Important Current Affairs Questions for RRB ALP/Technician Exam 2018: 22nd June

June 22, 2018    

Dear Readers, SSC CHSL examination & Railway Exam both will be conducted in online mode. GA on current affairs section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on sscadda website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.

Q1. The 4th International Yoga Day is being celebrated across the globe on ______________.
चौथा अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस दुनिया भर में ______________ को मनाया गया.
(a) 15 June/15 जून
(b) 11 June/11 जून
(c) 21 June/21 जून
(d) 22 June/22 जून
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Sol. The 4th International Yoga Day is being celebrated across the globe on 21st of June. In India Prime Minister Narendra Modi led thousands of people in performing yoga asanas, in the main event organised at Forest Research Institute in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. The theme for Yoga Day 2018 is "Yoga for Harmony and Peace".

Q2. Name the Chief Economic Advisor (CEA) of India who had resigned recently from the post and will return to the US because of "pressing family commitments".
भारत के मुख्य आर्थिक सलाहकार (CEA) का नाम बताएं जिन्होंने हाल ही में अपने पद से इस्तीफा दे दिया है और "पारिवारिक प्रतिबद्धताओं को दबाकर" अमेरिका लौट जायेंगे.
(a) Arvind Subramanian/ अरविंद सुब्रमण्यम
(b) Devendra Jha/ देवेंद्र झा
(c) Bhairab Dutt Pande/ भैरब दत्त पांडे
(d) Ram Madhav/ राम माधव
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Sol. The Chief Economic Advisor (CEA) of India, Arvind Subramanian had resigned from the post and will return to the US because of "pressing family commitments". The announcement was made by Mr Arun Jaitley.

Q3. In which of the following country, President Ram Nath Kovind had observed the International Yoga day along with his counterpart?
राष्ट्रपति राम नाथ कोविंद ने निम्नलिखित में से किस देश में अपने समकक्ष के साथ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस मनाया?
(a) Cuba/ क्यूबा
(b) Suriname/ सूरीनाम
(c) Greece/ ग्रीस (यूनान)
(d) Luxembourg/ लक्समबर्ग
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Sol. President Ram Nath Kovind reached Suriname capital Paramaribo on the second leg of his three-nation tour to Greece, Suriname and Cuba. He was received at the Paramaribo airport by Suriname President Desire Delano Bouterse. Mr Kovind was given a Guard of Honour. President Ram Nath Kovind observed the Yoga day in Suriname along with his counterpart Desire Delano Bouterse. This will be the first time that heads of two countries will together participate in the International Yoga day.

Q4. ________________ from Nasik and _________________ in Mumbai have been selected as recipients of the Prime Minister’s award for outstanding contribution for promotion and development of yoga for the year 2018.
मुंबई में ________________ से नासिक और _________________ को 2018 के लिए योग के प्रचार और विकास के उत्कृष्ट योगदान के लिए प्रधान मंत्री पुरस्कार के प्राप्तकर्ता के रूप में चुना गया है.
(a) K. Pattabhi Jois, The Yogpeeth/ के. पट्टाभी जोइस, द योगपीठ
(b) B. K. S. Iyengar, The Gyanpeeth/ बी के एस इयनगर, द ज्ञानपीठ
(c) Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, The Yog Vidyapeeth/ महर्षि महेश योगी, योग विद्यापिठ
(d) Vishwas Mandalik, The Yoga Institute/ विश्व मंडलिक, योग संस्थान
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Sol. Vishwas Mandalik from Nasik and the Yoga Institute in Mumbai have been selected as recipients of the Prime Minister’s award for outstanding contribution for promotion and development of yoga for the year 2018. The selection was done from among 186 nominations received under different categories.

Q5. Under ‘India Smart Cities Award' 2018, which of the following city has been awarded for showcasing "great momentum" in the implementation of projects under the Smart Cities Mission, according to the Housing and Urban Affairs (HUA) Ministry?
आवास और शहरी मामले (HUA) मंत्रालय के मुताबिक, स्मार्ट इंडिया मिशन के तहत परियोजनाओं के कार्यान्वयन में "अविश्वसनीय गति" को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए 'भारत स्मार्ट सिटी अवॉर्ड्स' 2018 के तहत निम्नलिखित शहर में से किस शहर को दिया गया है?
(a) Guwahati/ गुवाहाटी
(b) Shillong/ शिलांग
(c) Surat/ सूरत
(d) Shimla/ शिमला
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Sol. Under ‘India Smart Cities Award' 2018, Surat has been awarded for showcasing "great momentum" in the implementation of projects under the Smart Cities Mission, according to the Housing and Urban Affairs (HUA) Ministry. Bhopal and Ahmedabad were selected in the ‘Innovative Idea' category for their "transformative approach towards sustainable integrated development".

