Adda247 has come up with Test Series in Regional Languages. A flawless preparation is much required to appear for Railway Examination and thus we encourage you to practice with latest and relevant study material to crack Railway Recruitment Board's Exams. Taking the same into account, Dainik Bhaskar will be conducting an All India Mock co-powered by Adda247 for Railway Group-D & ALP/ Technicians Exam 2018.
This year Language is not a barrier, if you are not fluent in Hindi, English or Urdu, you can choose to attempt railway recruitment exam in your regional language. And to help all aspirants to practice in their preferred language medium Adda247 is providing 10 Full Length Mocks in 7 out of 15 Regional Languages.
This year Language is not a barrier, if you are not fluent in Hindi, English or Urdu, you can choose to attempt railway recruitment exam in your regional language. And to help all aspirants to practice in their preferred language medium Adda247 is providing 10 Full Length Mocks in 7 out of 15 Regional Languages.
Government of India released a pleasant notice for those aspirants who always find it an uphill task to take exams in other than their regional languages as they are solemnly reliant and confident only when they find Question Paper in their own familiar language. Considering this, question paper of Railway Exam will be available in different sets of 15 languages which are mentioned below:-
Kannada, | Konkani, | Malayalam, | Manipuri, | Marathi, |
Punjabi, | Tamil, | Telugu | Gujarati, | Odia, |
We are pleased to announce launch of Railways Group D and ALP papers in regional languages.
Railway Practice Sets:
Our motive is to ease the access of Railway aspirants in getting a strategically planned content prepared by previous years toppers and experts to make the best of their efforts in getting their dream job. Adda247 is burning the midnight oil in extending the quality of study material to the pinnacle. Getting an error-free and high skilled content at a decent price will be something really beneficial for all the eager beaver aspirants. In the long run, the only thing that matters is you cracking the exam and living the life you have always wished for, no matter what you had to pay dearly in the course meanwhile. And, only practice along with hard and fast determination is the key to unlock the door of success.
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