Modern History Questions for SSC & Railway Exam 2018: 22nd May

May 22, 2018    

Dear Readers, GA section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on scaffold website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.

Q1. Who among the following took over the leadership of Salt Satyagraha after Mahatma Gandhi’s arrest?
महात्मा गांधी की गिरफ्तारी के बाद निम्नलिखित में से किसने नमक सत्याग्रह के नेतृत्व को संभाला था ?
(a) Rajendra prasad / राजेंद्र प्रसाद
(b) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel / सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल
(c) Abbas Tyabji / अब्बास तैय्यब जी
(d) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad / मौलाना अब्दुल कलम आज़ाद
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Sol.Mahatma Gandhi appointed Tyabji, at age seventy-six, to replace him as leader of the Salt Satyagraha in May 1930 after Gandhi's arrest. 

Q2. The leader of the Bardoli Satyagraha?
बारडोली सत्याग्रह के नेता कौन थे?
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad  / डॉ. राजेंद्र प्रसाद
(b) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru / पंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरू
(c) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel / सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल
(d) Acharya J. B. Kripalani / आचार्य जे बी कृपलानी
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Sol.The Bardoli Satyagraha, 1928 was a movement in the independence struggle led by Sardar Vallabhai Patel for the farmers of Bardoli against the unjust raising of taxes.

Q3. Naokhali is situated in which state —
नोवाखाली किस राज्य में स्थित है?
(a) Jharkhand / झारखंड
(b) Bangladesh / बांग्लादेश
(c) Assam / असम
(d) Bihar / बिहार
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Sol.Noakhali is a district in South-eastern Bangladesh. It is located in the Chittagong Division. Noakhali district, whose earlier name was Bhulua, was established in 1821.

Q4. What was the basis of transfer of power to India on 15th August by?
15 अगस्त पर  भारत द्वारा सत्ता हस्तांतरण का आधार क्या था?
(a) On this day the Indian National Congress had demanded “Poorna Swaraj” /इस दिन भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस ने "पूर्ण स्वराज" की मांग की थी
(b) On this day Mahatma Gandhi started ‘Quit India Movement’.  / इस दिन महात्मा गांधी ने 'भारत छोड़ो आंदोलन' शुरू किया
(c) Anniversary of formation of Interim Government  / अंतरिम सरकार के गठन की वर्षगांठ
(d) Anniversary of the surrender of Japanese army before Admiral Mountbatten  / एडमिरल माउंटबेटन से पहले जापानी सेना के आत्मसमर्पण की वर्षगांठ
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Sol.Operation Tiderace was the codename of the British plan to retake Singapore following the Japanese surrender in 1945.The liberation force was led by Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander of South East Asia Command. Tiderace was initiated in coordination with Operation Zipper, which involved the liberation of Malaya.

Q5. As per British Colonial Authorities “The father of the Indian unrest” was:
ब्रिटिश औपनिवेशिक प्राधिकरणों के अनुसार "भारतीय अशांति का जनक" कौन था?
(a) Motilal Nehru  / मोतीलाल नेहरू
(b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale / गोपाल कृष्ण गोखले
(c) Vallabhbhai Patel / वल्लभभाई पटेल
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak / बाल गंगाधर तिलक
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Sol.Bal Gangadhar Tilak, was an Indian nationalist, teacher, social reformer, lawyer and an independence activist. He was the first leader of the Indian Independence Movement. The British colonial authorities called him "The father of the Indian unrest."

Q6. Mahatma Gandhi got his inspiration for Civil Disobedience from a book of:
महात्मा गांधी को उनकी पुस्तक नागरिक अवज्ञा के लिए प्रेरणा कहाँ से मिली थी ?
(a) Tuoreau  / टोरियो
(b) Ruskin / रस्किन
(c) Confucius / कन्फ्यूशियस
(d) Tolstoy / टॉल्स्टॉय
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Sol.Henry David Thoreau was an American essayist, poet, philosopher, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, and historian. 

Q7. The system of communal electorate in India was first introduced by :
भारत में सांप्रदायिक मतदाताओं की व्यवस्था पहली बार किसके द्वारा पेश की गई थी:
(a) Indian Council Act of 1892.  / 1892 का भारतीय परिषद अधिनियम
(b) Minto-Morley reforms of 1909 / 1909 के मिंटो-मोर्ले सुधार
(c) Montagu-Chelmsford reforms of 1919 / 1919 के मोंटगु-चेम्सफोर्ड सुधार
(d) Government of India of 1935 / 19 35 के भारत सरकार
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Sol.The reservation system pervasive in India emanated out of separate electorate system which was brought for the first time through Indian Councils Act, 1909.