Q6. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) revised the upwards housing loan limits under Priority Sector Lending (PSL). Housing loans of up to Rs 35 lakh for residences costing less than _____________ will now be treated as Priority Sector Lending (PSL) to give a boost to the low-cost segment.
भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक (आरबीआई) ने प्राथमिकता क्षेत्र ऋण (PSL) के तहत ऊपरी आवास ऋण सीमा में संशोधन किया है. _________ से कम की लागत वाले आवासों के लिए 35 लाख रुपये के आवास ऋण को अब कम लागत वाले सेगमेंट को बढ़ावा देने के लिए प्राथमिकता क्षेत्र ऋण (PSL) के रूप में माना जाएगा.
(a) Rs 25 lakh/25 लाख रुपये
(b) Rs 55 lakh/55 लाख रुपये
(c) Rs 65 lakh/65 लाख रुपये
(d) Rs 45 lakh/45 लाख रुपये
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Sol. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) revised the upwards housing loan limits under Priority Sector Lending (PSL). Housing loans of up to Rs 35 lakh for residences costing less than Rs 45 lakh will now be treated as Priority Sector Lending (PSL) to give a boost to the low-cost segment. The housing loan limits for eligibility under priority sector lending will be revised to Rs 35 lakh in metropolitan centres and to Rs 25 lakh in other centres.

Q7. In which of the following state, the world's first of its kind and state-of-the-art International Centre for ‘Humanitarian Forensics’ (ICHF) was launched?
निम्नलिखित राज्यों में से, दुनिया के पहले प्रकार का 'अत्याधुनिक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय केंद्र' मानवतावादी फोरेंसिक '(आईसीएचएफ) लॉन्च किया गया था?
(a) Maharashtra/ महाराष्ट्र
(b) Gujarat/ गुजरात
(c) Kerala/ केरल
(d) Karnataka/ कर्नाटक
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Sol. The world's first of its kind and state-of-the-art International Centre for ‘Humanitarian Forensics’ (ICHF) was launched at the Gujarat Forensic Sciences University in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. The main aim of the Centre would be to provide service to the nation and to the entire world when the need arises.

Q8. According to Mr Raghvendra Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Culture, MoU/MoUs has/have been signed under ‘Adopt a Heritage’ scheme. The MoU/MoUs signed under this scheme is/are _________________.
संस्कृति मंत्रालय के सचिव श्री राघवेंद्र सिंह के अनुसार, 'विरासत को अपनाना' योजना के तहत सहमति ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किए गए हैं. इस योजना के तहत हस्ताक्षरित सहमति ज्ञापन _________________ हैं।
(a) Mougnt Stok Kangri Trek Route, Ladakh/ मौग्न स्टोक कांगरी ट्रेक रूट, लद्दाख
(b) Gangotri Temple Area & Trail to Gaumukh, Uttarakhand/ गंगोत्री मंदिर क्षेत्र और ट्रेल गौमुख, उत्तराखंड में
(c) Only (a), (b) and (d)/ केवल (a), (b) और (d)
(d) Red Fort, Delhi and Gandikota Fort, Andhra Pradesh/ लाल किला, दिल्ली और गंडिकोता किला, आंध्र प्रदेश 
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Sol. Four MoUs have been signed under ‘Adopt a Heritage’ scheme and six more are at an advanced stage, according to Mr Raghvendra Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Culture.
The four MoUs include:
1. Mount Stok Kangri Trek Route, Ladakh: The MoU for adoption was signed between Ministry of Tourism, Adventure Tour Operators Association of India (ATOAI) and the state government of Jammu & Kashmir.
2. Gangotri Temple Area & Trail to Gaumukh, Uttarakhand: The MoU was signed between Ministry of Tourism, ATOAI and Uttarakhand Government.
3. Red Fort, Delhi: The MoU was signed between Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Culture, ASI and Dalmia Bharat Limited.
4. Gandikota Fort, Andhra Pradesh:  The MoU was signed between Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Culture, ASI and Dalmia Bharat Limited.

