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Q1. The President of India enjoys emergency powers of—
भारत के राष्ट्रपति के पास __________आपातकालीन शक्तियां होती है.
(a) two types / दो प्रकार
(b) three types/ तीन प्रकार
(c) four types / चार प्रकार
(d) five types / पांच प्रकार
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Sol.The Constitution of India in Part XVIII provides three different types of emergency (National, State, and Financial) and in each case, the President is empowered to declare the emergency.
The emergency provisions of our Constitution (Articles 352-360) are enumerated as follows:
Proclamation of National Emergency (due to war or armed rebellion or external aggression). (Article 352)
2. Proclamation of State Emergency (due to the failure of constitutional machinery), (Article 356)
3. Proclamation of Financial Emergency (due to badly shaken of financial stability)(Article 360).
Sol.The Constitution of India in Part XVIII provides three different types of emergency (National, State, and Financial) and in each case, the President is empowered to declare the emergency.
The emergency provisions of our Constitution (Articles 352-360) are enumerated as follows:
Proclamation of National Emergency (due to war or armed rebellion or external aggression). (Article 352)
2. Proclamation of State Emergency (due to the failure of constitutional machinery), (Article 356)
3. Proclamation of Financial Emergency (due to badly shaken of financial stability)(Article 360).
Q2. The item ‘Education’ belongs to the—
'शिक्षा' विषय किससे सम्बन्धित है ?
(a) Union List / संघ सूची
(b) State List / राज्य सूची
(c) Concurrent List / समवर्ती सूची
(d) Residuary subject / अवशिष्ट विषय
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Sol.The Constitution of India provides for a division of powers between the Union (Centre) and states. It divides all the subjects into 3 lists – The Union List (97 Subjects), State List (66 Subjects), and Concurrent List (47 Subjects) the Union List describe the subjects under the control Centre Government, the State List describes the subjects under the jurisdiction of states being the Concurrent List describes the subjects which are under the joint jurisdiction of the Centre of States. The subjects which do not fall in these lists i.e. residuary subjects have been given to the Centre.
Sol.The Constitution of India provides for a division of powers between the Union (Centre) and states. It divides all the subjects into 3 lists – The Union List (97 Subjects), State List (66 Subjects), and Concurrent List (47 Subjects) the Union List describe the subjects under the control Centre Government, the State List describes the subjects under the jurisdiction of states being the Concurrent List describes the subjects which are under the joint jurisdiction of the Centre of States. The subjects which do not fall in these lists i.e. residuary subjects have been given to the Centre.
Q3. How many times the President of India can seek re-election to his post?
भारत का राष्ट्रपति अपने पद पर पुनः निर्वाचन का प्रयास कितनी बार कर सकता हैं?
(a) once / एक बार
(b) 2 times / दो बार
(c) 3 times/ तीन बार
(d) any number of times / कई बार
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Sol.In India, according to Article 57 of the Constitution the President can be elected for the second term, but there is no restriction on him to contest for the third term. Our ex-President, Dr. Rajendra Prasad contested only twice and refused to contest for the third time.
Sol.In India, according to Article 57 of the Constitution the President can be elected for the second term, but there is no restriction on him to contest for the third term. Our ex-President, Dr. Rajendra Prasad contested only twice and refused to contest for the third time.
Q4. Which of the following appointments is NOT made by the President of India?
भारत के राष्ट्रपति द्वारा निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी नियुक्तियां नहीं की गई हैं?
(a) Speaker of the Lok Sabha / लोकसभा के अध्यक्ष
(b) Chief Justice of India / भारत के मुख्य न्यायाधीश
(c) The Comptroller and Auditor General / नियंत्रक और महालेखा परीक्षक
(d) The Chief Election Commissioner / मुख्य निर्वाचन आयुक्त
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Sol.Serving for a term of five years, the Speaker chosen from amongst the members of the Lok Sabha, and is by convention a member of the ruling party or alliance.
Sol.Serving for a term of five years, the Speaker chosen from amongst the members of the Lok Sabha, and is by convention a member of the ruling party or alliance.
Q5. What is the maximum age limit prescribed for the post of the President of India?
भारत के राष्ट्रपति पद के लिए निर्धारित अधिकतम आयु सीमा क्या है?