Q8.The ultimate goal of Mahatma Gandhi’s Salt Satya graha was?
महात्मा गांधी के नमक सत्याग्रह का अंतिम लक्ष्य क्या था?
(a) repeal of Salt Satyagraha / नमक सत्याग्रह का खंडन
(b) curtailment of the Government’s power / सरकार की शक्ति की कमी
(c) economic relief to the common people / आम लोगों को आर्थिक राहत
(d) ‘Purna Swaraj’ for India / भारत के लिए 'पूर्ण स्वराज'
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Sol. The Salt Satyagraha campaign that began in 1930 sought to continue previous efforts that had attempted to undermine British colonial rule in India and establish Purna Swaraj (complete self-rule). 

Q9.Who started the Home Rule League ?
होम रूल लीग किसने शुरू की थी ?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi / महात्मा गाँधी
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak / बाल गंगाधर तिलक
(c) Jawahar Lal Nehru / जवाहर लाल नेहरु
(d) Rajendra Prasad / राजेंद्र प्रसाद
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Sol.The Indian Home Rule movement was a movement in British India on the lines of Irish Home Rule movement and other home rule movements. The movement lasted around two years between 1916–1918 and is believed to have set the stage for the independence movement under the leadership of Annie Besant and B. G. Tilak. 

Q10. What did the Hunter Commission appointed by the Viceroy to probe?
वायसरॉय द्वारा नियुक्त हंटर आयोग ने जांच के लिए क्या किया था?
(a) Bardoli Satayagraha / बारडोली सत्याग्रह
(b) Khilafat Agitation / खालाफट आंदोलन
(c) Jallianwala Bagh tragedy / जलियांवाला बाग हत्याकांड
(d) Chauri Chaura incident  /  चौरी चौरा घटना
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Sol.The Jallianwala Bagh massacre, also known as the Amritsar massacre, took place on 13 April 1919 when troops of the British Indian Army under the command of Colonel Reginald Dyer fired rifles into a crowd of Indians, who had gathered in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar, Punjab. 

Q11. Acharya Vinoba Bhave started the Individual Satyagraha in 1940 from?
आचार्य विनोबा भावे ने 1940 में व्यक्तिगत सत्याग्रह कहाँ शुरू किया था?
(a) Nadiad in Gujarat  / गुजरात में नडियाड
(b) Pavnar in Maharashtra / महाराष्ट्र में पवनार
(c) Adyar in Tamil Nadu / तमिलनाडु में आद्यार
(d) Guntur in Andhra Pradesh / आंध्र प्रदेश में गुंटूर
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Sol.The historical village Pavnar, situated 70 km south-west of Nagpur and 10kms north-east of Wardha, on the banks of Dham River was named after the legendary Rajput ruler Pavan. Major attractions of Pavnar are Gandhi Kuti and the Paramdham Ashram of Acharya Vinoba Bhave (Vinoba Ashram), the great social reformer and campaigner.

Q12. In which year the first Telegraph line between Calcutta and Agra was opened?
कलकत्ता और आगरा के बीच किस वर्ष पहली टेलीग्राफ लाइन खोली गई थी?
(a) 1852
(b) 1853
(c) 1854
(d) 1855
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Sol.India's first experiment with an electric telegram took place in 1839 after which the service developed in leaps and bounds. Lord Dalhousie paved the way for the Imperial Telegraph Department in 1850.

Q13. The Swadeshi Movement was launched 
स्वदेशी आंदोलन शुरू किया गया था:
(a) as a protest against division of Bengal /  बंगाल के विभाजन के खिलाफ एक विरोध के रूप में
(b) with a view to improve the economic condition of the people by encouraging consumption of Indian goods / भारतीय वस्तुओं की खपत को प्रोत्साहित करके लोगों की आर्थिक स्थिति में सुधार के लिए
(c) as a protest against the massacre of Indian people at Jallianwala Bagh / जलियांवाला बाग हत्याकांड में भारतीय लोगों के नरसंहार के खिलाफ एक विरोध के रूप में
(d) due to the failure of the British Government to introduce responsible Government in India / ब्रिटिश सरकार की भारत में जिम्मेदार सरकार शुरू करने की विफलता के कारण
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Sol.The Swadesh Movement had its genesis in the anti-partition movement which was stated to oppose the British decision to partition Bengal. 

Q14.Name of the first Indian to be elected to the British Parliament?
ब्रिटिश संसद में चुने जाने वाले पहले भारतीय का नाम बताईये?
(a) Dadabhai Naoroji / दादाभाई नौरोजी
(b) Gopala Krishna Gokhale / गोपाल कृष्ण गोखले
(c) Bipin Chandra Pal / बिपिन चन्द्र पाल
(d) Lala Lajpat Rai / लाला लाजपतराय 
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Sol.Dadabhai Naoroji, known as the Grand Old Man of India, was a Parsi intellectual, educator, cotton trader, and an early Indian political and social leader.

Q15. When was the first passenger train run in India?
भारत में पहली यात्री ट्रेन कब चली थी?
(a) January 1848 / जनवरी 1848
(b) April 1853 / अप्रैल 1853
(c) May 1857 / मई 1857
(d) April 1852 / अप्रैल1852
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Sol.The country's first passenger train, which ran between Bombay's Bori Bunder station and Thane on 16 April 1853, was dedicated by Lord Dalhousie.

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