Important Static Questions for SSC & Railway Exam 2018: 21st June

June 21, 2018    

Dear Readers, GA section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on scaffold website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.

Q1. Who developed the first working laser? 
वर्किंग लेजर किसने विकसित किया?
(a) Sir Frank Whittle / सर फ्रैंक व्हिटल
(b) Fred Morrisson / फ्रेड मोर्रिसन
(c) T.H. Maiman / टी. एच. मैमन
(d) Dr. Charles H. Jones/ डॉ. चार्ल्स एच. जोन्स 
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Sol. Theodore Maiman developed the first working laser at Hughes Research Lab in 1960, and his paper describing the operation of the first laser was published in Nature three months later.

Q2. March 8th is observed as 
8 मार्च को ________मनाया जाता है
(a) World Environment day / विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस
(b) Heritage day / विरासत दिवस
(c) International Women’s day / अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस
(d) Youth day / युवा दिवस
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Sol. In the West, International Women's Day was first observed as a popular event after 1977 when the United Nations General Assembly invited member states to proclaim March 8 as the UN Day for women's rights and world peace.

Q3. Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan and Padma Shree are given on the eve of
________की पूर्व संध्या पर भारत रत्न, पद्म विभूषण और पद्मश्री दिया गया.
(a) Republic Day/ गणतंत्र दिवस
(b) Independence Day/ स्वतंत्रता दिवस
(c) Gandhi Jayanti/ गांधी जयंती
(d) Pravasi Bhartiya Divas/ प्रवासी भारतीय दिवस
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Sol. Any civilian who has shown great achievements in their field of professional work are considered eligible for this award. Various decorations which come under civilian awards of India – Bharat Ratna, Padma Shri, Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan. These awards have a degree of reputation and honour.

Q4. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) came into existence with:
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष (IMF) के साथ अस्तित्व में आया:
(a) Berlin Conference/ बर्लिन सम्मेलन
(b) London Conference/ लंदन सम्मेलन
(c) Brettonwoods Conference/ ब्रेटनवुड सम्मेलन
(d) Rome Conference/ रोम सम्मेलन
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Sol. IMF formed in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference primarily by the ideas of Harry Dexter White and John Maynard Keynes, it came into formal existence in 1945 with 29 member countries and the goal of reconstructing the international payment system.

Q5. Who invented the video-tape? 
वीडियो टेप का आविष्कार किसने किया?
(a) Richard James / रिचर्ड जेम्स
(b) Charles Ginsberg / चार्ल्स गिन्सबर्ग
(c) P.T. Farnsworth / पी.टी. फार्नवर्थ
(d) Georges De Mestral / जॉर्जेस डी मेस्ट्रल
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Sol. Charles Ginsburg led the research team at Ampex Corporation in developing one of the first practical videotape recorders or VTRs in 1951.

Q6. United Bank of India (UBI) is one of the 14 major banks which were nationalized on July 19, 1969. What is the tagline of UBI? 
यूनाइटेड बैंक ऑफ इंडिया (यूबीआई) 19 जुलाई, 1969 को राष्ट्रीयकृत 14 प्रमुख बैंकों में से एक है UBI की टैगलाइन क्या है?
(a) The name you can bank upon
(b) The bank that begins with 'U'
(c) Together with us
(d) Tradition of trust
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Sol. United Bank of India (UBI) is one of the 14 major banks which were nationalized on July 19, 1969. Its predecessor the United Bank of India Ltd., was formed in 1950 with the amalgamation of four banks viz. Comilla Banking Corporation Ltd. (1914), Bengal Central Bank Ltd. (1918), Comilla Union Bank Ltd. (1922) and Hooghly Bank Ltd. (1932). 

Q7. Indian state Manipur is sometimes called as Kangleipak or Sanaleibak. Where is the capital of Manipur?
भारतीय राज्य मणिपुर को कभी-कभी कंगलीपक या सनलेबाक कहा जाता है. मणिपुर की राजधानी कहां है?
(a) Imphal / इम्फाल
(b) Aizwal/ ऐजवाल
(c) Shillong/ शिलांग
(d) Guwahati/ गुवाहाटी
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Sol. Manipur is a state in northeastern India, with the city of Imphal as its capital.It is bounded by Nagaland to the north, Mizoram to the south, and Assam to the west; Burma (Myanmar) lies to its east. The capital was split into east and west Imphal in 1997 and is known as west Imphal and east Imphal.

Q8. Karagam is the folk dance of which state of India?
भारत के किस राज्य का लोक नृत्य करगम है?
(a) Rajasthan/ राजस्थान
(b) Tamil Nadu / तमिलनाडु
(c) Kerala/ केरल
(d) Maharashtra/ महाराष्ट्र
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Sol. Karagam dance is a folk dance performed in the Tamil Nadu state of India. It is believed that Karagam is originated in Thanjavur, a village in Tamil Nadu. The villagers perform this dance in praise of the rain goddess "Mari Amman" and the river goddess "Gangai Amman" as a part of their custom. The idol of Mariamman is carried in procession. This ritual is performed in the month of August. The dance is very popular in Tamil Nadu for its intricate movements and the way dancers balance pot on their heads.

