Dear Students,
English section is an integral part of SSC Exams.This is also a section that is feared by most of the candidates.Though the sheer number of concepts and rules may seem intimidating at first, with discipline and the right approach, it is not difficult to master these concepts and their application to questions. SSC CPO Exam is to be held from the month of June where English Language Section holds 50 questions containing 5 questions from each topic according to new SSC CPO Pattern . Also SSC CGL 2018 is the next target.
You need to gird up your loins to score maximum marks.Today, in this English quiz we are providing 15 Useful Antonyms Questions. To make you learn vocabulary effectively is the motive behind the provided quiz. Attempt this quiz and prepare yourself flawlessly. We wish you good luck for the upcoming Exams.
Directions (1-15): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the given word and click the button corresponding to it.
(a) Outlet
(b) Entrance
(c) Exit
(d) Escape
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(a) Nomad
(b) Settled
(c) Meandering
(d) Rambling
S1. Ans.(b)
Sol. Egress: A place or means of going out.
Hence Egress and Entrance are antonyms to each other.
Sol. Egress: A place or means of going out.
Hence Egress and Entrance are antonyms to each other.
(a) Nomad
(b) Settled
(c) Meandering
(d) Rambling
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(a) Pittance
(b) Plentitude
(c) Bushel
(d) Passel
(a) Unkempt
(b) Slobby
(c) Spruce
(d) Mussy
(a) Droopy
(b) Dejected
(c) Gladsome
(d) Wailing
S2. Ans.(b)
Sol. Vagrant: a person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to place and lives by begging.
Hence Vagrant and Settled are antonyms to each other.
Sol. Vagrant: a person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to place and lives by begging.
Hence Vagrant and Settled are antonyms to each other.
(a) Pittance
(b) Plentitude
(c) Bushel
(d) Passel
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S3. Ans.(a)
Sol. Fistful: a considerable amount.
Pittance: a small portion, amount, or allowance.
Hence Fistful and Pittance are antonyms to each other.
Sol. Fistful: a considerable amount.
Pittance: a small portion, amount, or allowance.
Hence Fistful and Pittance are antonyms to each other.
(a) Unkempt
(b) Slobby
(c) Spruce
(d) Mussy
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S4. Ans.(c)
Sol. Dowdy: not neatly or well dressed or cared for
Spruce: of a person) tidy and clean in appearance.
Unkempt: having an untidy or dishevelled appearance.
Slobby: lacking neatness in dress or person.
Hence Dowdy and Spruce are antonyms to each other.
Sol. Dowdy: not neatly or well dressed or cared for
Spruce: of a person) tidy and clean in appearance.
Unkempt: having an untidy or dishevelled appearance.
Slobby: lacking neatness in dress or person.
Hence Dowdy and Spruce are antonyms to each other.
(a) Droopy
(b) Dejected
(c) Gladsome
(d) Wailing
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S5. Ans.(c)
Sol. Downcast: feeling unhappiness.
Droopy: lacking strength or spirit.
Gladsome: having a cheerful disposition.
Wailing: manifest or feel deep sorrow for; lament.
Hence Downcast and Gladsome are antonyms to each other.
Sol. Downcast: feeling unhappiness.
Droopy: lacking strength or spirit.
Gladsome: having a cheerful disposition.
Wailing: manifest or feel deep sorrow for; lament.
Hence Downcast and Gladsome are antonyms to each other.
(a) Drool
(b) Articulate
(c) Jabber
(d) Babble
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S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. Drivel: to speak rapidly, inarticulately and usually unintelligibly.
Drool: saliva that has come out of your mouth.
Articulate: pronounce (something) clearly and distinctly.
Hence Drivel and Articulate are antonyms to each other.
Sol. Drivel: to speak rapidly, inarticulately and usually unintelligibly.
Drool: saliva that has come out of your mouth.
Articulate: pronounce (something) clearly and distinctly.
Hence Drivel and Articulate are antonyms to each other.
(a) Bowdlerize
(b) Approve
(c) Censor
(d) Cleanse
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S7. Ans.(b)
Sol. Expurgate: to remove objectionable parts from.
