Kovind and hold talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. 

Q8. The Madhya Pradesh State Government launched an outstanding power bill waiver scheme and subsidised power scheme called _____________ for labourers and poor families.
मध्यप्रदेश राज्य सरकार ने मजदूरों और गरीब परिवारों के लिए _____________ नामक एक उत्कृष्ट बिजली बिल छूट योजना और सब्सिडी वाली बिजली योजना शुरू की.
(a) Sabal/ सबल
(b) Jagriti/ जागृति
(c) Sabal Urja/ सबल ऊर्जा
(d) Sambal/ संबल 
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Sol. The Madhya Pradesh State Government launched an outstanding power bill waiver scheme and subsidised power scheme called ‘Sambal’ for labourers and poor families. Under Sambal Yojana, the Below Poverty Line (BPL) families would be provided electricity at a cost of Rs 200 per month.

Q9. Chief Election Commissioner of India Om Prakash Rawat has launched an Android-based mobile application named ___________ for citizens to report any violation of the model code of conduct during elections. 
 भारत के मुख्य निर्वाचन आयुक्त श्री ओम प्रकाश रावत ने चुनावों के दौरान आदर्श आचार संहिता के उल्लंघन के बारे में रिपोर्ट करने के लिए नागरिकों के लिए ___________  नामक एक मोबाइल एप्लिकेशन लॉन्च किया.
(a) cVigil/ सीविगिल
(b) eVigil/ इविगिल
(c) cElect/ सीइलेक्ट
(d) eElect/ इइलेक्ट
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Sol. Chief Election Commissioner of India Mr Om Prakash Rawat, along with the Election Commissioners Sunil Arora and Ashok Lavasa, launched an Android-based mobile application named ‘cVigil’ for citizens to report any violation of the model code of conduct during elections.

Q10. For which of the following UT, the Supreme Court announced that Lieutenant Governor does not have independent decision-making powers, and is bound to act on the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers?
निम्नलिखित में से किस UT के लिए, सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने घोषणा की कि लेफ्टिनेंट गवर्नर के पास स्वतंत्र निर्णय लेने की शक्तियां नहीं हैं, और मंत्रिपरिषद की सहायता और सलाह पर कार्य करने के लिए बाध्य हैं?
(a) Puducherry/ पुडुचेरी
(b) Chandigarh/ चंडीगढ़
(c) Andaman and Nicobar/ अण्डमान और निकोबार
(d) Delhi/ दिल्ली
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Sol. The Supreme Court held that Lieutenant Governor does not have independent decision-making powers, and is bound to act on the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers. The apex court was ruling on a batch of appeals filed by the Delhi government challenging the Delhi High Court’s order holding the LG as the administrative head of the national capital.

Q11. Payments Council of India (PCI), an apex body representing the companies in the payments and settlement system, has announced the appointment of _____________ as its new chairman.
पेमेंट्स काउंसिल ऑफ इंडिया (PCI), भुगतान और निपटान प्रणाली में कंपनियों का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाले एक शीर्ष निकाय, ने अपने नए अध्यक्ष के रूप में _____________ की नियुक्ति की घोषणा की है.
(a) Rohit Kukreja/ रोहित कुकरेजा
(b) Vishwas Patel/ विश्वास पटेल
(c) Ankit Bisht/ अंकित बिस्ट
(d) Akarsh Patwal/ आकाश पटवाल
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Sol. Payments Council of India (PCI), an apex body representing the companies in the payments and settlement system, has announced the appointment of Vishwas Patel, CEO of Infibeam Avenues, as its new chairman.

