A word with the same spelling or sound as another, but the different meaning is known as a Homonym.
For Eg:
Quite (adv) means complete
Eg: He is quite opposite to me.
Quiet (adj) means calm
Eg: Keep quiet in the class.
For Eg:
Quite (adv) means complete
Eg: He is quite opposite to me.
Quiet (adj) means calm
Eg: Keep quiet in the class.
Below are some commonly confused words with the definitions and examples of their use.
1. Abdication: Addiction
Abdication – A formal resignation of and renunciation of powersFor Eg:
He himself abdicated from his position of Attorney General.
Addiction – A devotion to or an abnormally strong craving and dependence on something especially alcohol or narcotic drugs.
For Eg:
Addiction – A devotion to or an abnormally strong craving and dependence on something especially alcohol or narcotic drugs.
For Eg:
Suman is still trying to recover from her drug addiction.
For Eg:
2. Abjure: Adjure
Abjure- to renounce or give up rightsFor Eg:
Gowthama Buddha renounced all earthly pleasures.
Adjure – To repudiate
For Eg:
Adjure – To repudiate
For Eg:
He abjured his life of bad eating and drinking habits.
For Eg:
3. Ablution: Absolution
Ablution – A washing of one’s body, washing, cleaning, and bathing etc.For Eg:
Because of the heat, he felt the need for a daily ablution.
Absolution- Free from sin, guilt or blame
Absolution- A feeling from sin, guilt, or blame.
For Eg:
Absolution- Free from sin, guilt or blame
Absolution- A feeling from sin, guilt, or blame.
For Eg:
The priest gave absolution to church members which always makes the parishioners feel a great deal better.
For Eg :
4. Abstain: Abstemious
Abstain-To refrain from something by one’s own choiceFor Eg :
They themselves abstained from elections.
Abstemious- restraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol.
For Eg:
Abstemious- restraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol.
For Eg:
Her mother was known as an abstemious eater and drinker who always had healthy meals for her family.
For Eg:
5. Abundant: Redundant
Abundant – plentifulFor Eg:
Some parts of the world are abundant in natural resources.
Redundant – Surplus
For Eg:
Redundant – Surplus
For Eg:
She edited the report and removed any redundant information or statements.
For Eg:
6. Accelerate: Exhilarate
Accelerate – to speed upFor Eg:
Resting will often accelerate a person’s recovery from illness.
Exhilarate –to cause someone to feel very happy
For Eg:
Exhilarate –to cause someone to feel very happy
For Eg:
Knowing that our children will have passed their exam will certainly exhilarate us.
For Eg:
7. Accent: Ascent: Assent
Accent –A stress on a syllableFor Eg:
The word woman has its accent on the first syllable.
Ascent- A rising or climbing
For Eg:
Ascent- A rising or climbing
For Eg:
The ascent to the top of the mountain was very difficult.
Assent - to consent
For Eg:
Assent - to consent
For Eg:
He was willing to assent to her request.
For Eg:
8. Dam: Damn
Dam – A body of water controlled by an obstruction of earth, concrete etcFor Eg:
The dam was built to control the flow of river, unfortunately it is also endangering many building on the nearby land.
Damn – to doom
For Eg:
Damn – to doom
For Eg:
Some people believe that morale misconduct by those who commit such acts will damn them to eternal punishment.
For Eg:
9. Deadly: Deathly
Deadly- extremely accurate and effectiveFor Eg:
He had a deadly aim with his bow and arrow.
Deathly- close to death or dying
For Eg :
Deathly- close to death or dying
For Eg :
He became deathly ill.
For Eg:
10. Decease: Disease
Decease – to die or death.For Eg:
The newspaper carried out an article clarifying the decease of the popular doctor.
Disease –A condition that impairs the full and healthy conditioning of an animal, plant, human being.
For Eg :
Disease –A condition that impairs the full and healthy conditioning of an animal, plant, human being.
For Eg :
The crops in the field appeared to be dying of a disease which was turning the leaves down.
Finally, I want to conclude that English is full of words, which sound the same or similar yet have different meanings and which can easily confuse one. If you are uncertain about the correct spelling of a particular word, the only way to be certain is to look the word up in a dictionary and check the definition so that you are using the correct word.
Thank you.
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- http://www.bankexamstoday.com/2018/05/tricks-to-learn-homonyms.html
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