Bowdlerize: remove material that is considered improper or offensive.
Approve: to accept, allow, or officially agree to something:
Hence Expurgate and Approve are antonyms to each other.
Sol. Expurgate: to remove objectionable parts from.
Bowdlerize: remove material that is considered improper or offensive.
Approve: to accept, allow, or officially agree to something:
Hence Expurgate and Approve are antonyms to each other.
(b) Embolden
(c) Unhinge
(d) Discomfit
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S8. Ans.(b)
Sol. Faze: to throw into a state of self-conscious distress.
Embolden: give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something.
Hence Faze and Embolden are antonyms to each other.
Sol. Faze: to throw into a state of self-conscious distress.
Embolden: give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something.
Hence Faze and Embolden are antonyms to each other.
(a) Scurrilous
(b) Vitriolic
(c) Truculent
(d) Gracious
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S9. Ans.(d)
Sol. Invective: Marked by harsh insulting language.
Scurrilous: humorously insulting.
Vitriolic: filled with bitter criticism or malice.
Truculent: eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively.
Gracious: courteous, kind, and pleasant.
Hence Invective and Gracious are antonyms to each other.
Sol. Invective: Marked by harsh insulting language.
Scurrilous: humorously insulting.
Vitriolic: filled with bitter criticism or malice.
Truculent: eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively.
Gracious: courteous, kind, and pleasant.
Hence Invective and Gracious are antonyms to each other.
(a) Magnate
(b) Powerless
(c) Notable
(d) Tycoon
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S10. Ans.(b)
Sol. Mogul: a person of rank, power or influence in a particular field.
Hence Mogul and Powerless are antonyms to each other.
Sol. Mogul: a person of rank, power or influence in a particular field.
Hence Mogul and Powerless are antonyms to each other.
(a) Orderliness
(b) Jumble
(c) Mess
(d) Chaos
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S11. Ans.(a)
Sol. Muddle: a state in which everything is out of order.
Hence Muddle and Orderliness are antonyms to each other.
Sol. Muddle: a state in which everything is out of order.
Hence Muddle and Orderliness are antonyms to each other.
Q12. OAF
(a) Dodo
(b) Dunce
(c) Genius
(d) Idiot
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S12. Ans.(c)
Sol. Oaf: a stupid person
Dodo: an old-fashioned and ineffective person.
Dunce: a person who is slow at learning; a stupid person.
Being opposite in meaning, Oaf and Genius are antonyms to each other.
Sol. Oaf: a stupid person
Dodo: an old-fashioned and ineffective person.
Dunce: a person who is slow at learning; a stupid person.
Being opposite in meaning, Oaf and Genius are antonyms to each other.
(a) Decline
(b) Emerge
(c) Slacken
(d) Dwindle
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S13. Ans.(b)
Sol. Pall: to grow less in scope or intensity.
Dwindle: diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength.
Emerge: become apparent or prominent.
Hence Pall and Emerge are antonyms to each other.
Sol. Pall: to grow less in scope or intensity.
Dwindle: diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength.
Emerge: become apparent or prominent.
Hence Pall and Emerge are antonyms to each other.
(a) Scruffiness
(b) Elegance
(c) Splendor
(d) Insensitive
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S14. Ans.(a)
Sol. Pulchritude: beauty
Scruffiness: the state of being unkempt or shabby.
Hence Pulchritude and Scruffiness are antonyms to each other.
Sol. Pulchritude: beauty
Scruffiness: the state of being unkempt or shabby.
Hence Pulchritude and Scruffiness are antonyms to each other.
(a) Stately
(b) Unimposing
(c) Royal
(d) Epic
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S15. Ans.(b)
Sol. Regal: large and impressive in size, grandeur, or extent.
Unimposing: not imposing or impressive in appearance.
Hence Regal and Unimposing are antonyms to each other.
Sol. Regal: large and impressive in size, grandeur, or extent.
Unimposing: not imposing or impressive in appearance.
Hence Regal and Unimposing are antonyms to each other.
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