Reasoning Practice Test for SBI Bank Exams - Set 2

June 2, 2018    

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Hi friends,  I am Shravan again. Here I am sharing Reasoning Practice Questions for upcoming SBI Bank exams. These questions will be helpful for SBI POs, Clerical exams. Read set 1 from here.  Happy Reading :)
Directions (Q. 1-7): Study the following information to answer the given questions. Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each such that they are equidistant from each other. In row 1,A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting facing South. In row 2, P, Q, R, S, T and V are sitting facing North. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement, each member sitting in a row faces another member of the other row.
Three persons sit between C and D. Either C or D sits at an extreme end of the line. The one who faces D sits third to the left of R. S faces the one who sits third to the left of A and he cannot sit adjacent to R. The immediate neighbor of Q faces the immediate neighbor of A.
Only one person sits between P and T, who is facing the one sitting on the immediate right of E. Neither E nor F faces R. V and Q cannot sit adjacent to each other.

1. Who among the following faces B?
  1.  P
  2.  Q
  3.  T
  4.  R
  5.  S

2. Who among the following sit at the extreme ends of the rows?
  1.  D, Q
  2.  T, F
  3.  E, S
  4.  B, T
  5.  F, Q

3. If E is related to P in the same way as C is related to S, which of the following is A related to, following the same pattern?
  1.  V
  2.  R
  3.  Q
  4.  T
  5.  Can't be determined

4. How many persons are sitting between E and F?
  1.  None
  2.  One
  3.  Two
  4.  Three
  5.  Four

5. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
  1.  P—D
  2.  S—B
  3.  Q—F
  4.  Q—A
  5.  T—E

6. Which of the following is true regarding P?
  1.  Q is an immediate neighbor of P.
  2.  P faces the immediate neighbor of B.
  3.  P sits second from the left end of the row.
  4.  P sits at one of the extreme ends.
  5.  P faces the one who is second from the right end of the row.

7. Which of the following sit diagonally opposite to each other?
  1.  P—A
  2.  Q—C
  3.  V—E
  4.  R—B
  5.  T—F

Directions (Q. 8 – 14): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
A, B, C, D, E, F , G and H are sitting around a circular table, facing the center. Each of them plays a different game, viz Tennis, Hockey, Cricket, Football, Chess, Golf, Swimming and Shooting. The Golfer sits third to the left of A. The one who plays Chess is an immediate neighbor of A. E, who plays Hockey, sits third to the right of the Chess player. G is neither a Swimmer nor a Shooter . B and F always sit adjacent to each other. There is only one person between A and E. The Swimmer sits second to the left of C. F sits second to the right of the Shooter. Neither B nor F plays Chess. A is neither a Cricketer nor a shooter and sits opposite D. The Football player and the Hockey player sit opposite each other. C plays neither Football nor Golf. There is at least one player between the Shooter and the Hockey player.

8. Who among the following is a cricketer?
  1.  A
  2.  D
  3.  C
  4.  G
  5.  Can't be determined

9. What is the position of H with respect to the golfer?
  1.  Third to the left
  2.  Third to the right
  3.  Fifth to the left
  4.  Fourth to the left
  5.  None of these

10. Which of the following is true with respect to the given sitting arrangement?
  1.  The Shooter is on the immediate left of the Cricketer.
  2.  The Golfer and the Swimmer sit opposite to each other.
  3.  The Football player sits exactly between the Cricketer and the Chess player.
  4.  F is a Golfer.
  5.  None of these

11. Which of the following would come in place of question mark based upon the given sitting arrangement? EC, BF, HE, FG, ?
  1.  CD
  2.  DB
  3.  BE
  4.  BD
  5.  None of these

12. How many players sit between G and the Shooter when counted in clockwise direction?
  1.  Four
  2.  Three
  3.  Two
  4.  One
  5.  None of these

13. What is the position of the Swimmer with respect to the Tennis player?
  1.  Third to the left
  2.  Immediate left
  3.  Immediate right
  4.  Second to the right
  5.  None of these

14. In which of the following third person sits between the first and second person?
  1.  CDE
  2.  DBF
  3.  HEA
  4.  BDC
  5.  FAG

Directions (Q. 15 - 20): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (All the numbers are two-digit numbers.)
Input: set near 14 19 went 20 78 ago 80 toy 36 pink 42 colour
Step I: went set near 19 20 78 ago 80 toy 36 pink 42 colour 14
Step II: went toy set near 20 78 ago 80 36 pink 42 colour 14 19
Step III: went toy set pink near 78 ago 80 36 42 colour 14 19 20
Step IV : went toy set pink near colour 78 ago 80 42 14 19 20 36
Step V: went toy set pink near colour ago 78 80 14 19 20 36 42
Step VI: went toy set pink near colour ago 80 14 19 20 36 42 78
Step VII: went toy set pink near colour ago 14 19 20 36 42 78 80
Step VII: is the last step of the above input, as the desired arrangement is obtained.
As per the rule followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.
Input: one 15 and 90 two 88 12 make 18 so 21 thus 56 near . (All the numbers are two-digit numbers.)

15. Which step number is the following output?
two thus so one near and 90 88 make 56 12 15 18 21
  1.  Step V
  2.  Step VI
  3.  Step IV
  4.  Step III
  5.  There is no such step

16. How many elements (words or numbers) are there between `make' and '18' as they appear in last but one step?
  1.  3
  2.  4
  3.  5
  4.  2
  5.  6

17. How many steps would be required to get the final output?
  1.  Five
  2.  Six
  3.  Four
  4.  Seven
  5.  None of these

18. Which of the following represents the position of 'and' in the fifth step?
  1.  Sixth from the left
  2.  Seventh from the left
  3.  Fourth from the right
  4.  Eighth from the left
  5.  Sixth from the right

19. Which word/number would be at fifth position from the right in Step VI?
  1.  12
  2.  18
  3.  90
  4.  and
  5.  15

20. Which word/number is fifth to the left of 12th word/number from the left end in Step V?
  1.  12
  2.  18
  3.  90
  4.  and
  5.  15   

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Reasoning Practice Test for SBI Bank Exams - Set 2 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 2, 2018 sponsored links Hi friends,  I am Shravan again. Here I am sharing Reasoning Practice Questions for upcoming SBI Bank exams. These ques...

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