Q12. International Cricket Council (ICC) has introduced stricter sanctions for ball-tampering. The new regulations were introduced at its annual conference held in _____________.
अंतरराष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट परिषद (आईसीसी) ने गेंद से छेड़छाड़ के लिए कठोर नियम बनाए हैं. नए नियम _____________ में आयोजित अपने वार्षिक सम्मेलन में पेश किए गए.
(a) Dubai, the UAE/ दुबई, संयुक्त अरब अमीरात
(b) Dublin, Ireland/ डबलिन, आयरलैंड
(c) London, the UK/ लंदन, यूके
(d) New Delhi, India/ नई दिल्ली भारत
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Sol. International Cricket Council (ICC) has introduced stricter sanctions for ball-tampering. The new regulations were introduced at its annual conference held in Dublin, Ireland. Ball-tampering has been upgraded from a level 2 to a level 3 offence.

Q13. World Bank Group member IFC has invested $100 million in Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd. (Mahindra Finance). IFC stands for ___________.
विश्व बैंक समूह के सदस्य IFC ने महिंद्रा एंड महिंद्रा फाइनेंशियल सर्विसेज लिमिटेड (महिंद्रा फाइनेंस) में $ 100 मिलियन का निवेश किया है. IFC ___________ का अर्थ है.
(a) International Finance Company
(b) International Fiscal Company
(c) International Financial Company
(d) International Finance Corporation
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Sol. World Bank Group member IFC (International Finance Corporation) has invested $100 million in Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd. (Mahindra Finance). This would enable the Mahindra Group company to augment its growth by extending loans to individuals along with financing small and medium enterprises.

Q14. Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani launched 'Poshan Abhiyan', a statewide mission to eradicate malnutrition among children and also launched 'PURNA' project to eliminate malnutrition among girls in the age group of 14 to 18. 'PURNA' stands for _________________.
गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्री विजय रुपनी ने 'पोशन अभियान'- आंगनवाड़ी केंद्रों के माध्यम से उन्हें पौष्टिक भोजन प्रदान किया बच्चों के बीच कुपोषण को खत्म करने के लिए राज्यव्यापी राजनीतिक शुरू किया. मुख्यमंत्री ने 14 से 18 वर्ष की आयु वर्ग की लड़कियां कुपोषण को खत्म करने के लिए 'PURNA' परियोजना भी शुरू की. PURNA का अर्थ है. 
(a) Prevention of Under Nutrition and Remedy of Nutritional Accidents
(b) Prevention of Under Nutrition and Rehabitation of Nutritional Actions
(c) Prevention of Under Nutrition and Remedy of Nutritional Activities
(d) Prevention of Under Nutrition and Reduction of Nutritional Anaemia
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Sol. Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani launched 'Poshan Abhiyan'--a statewide mission to eradicate malnutrition among children by providing them nutritious food through Anganwadi centres. The CM also launched 'Purna' project to eliminate malnutrition among girls in the age group of 14 to 18. 'Purna' stands for Prevention of Under Nutrition and Reduction of Nutritional Anaemia among Adolescent Girls.

Q15. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has recently approved proposal for expanding the scope of HEFA by enhancing its capital base to Rs. 10,000 crore and tasking it to mobilise Rs. 1,00,000 crore for Revitalizing Infrastructure and Systems in Education or RISE by 2022. HEFA stands for _______________.
आर्थिक मामलों की कैबिनेट कमेटी (CCEA) ने अपने पूंजीगत आधार को 10,000 करोड़ रुपये को विस्तारित कर और 2022 तक शिक्षा या RISE में बुनियादी ढांचे और प्रणालियों को पुनरुद्धार के लिए 1,00,000 करोड़ रुपये जुटाने के लिए उच्च शिक्षा वित्त पोषण एजेंसी (HEFA) के दायरे को बढ़ाने के प्रस्ताव को मंजूरी दी है. RISE का पूर्ण रूप है.
(a) Higher Education Financing Agency
(b) Higher Employment Financing Agency
(c) Higher Education Funding Agency
(d) Higher Employment Funding Agency
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Sol. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved proposal for expanding the scope of Higher Education Financing Agency (HEFA) by enhancing its capital base to Rs. 10,000 crore and tasking it to mobilise Rs. 1,00,000 crore for Revitalizing Infrastructure and Systems in Education or RISE by 2022.

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