Directions (1-10): In each of the question given below a/an idiom/phrase is given in bold which is then followed by five options which then tries to decipher its meaning as used in the sentence. Choose the option which gives the meaning of the phrase most appropriately in context of the given sentence.
Q1. Shyam can’t afford to buy that car! It costs an arm and a leg.
(a) something that can be found rarely
(b) something very expensive
(c) something very cheap
(d) something that is easily available
(e) none of the above
Q2. He found her dream house and has now landed an amazing job. He really does have the best of both worlds.
(a) to have lots of money to make the things done
(b) you can enjoy two different opportunities at the same time
(c) to play tricks in order to achieve targets
(d) to bribe someone
(e) to be honest
Q3. She might not be the most attractive but you can’t judge a book by its cover. I’m sure she is a sweetheart.
(a) to prove someone innocent
(b) to make someone a cheater
(c) to not judge someone or something based solely on appearance
(d) to select a book by seeing its contents
(e) to select a book by its quantity
Q4. John is just never on time to work, it’s really irritating. O wow, speak of the devil here she come.
(a) the person you're talking about actually turns out to be angry
(b) the person you're talking about actually turns out to be happy
(c) the person you’re just talking about actually turns up at that moment
(d) the person you're talking about actually turns out to be celebrating
(e) none of the above
Q5. We missed our flight to Paris because the connecting flight was late and to add insult to injury they made us pay for a new ticket as if it was our fault!
(a) to be compensated
(b) to make a situation worse
(c) to be reprimanded
(d) to be praised
(e) to be ruined
Q6. If I complete this last straw, I will complete this level.
(a) last stage of any work
(b) last thing in the series of distribution
(c) the final judgment on serious matters
(d) the final problem in a series of problems
(e) last page of any book
Q7. You must be tired after all day’s work. Would you like to wet your whistle?
(a) to take rest after a long day’s work
(b) to get admired by the whole working team
(c) to take a drink, especially an alcoholic drink.
(d) to have a power nap
(e) to go for a leave
Q8.The radio is really worse for the wear. Send it to the repair centre.
(a) that can’t be worn
(b) that needs a service
(c) in a poor condition
(d) in a good condition
(e) very old and unique
Q9. It is very sad that the backward class poor children get a raw deal in education.
(a) not to be provided with proper education
(b) not to be rewarded well
(c) not to be partially done
(d) not to be treated as well as others
(e) not to be provided with basic amenities
Q10. The border is surrounded by forces who mean business.
(a) being selfish
(b) being happy
(c) being serious or dedicated
(d) being worried
(e) being nostalgic
Directions (11-15): In each of the question given below a/an idiom/phrase is given in bold which is then followed by five options which then try to decipher its meaning. Choose the option which gives the correct meaning of the phrases.
Q11. Toot you own horn
(a) To boast about the achievements of oneself
(b) To always beat about the bush
(c) To end up in doing the loss of oneself
(d) To prove to be the best of all
(e) None of the above
Q12. To hear something straight from the horse's mouth
(a) To get rebuked or scolded by someone
(b) To hear something from the authoritative source
(c) To hear rumors about oneself by someone
(d) To hear something bad from an uncivilized person
(e) To hear something commendable for someone and then get jealous
Q13. Method to my madness
(a) A logistic approach to explain something complex
(b) A dogmatic attitude towards the solution of a problem
(c) A purpose in doing something that is seemingly crazy
(d) An intention that leads to craziness
(e) A solution from the way of madness
Q14. Whole nine yards
(a) A long distance
(b) All the levels of a game
(c) Wholly or completely
(d) Something
(e) Everything
Q15. Devil's Advocate
(a) To act as a witness of a criminal
(b) To stab/attack from behind
(c) To support someone wrong
(d) To speak something wrong in the greed of getting money
(e) To present a counter argument
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