Q9. Himachal Pradesh is a state in North India. Who is the incumbent (27th) Governor of Himachal Pradesh?
हिमाचल प्रदेश उत्तर भारत में एक राज्य है. हिमाचल प्रदेश के मौजूदा (27 वें) राज्यपाल कौन हैं?
(a) Dr. Senayangba Chubatoshi Jamir/ डॉ सेन्यांगबा चुबतोशी जामिर
(b) Nirbhay Sharma/ निर्भय शर्मा
(c) Jyoti Prasad Rajkhowa/ ज्योति प्रसाद राजखोवा
(d) Acharya Dev Vrat / आचार्य देव व्रत
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Sol. Acharya Dev Vrat is the Governor of Himachal Pradesh, serving since August 2015. He is an Arya Samaj pracharak and served previously as the principal of a Gurukul in Kurukshetra, Haryana. Being the Governor of Himachal Pradesh, he is also the ex-officio Chancellor of state universities of Himachal Pradesh.

Q10. The Keoladeo Ghana National Park lies between two of India's most historic cities, Agra and Jaipur in the Indian state ......?
केवलादेव घाना राष्ट्रीय उद्यान भारत के दो सबसे ऐतिहासिक शहरों, आगरा और जयपुर के बीच भारतीय राज्य में स्थित है-
(a) Uttar Pradesh/ उत्तर प्रदेश
(b) Rajasthan/ राजस्थान
(c) Delhi/ दिल्ली
(d) Haryana/ हरियाणा
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Sol. Formerly known as the Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, the Keoladeo National Park is recognised as one of the world’s most important bird breeding and feeding grounds. In 1982, Keoladeo was declared a national park and then later listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985. The park is home to over 370 species of birds and animals such as the basking python, painted storks, deer, nilgai and more.

Q11. Hornbill Festival is celebrated in which among the following states of India?
निम्नलिखित में से भारत के किस राज्य में हॉर्नबिल फेस्टिवल मनाया जाता है?
(a) Manipur / मणिपुर
(b) Nagaland/ नागालैंड
(c) Mizoram / मिजोरम
(d) Meghalaya/ मेघालय
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Sol. The Hornbill festival is a celebration held every year in the first week of December, in Nagaland, North-east India. It is also called as the 'Festival of Festivals'.

Q12. Who among the following is a winner of the Indira Gandhi Award for National integration?
निम्नलिखित में से राष्ट्रीय एकीकरण के लिए इंदिरा गांधी पुरस्कार का विजेता कौन सा है?
(a) Bharti Kher/ भारती खेर
(b) Malini Subramaniam/ मालिनी सुब्रमण्यम
(c) Ramendra Bahuguna/ रामेंद्र बहुगुणा
(d) Balraj Puri/ बलराज पुरी
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Sol. The Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration is a prestigious award accorded by the Indian National Congress, after former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi. Balraj Puri was an Indian Political commentator and human rights activist.

Q13. Who is the author of Business@ speed of Thought?
बिजनेस@स्पीड ऑफ थॉट के लेखक कौन हैं?
(a) Dick Francis/ डिक फ्रांसिस
(b) John Gray/ जॉन ग्रे
(c) Bill Gates/ बिल गेट्स
(d) David Baldacci/ डेविड बालडिची
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Sol. Business @ the Speed of Thought is a book written by Bill Gates and Collins Hemingway in 1999. It discusses how business and technology are integrated, and explains how digital infrastructures and information networks can help someone get an edge on the competition.

Q14. Chakan Gaan-Ngai, a post-harvest festival is celebrated in ___________.
फसल कटाई के बाद चकन गान-नगाई का त्यौहार ___________ में मनाया जाता है.
(a) Manipur/ मणिपुर
(b) Sikkim/ सिक्किम
(c) Meghalaya/ मेघालय
(d) Arunachal Pradesh/ अरुणाचल प्रदेश
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Sol. Celebration of the biggest post-harvest festival of the Zeliangrong community, Chakan Gaan-Ngai, also popularly known as Gaan-Ngai was kick-started in Manipur recently with different organizations celebrating the festival in their own manner with traditional gaiety and religious fervour. The State Level celebration of the festival was organized by State Level Gaan Ngai-2013 Committee at Langol Tarung village with Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh as Chief Guest.

Q15. Which company invented the transistor radio?
 किस कंपनी ने ट्रांजिस्टर रेडियो का आविष्कार किया?
(a) Sony / सोनी
(b) Grundig / ग्रुंडिग
(c) Panasonic / पैनासोनिक
(d) Texas Instruments/ टेक्सस इंस्ट्रूमेंट्स
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Sol. Two companies working together, Texas Instruments of Dallas, Texas and Industrial Development Engineering Associates (I.D.E.A.) of Indianapolis, Indiana, were behind the unveiling of the Regency TR-1, the world's first commercially produced transistor radio.

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Important Static Questions for SSC & Railway Exam 2018: 21st June 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 21, 2018 Dear Readers, GA section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the...

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