(a) 58 years / 58 वर्ष
(b) 60 years / 60 वर्ष
(c) 62 years / 62 वर्ष
(d) There is no maximum age limit / कोई अधिकतम आयु सीमा नहीं है
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Sol.Article 58 of the Constitution sets the principle qualifications one must meet to be eligible to the office of the President. A President must be:
-a citizen of India
-of 35 years of age or above
-qualified to become a member of the Lok Sabha
Sol.Article 58 of the Constitution sets the principle qualifications one must meet to be eligible to the office of the President. A President must be:
-a citizen of India
-of 35 years of age or above
-qualified to become a member of the Lok Sabha
Q6. How many Fundamental Duties are in the Indian Constitution?
भारतीय संविधान में कितने मौलिक कर्तव्य शामिल है?
(a) Nine / नौ
(b) Eleven / ग्यारह
(c) Twelve / बारह
(d) Twenty / बीस
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Q7. Which article of the Indian Constitution provides for the Constitution of Panchayati Raj?
भारतीय संविधान का कौन सा अनुच्छेद पंचायती राज का संविधान प्रदान करता है?
(a) Article 36 / अनुच्छेद 36
(b) Article 39/ अनुच्छेद 39
(c) Article 40 / अनुच्छेद 40
(d) Article 48 / अनुच्छेद 48
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Sol.Article 40 in The Constitution Of India 1949
40. Organisation of village panchayats The State shall take steps to organize village panchayats and endow them with such powers and authority as may be necessary to enable them to function as units of self government.
Sol.Article 40 in The Constitution Of India 1949
40. Organisation of village panchayats The State shall take steps to organize village panchayats and endow them with such powers and authority as may be necessary to enable them to function as units of self government.
Q8. Rashtrapati Bhawan was designed by—
राष्ट्रपति भवन किसके द्वारा डिज़ाइन किया गया है?
(a) Edward stone / एडवर्ड स्टोन
(b) Le Corbusier / ले कारबूजयर
(c) Edwin Lutyens / एडविन लुटियंस
(d) Tarun Dutt / तरुण दत्त
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Q9. Which of the following is correctly matched?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा सही मिलान किया गया है?
(a) Part-II of the Constitution /संविधान के भाग- II — Fundamental Rights / मौलिक अधिकार
(b) Part-III of the Constitution / संविधान का भाग III — Citizenship / नागरिकता
(c) Part-IV A of the Constitution / संविधान के भाग -4 A —Fundamental Duties / मौलिक
(d) Part-V of the Constitution / संविधान के भाग- V —Directive Principles of the State Policy /
राज्य नीति के निर्देशक सिद्धांत
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Q10. Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution of India has provision for the President to proclaim National emergency?
भारत के संविधान के निम्नलिखित अनुच्छेदों में से राष्ट्रपति को किस एक द्वारा राष्ट्रीय आपातकाल घोषित करने का प्रावधान है?
(a) Article 352 / अनुच्छेद 352
(b) Article 355/ अनुच्छेद 355
(c) Article 356 / अनुच्छेद 356
(d) Article 360/ अनुच्छेद 360
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Q11. The method of Constitutional Amendment to provided in :
संवैधानिक संशोधन की विधि ____ में दी गई है:
(a) Article, 348 / अनुच्छेद 348
(b) Article 358 / अनुच्छेद 358
(c) Article 368 / अनुच्छेद 368
(d) Article 378 / अनुच्छेद 378
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Sol.Amending the Constitution of India is the process of making changes to the nation's fundamental law or supreme law. The procedure of amendment in the constitution is laid down in Part XX (Article 368) of the Constitution of India. This procedure ensures the sanctity of the Constitution of India and keeps a check on arbitrary power of the Parliament of India.
Sol.Amending the Constitution of India is the process of making changes to the nation's fundamental law or supreme law. The procedure of amendment in the constitution is laid down in Part XX (Article 368) of the Constitution of India. This procedure ensures the sanctity of the Constitution of India and keeps a check on arbitrary power of the Parliament of India.
Q12. Part III of the Constitution of India relates to —
भारत के संविधान का भाग III_________से सम्बन्धित है.
(a) Fundamental Rights / मौलिक अधिकार
(b) Directive Principles of State Policy / राज्य नीति के निर्देशक सिद्धांत
(c) Fundamental Duties / मौलिक कर्तव्य
(d) Citizenship / नागरिकता
भारत के संविधान का भाग III_________से सम्बन्धित है.
(a) Fundamental Rights / मौलिक अधिकार
(b) Directive Principles of State Policy / राज्य नीति के निर्देशक सिद्धांत
(c) Fundamental Duties / मौलिक कर्तव्य
(d) Citizenship / नागरिकता
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Sol.Fundamental Rights are the basic rights of the common people and inalienable rights of the people who enjoys it the charter of rights contained in Part III(Article 12 to 35) of Constitution of India.