Q9. Name the tech giant that has acquired Flipgrid, an education start-up with an app that lets students record and share videos on specific topics with their classmates.
फ्लिप्रिड का अधिग्रहण करने वाले तकनीकी जायंट का नाम बताइए, जो एक ऐप के साथ एक शिक्षा स्टार्ट-अप है, जो छात्रों को अपने सहपाठियों के साथ विशिष्ट विषयों पर वीडियो रिकॉर्ड और साझा करने देता है
(a) Google/ गूगल
(b) Microsoft/ माइक्रोसॉफ्ट
(c) TCS/ टीसीएस
(d) Infosys/ इंफोसिस
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Sol. Microsoft has acquired Flipgrid, an education start-up with an app that lets students record and share videos on specific topics with their classmates. Microsoft is making Flipgrid free of charge.

Q10. What was the theme for 4th International Yoga Day 2018?
चौथे अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस 2018 का विषय क्या था?
(a) Yoga for Harmony/ सद्भाव के लिए योग
(b) Yoga for Health/ स्वास्थ्य के लिए योग
(c) Yoga for Harmony and Peace/ सद्भाव और शांति के लिए योग
(d) Yoga for Peace/ शांति के लिए योग
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Sol. The 4th International Yoga Day is being celebrated across the globe on 21st of June. In India Prime Minister Narendra Modi led thousands of people in performing yoga asanas, in the main event organised at Forest Research Institute in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. The theme for Yoga Day 2018 is "Yoga for Peace".

Q11. The World Music Day is celebrated across the world on ____________.
विश्व संगीत दिवस दुनिया भर में ____________ को मनाया जाता है.
(a) 22 June/22 जून
(b) 20 June/20 जून
(c) 15 June/15 जून
(d) 21 June/21 जून
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Sol. The World Music Day is celebrated across the world on 21 June. The day is also known as 'Fete de la Musique' after a music festival that began in France in 1982. This Day was first celebrated on 21st June 1982.

Q12. India and __________ have reaffirmed their commitment to promote bilateral relations and agreed to enhance economic cooperation, particularly in sustainable water development.
 भारत और __________ ने द्विपक्षीय संबंधों को बढ़ावा देने के लिए अपनी प्रतिबद्धता की पुष्टि की है और विशेष रूप से टिकाऊ जल विकास में आर्थिक सहयोग बढ़ाने पर सहमत हुए हैं.
(a) Tajikistan/ तजाकिस्तान
(b) Afghanistan/ अफ़ग़ानिस्तान
(c) Azerbaijan/ अज़रबैजान
(d) Oman/ ओमान
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Sol. India and Tajikistan have reaffirmed their commitment to promote bilateral relations and agreed to enhance economic cooperation, particularly in sustainable water development. Nitin Gadkari, the Union  Minister for Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Road Transport & Highways and Shipping held wide-ranging talks with Sirodjidin Muhridin, Foreign Minister of Tajikistan in Dushanbe.

Q13. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has approved amendments to buyback and takeover regulations and changed the time for announcing the price band of initial public offering (IPO) from 5 to ____________.
भारतीय प्रतिभूति और विनिमय बोर्ड (सेबी) ने बायबैक और अधिग्रहण के नियमों में संशोधन को मंजूरी दे दी है और प्रारंभिक सार्वजनिक पेशकश (आईपीओ) के मूल्य बैंड की घोषणा 5 से ____________ तक करने के लिए समय बदल दिया है.
(a) 4 days/4 दिन
(b) 3 days/3 दिन
(c) 2 days/2 दिन
(d) 1 day/1 दिन
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Sol. The Securities and Exchange Board (SEBI) has approved amendments to buyback and takeover regulations and changed the time for announcing the price band of initial public offering (IPO) from 5 to 2 days, according to the chairman of SEBI, Ajay Tyagi.

Q14. Havana is the capital city of _____________.
हवाना _____________ की राजधानी है.
(a) Greece/ग्रीस
(b) Cuba/ क्यूबा
(c) Suriname/ सूरीनाम
(d) Belgium/ बेल्जियम
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Sol. Cuba Capital- Havana, Currency- Cuban Peso, President-Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez.

Q15. Name the present chairman of Mumbai-Headquartered SEBI.
सेबी के मुंबई-मुख्यालय के वर्तमान अध्यक्ष का नाम बताएं.
(a) S Christopher/ एस क्रिस्टोफर
(b) Deepak Juyal/ दीपक जुयाल
(c) Rajeev Mehrishi/ राजीव महर्षि
(d) Ajay Tyagi/ अजय त्यागी
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Sol. SEBI Chairman- Ajay Tyagi, Headquarters- Mumbai.

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