We are providing you with the test of the day which will help you in upcoming exams like Dena Bank PO 2018. From this, you can practice questions with the timer that will help you to improve speed. Dena Bank PO Exam 2018 is one of the biggest opportunity for you guys to grab on, set you own mark and proceed with full confidence. All the very best for your preparations and All the future exams.
Q1. The ISSF World Cup 2018 was held in-
The ISSF World Cup 2018 was held at Guadalajara in Mexico.
Q2. Name the state government that has launched KHUSHI scheme to provide free sanitary napkins to school girls across the state.
The Odisha government launched KHUSHI scheme to provide free sanitary napkins to school girls across the state. The scheme will be implemented by the health and family welfare department of the state at a cost of 70 crore per year.
Q3. India won the inaugural IBSF Snooker Team World Cup in Doha, Qatar. It has defeated ____________.
Sri Lanka
India won the inaugural IBSF Snooker Team World Cup in Doha, Qatar. India beat Pakistan by 3-2 in the best-of-five final. In the finals, Indian duo of Pankaj Advani and Manan Chandra staged a remarkable recovery after being 0-2 down.
Q4. The Union Minister of State (I/C) of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), Jitendra Singh launched the social media of a magazine on India-Israel relations. The magazine has been named as ___________.
India-Israel So Far, So Strong
Namaste Shalom
The Power of Two
Insrael- I
None of the given option is true
The Union Minister of State (I/C) of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), Dr Jitendra Singh, launched the social media of “Namaste Shalom”, a magazine on India-Israel relations. The magazine ‘Namaste Shalom’ is edited by Tarun Vijay, former MP.
Q5. Economic Survey sees average crude oil prices rising __________ in FY 2019.
The survey said that the oil price is expected to grow by average 12% in the FY19.
Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Q6. Statements
H = W, W ≤ R, R > F
I. R = H
II. R > H
If only conclusion I is true
If only conclusion II is true
If either conclusion I or conclusion II is true
If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true
If both conclusions I and II are true
I. R≥W=H(False)
II. R≥W=H(False)
II. R≥W=H(False)
Q7. Statements
M < T, T > K, K = D
I. D < T
II. K < M
If only conclusion I is true
If only conclusion II is true
If either conclusion I or conclusion II is true
If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true
If both conclusions I and II are true
I. D=K<T(True)
II. K<T>M(False)
II. K<T>M(False)
Q8. Statements
R ≤N, N ≥ F, F > B
I. F = R
II. B < N
If only conclusion I is true
If only conclusion II is true
If either conclusion I or conclusion II is true
If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true
If both conclusions I and II are true
I. F≤N≥R(False)
II. B<F≤N(True)
II. B<F≤N(True)
Q9. Statements
H > W, W < M, M ≥ K
I. K < W
II. H > M
If only conclusion I is true
If only conclusion II is true
If either conclusion I or conclusion II is true
If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true
If both conclusions I and II are true
I. K≤M>W(False)
II. H>W<M(False)
II. H>W<M(False)
Q10. Statements
R ≥ T, T = M, M > D
I. D < T
II. R ≥ M
If only conclusion I is true
If only conclusion II is true
If either conclusion I or conclusion II is true
If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true
If both conclusions I and II are true
I. D<M=T(True)
II. R≥T=M(True)
II. R≥T=M(True)
Q11. A cistern can be filled by two taps A and B coming from the same main pipeline in 20 and 30 minutes respectively. Both the taps are opened at the same time but due to partial closing of a valve in the main pipeline tap A was supplying only 4/5th of its capacity and tap B, 5/6th of its capacity. After some time, the valve in the main pipeline was opened fully thereby enabling the two taps to supply at full capacity. It took another 5 minutes to fill the cistern completely. What was the time for which the main pipeline was get partially closed?
7 minutes
9 minutes
11 minutes
13 minutes
6 minutes
Q12. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 20 hours and 25 hours respectively and a third pipe C can empty the tank in 50 hours. All of three pipes opened together and after some time pipe C is closed. If total time to fill the tank from beginning is 13 hours, find after how much time pipe C was closed?
11 hrs
9 hrs
8.5 hrs
7.5 hrs
10.5 hrs.
Q13. A starts a business with an initial investment of Rs 18000. After 4 months, B enters into the partnership with an investment of Rs 24000. Again, after two months, C enters with an investment of Rs 30000. If C receives Rs 1845 in the profit at the end of the year, what is total annual profit?
Rs 6027
Rs 6327
Rs 6527
Rs 6080
Rs 6800
Q14. A, B and C started a business by investing Rs 20,000, Rs 28,000 and Rs 36,000 respectively. After 6 months, A and B withdrew an amount of Rs 8,000 each and C invested an additional amount of Rs 8,000. All of them invested for equal period of time. If at the end of the year, C got Rs 12,550 as his share of profit, what was the total profit earned?
Rs 25,100
Rs 26,600
Rs 24,300
Rs 22,960
Rs 21,440
Q15. If the simple interest on a certain sum of money for 15 months at 7 ½ % p.a. exceeds the simple interest on the same sum for 8 months at 12 ½ % p.a. by Rs 32.50. The sum is
Rs. 312
Rs. 312.50
Rs. 3120
Rs. 3120. 50
None of these
Directions (16-20): In each of the question given below a/an idiom/phrase is given in bold which is then followed by five options which then try to decipher its meaning. Choose the option which gives the correct meaning of the phrases.
Q16. Tip of the iceberg
Beginning of a problem
First most item of any list
The crux of the whole problem that can be seen, with the more serious issues lying beneath
The main part of the situation that is visible as a problem but there is happiness lying inside
Acme of a mountain
The tip of the iceberg is the part of a problem that can be seen, with far more serious problems lying underneath.
Q17. Caught between two stools
To caught between two difficult situations
To find it difficult to choose between two alternatives
To accept the two tasks to be done mandatory at a time
To face two accidents at a time
None of the above
When someone finds it difficult to choose between two alternatives.
Q18. Devil's Advocate
To act as a witness of a criminal
To stab/attack from behind
To support someone wrong
To speak something wrong in the greed of getting money
To present a counter argument
To present a counter argument
Q19. Elvis has left the building
To relocate the residence
To evacuate in order to get safe
To leave the argument
To end the show or to make it over
To quit or to suicide
The show has come to an end. It's all over.
Q20. Give the benefit of the doubt
To believe someone without getting any proof or evidence
To get the reward of cheating someone
To get the praise of solving or resolving a doubtful situation
To steal someone's credit
To be hopeful of getting success
Believe someone's statement, without proof.
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- http://www.bankersadda.com/2018/05/test-of-day-for-dena-bank-po-exam-7.html
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