Sol.Fundamental Rights are the basic rights of the common people and inalienable rights of the people who enjoys it the charter of rights contained in Part III(Article 12 to 35) of Constitution of India.
Q13. Which of the following is a Fundamental Duty in India?
इनमें से कौन सा भारत में मौलिक कर्तव्य है?
(a) Separation of judiciary from executive / कार्यकारी से न्यायपालिका का पृथक्करण
(b) To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture / हमारी समग्र संस्कृति की समृद्ध विरासत को महत्व और संरक्षित करने के लिए
(c) Free and compulsory education for children / बच्चों के लिए नि: शुल्क और अनिवार्य शिक्षा
(d) Abolition of Untouchability / अस्पृश्यता का उन्मूलन
इनमें से कौन सा भारत में मौलिक कर्तव्य है?
(a) Separation of judiciary from executive / कार्यकारी से न्यायपालिका का पृथक्करण
(b) To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture / हमारी समग्र संस्कृति की समृद्ध विरासत को महत्व और संरक्षित करने के लिए
(c) Free and compulsory education for children / बच्चों के लिए नि: शुल्क और अनिवार्य शिक्षा
(d) Abolition of Untouchability / अस्पृश्यता का उन्मूलन
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Sol.under Article 51A(f) of the Constitution, there is fundamental duty to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture.
Sol.under Article 51A(f) of the Constitution, there is fundamental duty to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture.
Q14. Right to Education Act (2002) was introduced to help which of the following group of society?
समाज के निम्नलिखित किस समूह की सहायता के लिए शिक्षा का अधिकार अधिनियम (2002) पेश किया गया था?
(a) Children of age of 6 to 14 years / 6 से 14 साल की उम्र के बच्चे
(b) College going teenagers / कॉलेज जाने वाले किशोर
(c) All adults who could not get formal education / सभी वयस्क जो औपचारिक शिक्षा नहीं प्राप्त कर सके
(d) Female students studying Senior Secondary School / सीनियर सेकेंडरी स्कूल में अध्ययन करने वाली महिला छात्र
समाज के निम्नलिखित किस समूह की सहायता के लिए शिक्षा का अधिकार अधिनियम (2002) पेश किया गया था?
(a) Children of age of 6 to 14 years / 6 से 14 साल की उम्र के बच्चे
(b) College going teenagers / कॉलेज जाने वाले किशोर
(c) All adults who could not get formal education / सभी वयस्क जो औपचारिक शिक्षा नहीं प्राप्त कर सके
(d) Female students studying Senior Secondary School / सीनियर सेकेंडरी स्कूल में अध्ययन करने वाली महिला छात्र
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Sol.The Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act, 2002 inserted Article 21-A in the Constitution of India to provide free and compulsory education of all children in the age group of six to fourteen years as a Fundamental Right in such a manner as the State may, by law, determine. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, which represents the consequential legislation envisaged under Article 21-A, means that every child has a right to full time elementary education of satisfactory and equitable quality in a formal school which satisfies certain essential norms and standards.
Sol.The Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act, 2002 inserted Article 21-A in the Constitution of India to provide free and compulsory education of all children in the age group of six to fourteen years as a Fundamental Right in such a manner as the State may, by law, determine. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, which represents the consequential legislation envisaged under Article 21-A, means that every child has a right to full time elementary education of satisfactory and equitable quality in a formal school which satisfies certain essential norms and standards.
Q15. By what term, the ten commandments of 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act are called?
42 वें संवैधानिक संशोधन अधिनियम के दस निर्देशों को किस नाम से जाना जाता है ?
(a) Fundamental Right / मौलिक अधिकार
(b) Fundamental Duties / मौलिक कर्तव्य
(c) Panchayati Raj Principles / पंचायती राज सिद्धांत
(d) Directive Principles of State Policy / राज्य नीति के निर्देशक सिद्धांत
42 वें संवैधानिक संशोधन अधिनियम के दस निर्देशों को किस नाम से जाना जाता है ?
(a) Fundamental Right / मौलिक अधिकार
(b) Fundamental Duties / मौलिक कर्तव्य
(c) Panchayati Raj Principles / पंचायती राज सिद्धांत
(d) Directive Principles of State Policy / राज्य नीति के निर्देशक सिद्धांत
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