Dear Readers, GA section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on scaffold website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.
Q1. Which of the following is the main end product of carbohydrate digestion?
निम्न में से कौन सा कार्बोहाइड्रेट पाचन का मुख्य अंत उत्पाद है?
(a) Fats /वसा
(b) Lipids / लिपिड
(c) Glucose / शर्करा
(d) Cellulose / सेलूलोज़
Q2. Qutub Minar is located in _____.
कुतुब मीनार _____ में स्थित है
(a) Delhi / दिल्ली
(b) Ghaziabad / गाज़ियाबाद
(c) Noida / नोएडा
(d) Gurugram / गुरुग्राम
Q3. Who Invented PlayStation?
प्लेस्टेशन का आविष्कार किसने किया?
(a) Wright brothers / राइट ब्रदर्स
(b) Reynold B. Johnson / रेनॉल्ड बी जॉनसन
(c) Assen Jordanoff / एसेन जॉर्डनफ़
(d) Ken Kutaragi / केन कुटारगी
Q4. The Queen who had the nick name "Bloody Mary"
रानी जिसका उपनाम "ब्लडी मैरी" था?
(a) Elizabeth / एलिजाबेथ
(b) Victoria / विक्टोरिया
(c) Mary I / मैरी I
(d) Ruth / रूठ
Q5. Article 43A of the Indian Constitution "Participation of workers in management of industries" deals with?
भारतीय संविधान के अनुच्छेद 43 ए "उद्योगों के प्रबंधन में मजदूरों की सहभागिता" किस से संबंधित है?
(a) the State Government / राज्य सरकार
(b) the Union Government / केंद्र सरकार
(c) the directive principles of state policy / राज्य नीति के निर्देशक सिद्धांत
(d) the fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen / भारतीय नागरिक के मौलिक अधिकार
Q6. The command that merges the contents of one file to another is
वह कमांड जो एक फ़ाइल की सामग्री को दूसरे में विलीन कर देता है-
(d) ADD
Q1. Which of the following is the main end product of carbohydrate digestion?
निम्न में से कौन सा कार्बोहाइड्रेट पाचन का मुख्य अंत उत्पाद है?
(a) Fats /वसा
(b) Lipids / लिपिड
(c) Glucose / शर्करा
(d) Cellulose / सेलूलोज़
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S1. Ans.(c)
Sol. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth and is complete when the polysaccharides are broken down into single sugars, or monosaccharides, which can be absorbed by the body. Examples of monosaccharides include glucose (dextrose), fructose (levulose) and galactose.
Sol. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth and is complete when the polysaccharides are broken down into single sugars, or monosaccharides, which can be absorbed by the body. Examples of monosaccharides include glucose (dextrose), fructose (levulose) and galactose.
Q2. Qutub Minar is located in _____.
कुतुब मीनार _____ में स्थित है
(a) Delhi / दिल्ली
(b) Ghaziabad / गाज़ियाबाद
(c) Noida / नोएडा
(d) Gurugram / गुरुग्राम
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S2. Ans.(a)
Q3. Who Invented PlayStation?
प्लेस्टेशन का आविष्कार किसने किया?
(a) Wright brothers / राइट ब्रदर्स
(b) Reynold B. Johnson / रेनॉल्ड बी जॉनसन
(c) Assen Jordanoff / एसेन जॉर्डनफ़
(d) Ken Kutaragi / केन कुटारगी
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S3. Ans.(d)
Sol.Ken Kutaragi, the man widely regarded as the father of the PlayStation.
Sol.Ken Kutaragi, the man widely regarded as the father of the PlayStation.
Q4. The Queen who had the nick name "Bloody Mary"
रानी जिसका उपनाम "ब्लडी मैरी" था?
(a) Elizabeth / एलिजाबेथ
(b) Victoria / विक्टोरिया
(c) Mary I / मैरी I
(d) Ruth / रूठ
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S4. Ans.(c)
Sol.The Eighth Schedule to the Constitution consists of the following 22 languages.
Sol.The Eighth Schedule to the Constitution consists of the following 22 languages.
Q5. Article 43A of the Indian Constitution "Participation of workers in management of industries" deals with?
भारतीय संविधान के अनुच्छेद 43 ए "उद्योगों के प्रबंधन में मजदूरों की सहभागिता" किस से संबंधित है?
(a) the State Government / राज्य सरकार
(b) the Union Government / केंद्र सरकार
(c) the directive principles of state policy / राज्य नीति के निर्देशक सिद्धांत
(d) the fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen / भारतीय नागरिक के मौलिक अधिकार
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S5. Ans.(c)
Q6. The command that merges the contents of one file to another is
वह कमांड जो एक फ़ाइल की सामग्री को दूसरे में विलीन कर देता है-
(d) ADD
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S6. Ans.(a)
Sol.Append refers to the process of attaching or combining data with another file or set of data.
Sol.Append refers to the process of attaching or combining data with another file or set of data.
Q7. Dishwasher was invented by ________.
डिशवॉशर का आविष्कार ________ ने किया था.
(a) John Barber / जॉन बार्बर
(b) Sir Henry Cole / सर हेनरी कोल
(c) Josephine Cochrane / जोसफिने कोचरन
(d) Bartolomeo Cristofori / बर्तोलोमोयो क्रिस्टोफोरी
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S7. Ans.(c)
Sol.Josephine Garis Cochran was the inventor of the first commercially successful automatic dishwasher, which she constructed together with mechanic George Butters.
Sol.Josephine Garis Cochran was the inventor of the first commercially successful automatic dishwasher, which she constructed together with mechanic George Butters.
Q8. Prothrombin, responsible for clotting of blood is released by_____.
प्रोथ्रोम्बिन, ___________ द्वारा रक्त के थक्के के लिए उत्तरदायी है.
(a) Small Intestine / छोटी आंत
(b) Blood Platelets / ब्लड प्लेटलेट्स
(c) Large Intestine / बड़ी आँत
(d) Heart / हृदय
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S8. Ans.(b)
Sol.Prothrombin is transformed into thrombin by a clotting factor known as factor X or prothrombinase; thrombin then acts to transform fibrinogen, also present in plasma, into fibrin, which, in combination with platelets from the blood, forms a clot (a process called coagulation).
Sol.Prothrombin is transformed into thrombin by a clotting factor known as factor X or prothrombinase; thrombin then acts to transform fibrinogen, also present in plasma, into fibrin, which, in combination with platelets from the blood, forms a clot (a process called coagulation).
एकेसिया अरेबिका वैज्ञानिक नाम है
(a) Neem /नीम
(b) Teak / टीक
(c) Babhul/ बाबुल
(d) Pomegranate / अनार
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S9. Ans.(c)
Sol.Vachellia nilotica (commonly known as gum arabic tree, babul, thorn mimosa, Egyptian acacia or thorny acacia) is a tree in the family Fabaceae.
Sol.Vachellia nilotica (commonly known as gum arabic tree, babul, thorn mimosa, Egyptian acacia or thorny acacia) is a tree in the family Fabaceae.
कैनीस वुल्प्स वैज्ञानिक नाम है-
(a) Dog / कुत्ता
(b) Wolf / भेड़िया
(c) Fox / लोमड़ी
(d) Hyena / लकड़बग्धा
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S10. Ans.(c)
Sol.Vulpes is a genus of the Canidae. The members of this genus are colloquially referred to as true foxes, meaning they form a proper clade. The word "fox" occurs on the common names of species.Ans.(c)
Sol.Vulpes is a genus of the Canidae. The members of this genus are colloquially referred to as true foxes, meaning they form a proper clade. The word "fox" occurs on the common names of species.Ans.(c)
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